| - "Let us trust in the bonds of blood, then, even among the horse lords."
- "I only say what I believe, my [lord/lady]. Not all is lost. Nothing is every entirely lost. If we are patient, our time will come again."
- "When dragons still drew breathe, they lived longer than we. So, too, their legacy."
- "Khal Drogo killed her brother because, if the tales are to be believed, Viserys was threatening her. She is better-loved now than she has ever been."
- "Rona, is there any more news of Princess Daenarys?"
- "If only I had faith in the future, Maester Lucas, even such small faith as you hold."
- "The good are rarely rewarded, or even remembered. But they do good just the same."
- "Should some future Dragon reclaim Westeros, some few at least will remember your part. I'll see to it myself. In confidence of course."
- "Alvyn, your optimism lends strength to the wings of my heart."
- "Take heart in one thing. A Targaryen rides with the Dothraki horde, an heir in her womb. There's still hope in this. Not tomorrow, no, but someday."