Description: A dark blade that pulses with the lifeforce it saps from any who wield it...... Upgraded From: N/A The Tenebra is one of the event weapons in Monster Hunter Tri. It's one of the weapons in Tri created by series fans. It's also one of the few MHTri event weapons able to be upgraded. Note: In Monster Hunter Tri, Dark Metal can only be obtained from the Rewards of the Cold Call Event Quest.
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- Tenebra
- Tenebra
- Tenebra
- Tenebra
| - Description: A dark blade that pulses with the lifeforce it saps from any who wield it...... Upgraded From: N/A The Tenebra is one of the event weapons in Monster Hunter Tri. It's one of the weapons in Tri created by series fans. It's also one of the few MHTri event weapons able to be upgraded. Note: In Monster Hunter Tri, Dark Metal can only be obtained from the Rewards of the Cold Call Event Quest.
- Description: A dark blade that pulses with the lifeforce it saps from any who wield it...... Upgraded From: N/A The Tenebra is one of the event weapons in Monster Hunter Tri. It's one of the weapons in Tri created by series fans. It's also one of the few MHTri event weapons able to be upgraded. Note: In Monster Hunter Tri, Dark Metal can only be obtained from the Rewards of the Cold Call Event Quest.
- Tenebra is a planet with an unusually dark, foggy atmosphere, orbiting the giant star Altair. It is also the homeworld of the Tenebran species. Tenebra's gravity is about three times that of Earth and the surface pressure approaches 800 atm. The Tenebran surface is notable for being exposed to daily temperatures close to the critical point of water. The atmosphere mainly consists of water vapor (parts of which liquefy every night), hot enough to melt the silicate minerals of the crust; giving the planet an ever-changing geography which is nevertheless inhabited by numerous species of fauna, flora and floating organisms; biologically adapted to survive in these conditions. Overall the Tenebran surface environment most closely resembles that of Earth's deepest oceanic abysses in some ways (e
- Tenebra é a Deusa da Noite, das Trevas, dos Anões, dos Mortos-Vivos, dos Reinos Cavernosos e das Criaturas Noturnas e Subterrâneas, uma das vinte divindades maiores do mundo de Arton e uma das únicas criaturas presentes durante a criação do mesmo. Durante o início dos tempos, batalhou com Azgher, o Deus-Sol, durante dois bilhões de anos pelo controle de Arton. Como a batalha acabou empatada, o mundo hoje recebe doze horas diárias de sol e doze de escuridão. Dessa época também surgiu a profecia de que "o último dos dois filhos do sol cairia nas garras da escuridão".
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| - Anões, Criaturas Noturnas e Subterrâneas, Noite, Mortos-Vivos, Trevas, Trogloditas
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| - Luah-kai , Mãe-Noite , Senhora Morte
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| - 2004-09-16(xsd:date)
- September 16, 2004
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| - Description: A dark blade that pulses with the lifeforce it saps from any who wield it...... Upgraded From: N/A The Tenebra is one of the event weapons in Monster Hunter Tri. It's one of the weapons in Tri created by series fans. It's also one of the few MHTri event weapons able to be upgraded. September of 2009, Capcom-Unity and Capcom-Europe held contests that gave their members a chance to design and name a weapon for Monster Hunter Tri. Winners of the contest in Europe were announced on November 19, 2009, and winners in North America were announced last on December 2, of 2009. Tenebra was the winning name for the Name a Weapon Contest, named by player Jack 'JDK' Kelly. Note: In Monster Hunter Tri, Dark Metal can only be obtained from the Rewards of the Cold Call Event Quest. However, In Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, instead of Dark Metal as the material for Tenebra, Shadowed Edge is used instead and it is obtained in The Dark Demon's Sword Event Quest. Only 1 Shadowed Edge is needed to forge Tenebra. Its attack is also changed to 495 from 462 in MH3U.
- Description: A dark blade that pulses with the lifeforce it saps from any who wield it...... Upgraded From: N/A The Tenebra is one of the event weapons in Monster Hunter Tri. It's one of the weapons in Tri created by series fans. It's also one of the few MHTri event weapons able to be upgraded. September of 2009, Capcom-Unity and Capcom-Europe held contests that gave their members a chance to design and name a weapon for Monster Hunter Tri. Winners of the contest in Europe were announced on November 19, 2009, and winners in North America were announced last on December 2, of 2009. Tenebra was the winning name for the Name a Weapon Contest, named by player Jack 'JDK' Kelly. Note: In Monster Hunter Tri, Dark Metal can only be obtained from the Rewards of the Cold Call Event Quest. However, In Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, instead of Dark Metal as the material for Tenebra, Shadowed Edge is used instead and it is obtained in The Dark Demon's Sword Event Quest. Only 1 Shadowed Edge is needed to forge Tenebra. Its attack is also changed to 495 from 462 in MH3U.
- Tenebra é a Deusa da Noite, das Trevas, dos Anões, dos Mortos-Vivos, dos Reinos Cavernosos e das Criaturas Noturnas e Subterrâneas, uma das vinte divindades maiores do mundo de Arton e uma das únicas criaturas presentes durante a criação do mesmo. Durante o início dos tempos, batalhou com Azgher, o Deus-Sol, durante dois bilhões de anos pelo controle de Arton. Como a batalha acabou empatada, o mundo hoje recebe doze horas diárias de sol e doze de escuridão. Dessa época também surgiu a profecia de que "o último dos dois filhos do sol cairia nas garras da escuridão". Tenebra é a mãe de tudo que anda e rasteja à noite: morcegos, vampiros, zumbis e todos os tipos de mortos-vivos são seus protegidos. Isso costuma levar quase todos em Arton a pensar que se trata de uma deusa maligna. Isso nem sempre é verdadeiro, pois ela protege igualmente todas as raças e criaturas noturnas e subterrâneas, sejam boas ou más. Na verdade, embora os anões tenham como divindade principal Khalmyr, eles teriam sido criados em uma breve união entre os dois deuses - sendo Tenebra a segunda divindade mais cultuada em Doherimm, o reino secreto anão. Ela é também a criadora dos trogloditas. Por sua ligação com os mortos-vivos, alguns cultos humanos tratam Tenebra como deusa da morte - o que é uma interpretação errada, pois Leen (ou Ragnar) é o verdadeiro portador desse título. Claro que isso não colabora em nada para melhorar a péssima reputação desta deusa. Mesmo assim, alguns templos em sua honra podem ser encontrados em certos pontos do Reinado. Assim como Azgher vigia e protege Arton durante o dia, Tenebra é vigilante à noite - nada acontece sob as estrelas sem seu conhecimento. Tenebra também está preocupada com a Tormenta: nas áreas atacadas não existe dia e nem noite, apenas tempestades rubras. Isso pode significar que, além de Azgher, agora existe um terceiro poder lutando por Arton. Uma guerra entre dia, noite e Tormenta.
- Tenebra is a planet with an unusually dark, foggy atmosphere, orbiting the giant star Altair. It is also the homeworld of the Tenebran species. Tenebra's gravity is about three times that of Earth and the surface pressure approaches 800 atm. The Tenebran surface is notable for being exposed to daily temperatures close to the critical point of water. The atmosphere mainly consists of water vapor (parts of which liquefy every night), hot enough to melt the silicate minerals of the crust; giving the planet an ever-changing geography which is nevertheless inhabited by numerous species of fauna, flora and floating organisms; biologically adapted to survive in these conditions. Overall the Tenebran surface environment most closely resembles that of Earth's deepest oceanic abysses in some ways (extreme temperature and pressure, and darkness).
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