Preachers of the Empire of Light
* Their name is derived from the Nysaloran Riddles that they asked.
Riddler is part of The Legion of Doom in "It Takes a Village Idiot, and I Married One" when Lois Griffin exposes their plot to sell yellow-cake uranium to Adolf Hitler. However, he does not appear in the episode. When Peter Griffin is worried that Patrick Pewterschmidt may have committed another murder in "Killer Queen", he threatens to do to him when he did to the Riddler. A cutaway shows a Batman-style fight with colorful verbs describing the action. In "He's Bla-ack!", the guys discover Cleveland continues to use McDonalds cups from the 1980s, including one featuring the Riddler.
The Riddler is a foe of Batman and Robin in Gotham City.