Krole was a male humanoid member of the Orion Syndicate based on Farius. He was a compatriot of Flith, who worked under Liam Bilby, who in turn, worked under Raimus. An undercover Miles O'Brien used Krole to meet Bilby and infiltrate the Orion Syndicate. Krole was using a dataport to interface with a com booth to order free food. O'Brien rigged the booth to shock Krole, fusing his device. O'Brien then offered to fix the device. When he returned, Krole tried out the device, which worked, and O'Brien was welcomed as a part of the Syndicate. Krole later used the dataport to steal money from the Bank of Bolias. Feedback in his dataport usually made Krole suffer from headaches.
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| - thumb|Krole (2374) Krole ist ein Mitglied im Orion-Syndikat. Er untersteht dort Liam Bilby und Raimus. Krole besitzt ein Gerät, das es ihm ermöglicht, über ein Interface-Terminal in verschiedene gesicherte Systeme, wie Konten oder Banken, einzubrechen. Meist benutzt er es, um die Restaurantrechnungen von ihm und seinen Freunden Flith und Bilby, anderen Personen unterzuschieben. 2374 bricht er mit Hilfe O'Briens in die Bank von Bolias ein. Dazu verwendet er ebenfalls das Gerät. (DS9: ) Krole wurde von Carlos Carrasco gespielt und von Torsten Michaelis synchronisiert. Krole en:Krole
- Krole was a male humanoid member of the Orion Syndicate based on Farius. He was a compatriot of Flith, who worked under Liam Bilby, who in turn, worked under Raimus. An undercover Miles O'Brien used Krole to meet Bilby and infiltrate the Orion Syndicate. Krole was using a dataport to interface with a com booth to order free food. O'Brien rigged the booth to shock Krole, fusing his device. O'Brien then offered to fix the device. When he returned, Krole tried out the device, which worked, and O'Brien was welcomed as a part of the Syndicate. Krole later used the dataport to steal money from the Bank of Bolias. Feedback in his dataport usually made Krole suffer from headaches.
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| - Member of the Orion Syndicate
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| - thumb|Krole (2374) Krole ist ein Mitglied im Orion-Syndikat. Er untersteht dort Liam Bilby und Raimus. Krole besitzt ein Gerät, das es ihm ermöglicht, über ein Interface-Terminal in verschiedene gesicherte Systeme, wie Konten oder Banken, einzubrechen. Meist benutzt er es, um die Restaurantrechnungen von ihm und seinen Freunden Flith und Bilby, anderen Personen unterzuschieben. 2374 bricht er mit Hilfe O'Briens in die Bank von Bolias ein. Dazu verwendet er ebenfalls das Gerät. (DS9: ) Krole wurde von Carlos Carrasco gespielt und von Torsten Michaelis synchronisiert. Krole en:Krole
- Krole was a male humanoid member of the Orion Syndicate based on Farius. He was a compatriot of Flith, who worked under Liam Bilby, who in turn, worked under Raimus. An undercover Miles O'Brien used Krole to meet Bilby and infiltrate the Orion Syndicate. Krole was using a dataport to interface with a com booth to order free food. O'Brien rigged the booth to shock Krole, fusing his device. O'Brien then offered to fix the device. When he returned, Krole tried out the device, which worked, and O'Brien was welcomed as a part of the Syndicate. Krole later used the dataport to steal money from the Bank of Bolias. Feedback in his dataport usually made Krole suffer from headaches. Krole was presumably killed in an attempt to kill a Klingon ambassador. (DS9: "Honor Among Thieves") Krole was played by actor Carlos Carrasco.