| - Este grado existe en otras culturas alienígenas, como en el Tal Shiar romulano o en la Milicia Bajorana. Algunos sistemas usan el rango para combinarlo con otros, como Mayor General o Sargento mayor, por ejemplo.
- Mayor is a town administrative job. Archie is the mayor of Spree.
- En el servicio Imperial, el rango de un mayor se situaba entre un comandante y un coronel. En la Nueva República, la absorción de personal procedente de diversos ejércitos con sus respectivos rangos causó un gran desorden en la estructura de rangos; pero para el tiempo de la Alianza Galáctica, el rango de mayor de situaba entre capitán y Teniente-Coronel.
- A mayor was a government official who served as a city's chief executive. Shaketown, a city on the planet Gorse, had a mayor, and the human Cobb Vanth served as the de facto mayor of Freetown, a city on Tatooine. The Mon Calamari Raddus served as the mayor of the Mon Cala city Nystullum before joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
- Mayor is one of the characters in the animated series, H2O: Mermaid Adventures.
- The leader of a city.
* Used in Sartar and New Pavis Source: King of Sartar
- A Mayor is the leader of a municipality or city. Depending on the community, such a position can be merely a figurehead or can have broad powers. They are usually elected, but this can be done either directly by the people or indirectly through a city council. The Mayor can have deputies to assist them with their duties.
- The Mayor is the leader of the neighbourhood, introduced with the New Town of Pet Society. He appears at the front of any friend visit list and has no level. You can visit him and you will get the same amount of Paw Points and coins that you get when you visit any other friend ( see Visiting Friends ). You can leave him a message like any other pet, but the message you recieve back is random from the computer, so it might not be related. You can also send him gifts but he will not send one back!
- The Mayor is a very excitable, anxious, apprehensive character, being constantly nervous for being the mayor of a village. He is short and plump, wearing purple clothing, and a top-hat typical of a mayor. He also has large pants in comparison to his shirt.
- Los Mayores eran lideres elegidos de las ciudades.
- Mayorright es un rango de enlistamiento del UNSC.
- Altought being different characters, they have the same 3D model.
- See Cole[1].
- The Mayor is the father of his son.
- The Mayor is elected by the People's Assembly every 4 game years. The Mayor is the highest office in the city, but s/he is not supreme. The Mayor can adjust taxes, laws and Building Regulations as well as some other things.
- The Mayor is the executive head of any town, overseeing local affairs through their office in the Town Hall. Mayors are elected by majority vote of the town every 30 days. If they choose, they can select a town council to advise and support them with the management of the town.
- A mayor was the political leader of a planetary settlement. (STO mission: "Winter Invasion") The position was equal to the Romulan term maiori. (STO missions: "A Day on the Farm", "Cloak and Dagger") Its Bajoran counterpart was the tetrarch. (DS9 episode: "The Storyteller") The term mayor was also used on Earth. (TNG episode: "Family")
- The Mayor is an elected or appointed official in charge of running a town or city. Often they have the support or protection of the families.
- >"We've been having a crime problem here in Metro Speedway, but I think you might be able to help." —Mayor The Mayor is a resident in Metro Speedway in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!. Being the mayor of Metro Speedway, the Mayor had to keep his re-election funds safe, while the cat burglars that had infested the place didn't make it any easier for him.
- Mayors are able to decide if the next day, there will be a double lynch, and are protected from kills by the Bodyguard if it exists.
- The Mayor is a character in Dark Cloud. He is the Mayor of Norune Village, and one of the only people left after the Dark Genie attacks, and the first person that players talk to in the game. He stated that he used to sail around the world when he was younger.
- The Mayor was the leader of a town in the old west and also secretly worked for Shendu. The Mayor was envisioned as Valmont (and by extension, his lackeys as Finn and Ratso) in Jackie's telling of the novel The Hong Kong Kid.
- [[Archivo:Major_rawne.jpg|thumb|250px|Mayor Elim Rawne del Primero y Único de Tanith.]] El Mayor es el segundo al mando de un Regimiento de la Guardia Imperial. Este rango y sus equivalentes no parecen ser universales.
- Mayor is a title that is elected to a person in an election that will govern the city. Everett Young was elected mayor of the settlement on the Novus twice. And so was Camile Wray to the mayor of the settlement twice. (SGU: "Epilogue")
- Mayor – At any point during the Day Period this player may PM the hosts asking for the lynch to be stopped and/or reversed depending on the powers that he has in any given game. They usually cannot stop their own lynch or prevent a player from being lynched for a second time.
- The Mayor is a follower who may be placed as a Knight in a city. When the city is scored, he counts as one follower per pennant in the city. If the city has no pennants and a player only has a mayor in a city, that player scores no points from it.
- The Mayor spoke at a meeting following the explosion of the MAGLEV, expressing the governments sympathy to the family members.
- The highest position in a municipality and a city. can run until 3 terms. Some of them are going by terms.
- → antonyme(s) : menor
* venta al por mayor vente en gros
* el dedo mayor le majeur, le plus grand des cinq doigts, dit aussi dedo del corazón ou dedo cordial 1.
