| - Drain Pain is an upcoming American sketch comedy television series coming to [adult swim] in 2015. The show is created by John Lee and Vernon Chatman, as it'll be inspired by PFFR and MTV2's Wonder Showzen. The series will be rated TV-MA, and be the first PFFR television series to star Tom Kenny. Just like Wonder Showzen, the show's format is that of educational PBS children's television shows such as Sesame Street and The Electric Company (e.g. use of stock footage, puppetry, and clips of children being interviewed), parodying the format with adult-oriented content. In addition to general controversial comedy, it satirizes politics, religion, war, sex, and culture with black comedy. Every episode begins with a disclaimer, which reads: "Drain Pain contains offensive, despicable content that is too controversial and too awesome for actual children. The stark, ugly and profound truths Drain Pain exposes may be soul-crushing to the weak of spirit. If you allow a child to watch this show, you are a bad parent or guardian."