| - Below is a list of Global Powers in Tropico 5 Per Era.
- In this TL the TL difference is that different civilizations arose in different areas at around 4000 BC. In Scandinavia the rivers of Finland and Sweden provide a good home for people who would have otherwise been several small city-states in the history of OTL. In Brasil great empires flourish and gun powder is discovered in North America. The Aborigines of Australia also form civilizations and giant stone cities. Scripture is different in this TL and so is some languages.
- Powers var en Marin Private Första klass tilldelad SG-3 under tiden att det fanns bara tjugo SG team. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game") File:Jack O'Neill.JPG Denna karaktär artikel är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate av utvidga det.
- There are 3 different types of Powers; Payment, Triggered, and Continuous. Payment powers are identified by the arrow that separates the cost of the power and the effect the power puts on the chain. Triggered powers are identified by the words "at the start of," "when," or "whenever." Continuous powers create continuous modifiers and do not use the chain.
- Powers is an television pilot produced by Playstation Network and Sony Pictures Television based on the comic published by Image Comics (2000-2004) and later Marvel Comics under the Icon imprint.
- Below is a list all of the known powers used in the Bionicle. They are all controlled or powered by Kanohi masks, the Toa, Brotherhood of Makuta and Dark Hunters members, Bohrok, or other means.
- Powers es una serie de televisión producida por FX y Sony Pictures Television basado en el cómic publicado por Image Comics (2000-2004) y Marvel Comics bajo el sello Icon.
- Power is ability. Those called extremely disabled are said to be extremely powerless. Asceticism brings on power—abilities. Power is generated through work—exercise.
- Powers is a character who appears in both Flying Dragon and SD Hiryu no Ken Densetsu. Powers is the top wrestler of the NCW, he hopes to become the strongest in the world. Powers' home country is the United States, and his fighting style is Pro Wrestling (Powers somewhat resembles the professional wrestler "Ultimate Warrior").
- Delsin can absorb the power of any Conduit that he touches, giving him their abilities. To switch between each power he must absorb the powers primary source, such as smoke from a car or chimney, neon from a neon light, video from a television, and concrete from the bodies of downed concrete conduits.
- Powers are supernatural abilities to perform some type of magical feat with nothing other than one's own mind, body, and magic itself.
- Regular powers:
* Ghost Ray
* Hair Coloring Skill
* Hair Styling Skill
* Invisibility
* Levitation
* Map of Dizzywood (not really a power but still is in that category)
* Spy Eye
* Zap
* Guide Gold Explorers powers:
* Fashion Sense Skill
* Name Styler
- Powers is published by Marvel Comics under the Icon imprint. Current price per issue is $3.99.
- All powers last for certain amounts of time and they recharge themselves. You must have 99 in the relevant skill(s).
- Powers, also called Skills, or Spells, are the special actions a player can do to help in combat. A player casts a power, which requires a certain amount of mana, and takes a set amount of time (casting time). After being cast, each power has a certain cooldown time, during which the same power cannot be cast again.
- While magic exist throughout the world, it is not as concentrated as in Streitstadt. The existence of magic & monsters may not be common knowledge or even believed by newcomers. The area's strange attributes may also heighten a person's latent powers. Powers are still WIP. Any thoughts can be expanded on/work-shopped with the group!
- Powers is the skillset used by Hero Mardek and Hero Deugan in MARDEK. It is only available in Chapter 1, and has no effect on later chapters.
- Most people think of super-powered humans as mutants. Nothing could be further from the truth! Many meta-humans gain their powers in other ways, such as direct bestowal from a god (or similar entity, such as a demon), chemicals, devises or whatever. In reading this, it's important to keep this in mind.
- This has been removed due false information. View the correct article here.
- GENRE: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance The Powers series is a series of fanfictions written by WarriorcatZ1324. The series is about a Maj'at (a magic cat) named Ju'tan that joins WindClan and has to face slowly losing his magical powers for good if he wants to stay in his newfound Clan.
- Harry Potter. Harry is ignored, as his twin brother is the boy who lived. He has powers no one else has, and falls in love with a certain red head. Harry/Ginny
- Powers are magical abilities that allow those who posses them to do things ordinary people can't. Powers reside within a magical orb which can be removed, but it seems that the DNA of the owner is what allows the powers to be passed down to other generations. Because magic is neutral in morality terms, there isn't good or evil powers, it just depend on the user.
- Powers ist eine eine Serie, basierend auf dem gleichnamgen Mini-Imprint Comic von Brian Michael Bendis und Michael Avon Oeming. Die ersten zwei Episoden wurden von Charlie Huston und David Slade geschrieben und inszeniert. Die Erstausstrahlung begann am 15. März 2015 auf Playstation Network. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung erfolgte am 6. Juli 2015 auf Sky Atlantic. Im Mai 2015 wurde die Serie um eine zweite Staffel verlängert.
- There's one important respect in which the world of Sryth is different from our own (other than the existence of trolls, giants and such). Magic! Some talented individuals can draw energy from the Neverness to perform various tasks, from hurling fireballs to curing wounds. Magic has more than combat use in Sryth, you may be able to heal wounds and diseases, move objects with your thoughts or create items at will.
- Powers are equippable items that grant special effects to the player during land battles, such as enhancing Pit's attributes or allowing him to perform unique attacks. Their icons rest on the lower left corner of the touch screen on the Nintendo 3DS, where they can be activated by touch or by pressing down on the D-pad.
- Powers between themes are many and varied. At first, when starting this MUSH, we wanted to catalog as many 'offensive' powers - that is, powers that were deeply powerful enough to cause problems for other players to the extent that RP was no longer enjoyable - as possible and grade them, but the variety spawned by popular culture and human creativity rendered this impractical.
- Powers are divided into four categories: ammo, biotic, combat and tech. The category a power belongs to will determine how it responds to upgrades, and how they will affect the various defense types. Biotic powers will generally do extra damage when used against biotic barriers, while tech powers will generally do extra damage against shields. Some powers, however, will also give bonuses against other defense types.
- Powers are special abilities that characters have. They are distinct from attributes, which everyone has, and skills, which can be learned. Sometimes, it is hard to distinguish a power from a skill. For instance, in some games, psychic powers might be something anyone can learn, but grant powers beyond an ordinary person's. In another game, quickly drawing a weapon might be defined as a binary feat or advantage.
- Powers have levels that determines the number of times they can be used and their effectiveness. Powers also have "weight", which determine how many powers a character can equip. The lower a character's speed attribute, the more weight they can carry. A maximum of six powers can be carried at once. Powers are activated using the Nintendo 3DS touchscreen. Powers can only be used during the first phase of Smash Run; they cannot be used in the Final Battle.
- Chosen during Character Creation, a player's Powers determine the player's abilities, combat strategy and role in groups.Each power set has two ability trees that the player can specialize in. One tree focuses on Damage attacks, and the other tree focuses on the character's alternate role (Controller, Tank, Healer). Players get 1 point to spend in power trees every even level for a total of 15 power points at level 30. Additional active powers can be gained by spending skill points in the character's Movement Mode skill tree.
- Powers are different kinds of Dice in DiceKinz such as shields or footprints which block attacks, and others which attack the opponent's dice. Action Die
* Face-removes any opponent's die.
* Fly- moves your character forward the number of spaces equal to the number on the die.
* Trip-removes any of your opponents run die.
* Scare- Re-rolls any die (even your own.) If it rolls into a face it is scared away.
* Blowback- moves your opponent back two spaces.
* Stumble- reduces the number on your opponent's run die by 1.
* Growth- Increases the number on all of your action die.
* Recover- brings back any removed or used die.