| - Anthony Normand (ノルマン.アンソニー Noruman Ansonī) is a member of the infamous, Trimurti Pirates, a crew of pirates that has only three members. Known by his moniker as Hidden Blade Anthony (隠れ剣のアンソニー Kakure Ken no Ansonī) as a result of his swordsmanship and assassination skill, Anthony is a dangerous pirate to face in battle. He is also very young, being only at the age of 21, he has already gained an extremely impressive, File:Bsymbol10.gif405,000,000. He has gained this bounty through many of his expeditions while younger, he has assassinated many high-class nobles, and had once even nearly killed a World Noble if it weren't for the timely intervention of the Marines. Anthony is also known to have defeated many pirate crews single-handed, despite being only at the age of 16 while doing so. An
| - Anthony Normand (ノルマン.アンソニー Noruman Ansonī) is a member of the infamous, Trimurti Pirates, a crew of pirates that has only three members. Known by his moniker as Hidden Blade Anthony (隠れ剣のアンソニー Kakure Ken no Ansonī) as a result of his swordsmanship and assassination skill, Anthony is a dangerous pirate to face in battle. He is also very young, being only at the age of 21, he has already gained an extremely impressive, File:Bsymbol10.gif405,000,000. He has gained this bounty through many of his expeditions while younger, he has assassinated many high-class nobles, and had once even nearly killed a World Noble if it weren't for the timely intervention of the Marines. Anthony is also known to have defeated many pirate crews single-handed, despite being only at the age of 16 while doing so. Anthony is a prodigy, and a genius that many have envied, his swordsmanship, athletic ability and intellectual prowess have given him such power that he is able to effortlessly keep up with his more experienced crew-mates, and is actually superior to one of them, being the First Mate of Trimurti Pirates. Also being unique to him is the fact that he is able to freely command surrounding elements to his whim, using various forms of "kinesis" abilities to do so, gained through experiments when younger, when using these abilities, Anthony is a dangerous sight to behold. The Marines have dubbed him a threat of the highest priority and if he continues to surge into his prime, it is supposedly possibly that he would gain enough power to possibly be, "The Strongest Man in the World".