* supérieur ou chef d'une communauté ou d'un corps 2.
* Catégorie:Militaire major, grade militaire références
* , carte 1272
- O presidente do partido escolhe o devido membro que concorrerá às eleições locais. Os candidatos a Mayor devem viver na cidade na qual pretendem concorrer num período mínimo de 10 dias. Uma vez seleccionado o Mayor de uma região, ele/ela não podem mudar de cidade. Os Mayors são eleitos pela maioria de votos. As eleições locais ocorrem no dia 20 de cada mês.
- Mayor, also known as the Mayor of National City, is the current head of state of Pacifica Island, a nation in the central Pacific Ocean. The Mayor was first elected Mayor of National City in 2002, and re-elected in 2006. The next election will be in 2010. He is also a proud member of The Centurion Brotherhood, serving as both Senator and Director of Trade. File:Stub.png This article is a stub. Help the Cyber Nations Wiki by expanding it. More information may be found at requests for expansion.
- To best describe the job a mayor has, to give an example, the mayor of Metropolis serves as the chairman of the Metropolis City Council. Throughout the world, mayors have similar roles.
- The Mayor of Barrelbottom is one of Carpenter and Walrus's victims when the Dollmaker had taken control of Wonderland. He was found beneath Dreary Lane Theatre moaning in pain.
- The Mayor of Squiggleville gave Fancy Pants Man an ice cream for amazing fancy golf skills. The ice cream was later stolen by the Angry Rabbit.
- Leland was the mayor of Landown. After the Locust attacked the city, he requested reinforcements.
- [[w:|]][[Category:crh: derivations|Mayor]] maior - major.
- The Mayor is another name for the first player character, that arrives into Town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, They are usually addressed by this title by other villagers or characters in and around the Town. The Mayor is assisted by Isabelle. There are two main roles for the Mayor in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. They can enact a Town Ordinance and commission and Public Works Projects to customize and improve the Town. These are managed through the Town Hall in the Mayor's Office.
- In an alternate timeline February 1936, the mayor of New York City approved a budget increase. The story was reported on by The Star Dispatch, who noted that the city council was debating the budget changes. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever" ) In reality, the mayor at that time was Fiorello La Guardia, after whom the airport is named. Reuben Lara was the mayor of Los Angeles in the 1990s. (VOY: "Future's End") The Honorable Helen Burke served as mayor of the of San Francisco during the Bell Riots of 2024. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")
- In Episode 710, Larry, a longtime contributor and satirist, actively campaigned for Mayor of Buzztown, which sparked a flurry of interest in which none other than Dr. M himself bid for the position on Episode 714. The hosts explained that Buzztown is a benign dictatorial monarchy. In Episode 715 the monarchs decreed that they would recognize one "Lord Mayor" elected by online poll, who will win an opportunity to address the royal subjects of Buzz Town, and the authority to convey any other titles, such as the coveted Minister of Bacon.
- Theodore Hill is the longest serving, and current Mayor of WayHaven. He is loved by his constituents despite sometimes stirring controversy and suspicion, he has spearheaded advancements in welfare and technology in his tenure and it can be argued that his is the most successful term of any mayor the city has ever had. He is the father of business tycoon Ethan Hill, associate of the Espinoza family and father of two teenage daughters. Mayor Hill has good public relations with the Hero community despite often not seeing eye-to-eye with the gargantuan Hero Mammoth.
- The mayor is the deity figure in charge of the city being governed. By the nature of the Sim constitution, the SimCity mayor has absolute power over the entire city. The mayor's term in office is indefinite, as long as there is no loss of confidence (mainly negative city budget). The mayor has the power to control all government buildings, and all aspects of city funding (depending on the game). The mayor also has the power to demolish any building at will, be it government or private.
- Mayor-1 Mayor's Sycophant-1 SDFM-1.png On February 7, 2009, the Mayor standing with his colleague were standing together on a sidewalk in Macross City, South Ataria Island, looking at the Macross, thinking about how it would be gone the following day. His colleague asked him if he thought the Macross would even fly but the Mayor was more concerned with the economy of his island after the departure of the Macross. They then saw a limousine, carrying a politician and Captain Global and the Mayor said "yet another Macross big wig blows in". (SDFM: "Boobytrap")
- The elderly man sat up in his study's chair and continued to read the hate mail from all the local delinquents. All of them contained some sort of message promising death. Death? Bah! They were just kids that hated his policies and rules that, in fact, kept them safe. Kept them safe from what, though? Why, the dreaded ruffians of Salem in fact! Those conniving killers were a pain in his run, but he knew that they were just afraid of his power. Such threats would never get to him. In fact, it would only strengthen his resolve to better secure the Town.
- Mayors can give you jobs and quests, which increase your reputation with the town. Some of these quests can help improve the prosperity of the town, which influences goods prices and taxes. A full quest list can be found on the quests page, but some of these jobs are: Mayors also give you information about the politics of their faction, as well as informing you of the general prosperity of the town and surrounding areas.