The Armed Forces of Dorvish Republic (Dundorfian: Streitkräfte der Dorvische Republik, Lorman: Wūlinsnas spārtis der Dōrviska Republīki) also known as the Armed Forces of Dorvik (Dundorfian: Streitkräfte der Dorvik, Lorman: Wūlinsnas spārtis der Dōrviska) are the unified defensive and offensive forces of the Dorvish Republic. The Armed Forces of Dorvik had it's foundation in the 2000 popular revolution which saw the old royalist military replaced. The Armed Forces of Dorvik are administratively controlled by the Dorvish Ministry of Defense while the day-to-day operation falls to the Supreme General Staff, which is situated in the Dorvish General Staff building formerly known as the Dorvish General Staff Headquarters. The President of the Dorvish Republic is considered the Supreme Commander
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| - The Armed Forces of Dorvish Republic (Dundorfian: Streitkräfte der Dorvische Republik, Lorman: Wūlinsnas spārtis der Dōrviska Republīki) also known as the Armed Forces of Dorvik (Dundorfian: Streitkräfte der Dorvik, Lorman: Wūlinsnas spārtis der Dōrviska) are the unified defensive and offensive forces of the Dorvish Republic. The Armed Forces of Dorvik had it's foundation in the 2000 popular revolution which saw the old royalist military replaced. The Armed Forces of Dorvik are administratively controlled by the Dorvish Ministry of Defense while the day-to-day operation falls to the Supreme General Staff, which is situated in the Dorvish General Staff building formerly known as the Dorvish General Staff Headquarters. The President of the Dorvish Republic is considered the Supreme Commander
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| - Generaloberst Bernhart Heilmeier
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| - Generaloberst Askan Adelmar zu Völksau
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| - The Armed Forces of Dorvish Republic (Dundorfian: Streitkräfte der Dorvische Republik, Lorman: Wūlinsnas spārtis der Dōrviska Republīki) also known as the Armed Forces of Dorvik (Dundorfian: Streitkräfte der Dorvik, Lorman: Wūlinsnas spārtis der Dōrviska) are the unified defensive and offensive forces of the Dorvish Republic. The Armed Forces of Dorvik had it's foundation in the 2000 popular revolution which saw the old royalist military replaced. The Armed Forces of Dorvik are administratively controlled by the Dorvish Ministry of Defense while the day-to-day operation falls to the Supreme General Staff, which is situated in the Dorvish General Staff building formerly known as the Dorvish General Staff Headquarters. The President of the Dorvish Republic is considered the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Dorvik (Dundorfian: Oberbefehlshaber), a position given to him by state law. The Dorvish military was rarely involved in conflict in the immediate years following the popular revolution in 2000, however the more internationalist stance of Raymond Petrov and the Communist Party of Dorvik saw the rise in Dorvish military involvement throughout the world, namely on Artania in the Narik Wars. Prior to the internationalist stance of the CPD, the Dorvish were involved in regional conflicts in Rutania and the Dorvish-Uwakah. Dorvik entered a period of isolationism and the rise of the CPD saw the need for a modernization of the Dorvish military as a whole, rated as one of the worst militarys by Terran Defense Statistics and Gath Defense Collective. The program which Petrov embarked on saw the Dorvish rise to become considered one of the worlds "new military powers" according to Gath Defense Collective. The continued pro-military stance of the Dorvish government has saw the Dorvish continue to be an international player on the world stage. Dorvik, underneath the Dorvish Conservative Party and it's successor the Dorvish Social Nationalist Party saw the military participate in the Southern Hemisphere War and numerous other actions including the violence in the former Dorvish protectorate of Statrica. The Dorvish military continues to be involved throughout the world today. It operates bases in Kafuristan (Pravnova Naval Installation) and Statrica (Petrov Military Base). It recently was involved in ending the Imperial government of Quintilius Sibilia in the Cildanian Civil War (3870) and the operations against the Ahmadi State in Cildania. The Dorvish have a proud and sometimes boastful military tradition, dating back to the constant warfare of the Dundorfic tribes throughout central and northern Artania. Foreigners have described the Dorvish as a "hyper-militarized" society. In Dorvik, on September 6th the nation celebrates Armed Forces Day which is a huge celebration which draws crowds of millions to see the annual military parade which the Dorvish government and Armed Forces put on for the people and the world. The tradition started at the end of the modernization program of the CPD. It is broadcast throughout Dorvik and throughout Northern Artania, drawing a number of tourist and foreign observers. It is meant as a symbol of both national pride and as a showcase to the world that the Dorvish military stands prepared to defend its homeland at all cost. The Armed Forces of Dorvik is controlled by the Ministry of Defense and the civilian appointed Minister of Defense, currently Generaloberst Askan Adelmar zu Völksau. The Ministry of Defense acts as the administrative and financial backer of the Supreme General Staff and the Inspector-General of the Supreme General Staff of the Armed Forces of Dorvik. The Supreme General Staff and the Inspector-General are responsible for the operational and logistical management of the Dorvish military. The Armed Forces of Dorvik consists of 5 branches, each with their own command underneath the Supreme General Staff, the branches are as follows: the Dorvish Landwehr, the Dorvish Marine, the Dorvish Fliegertruppe, the Dorvish Jäger and the Dorvish Feldjäger. The Armed Forces of Dorvik maintains the Military Security Service which acts as the military intelligence and counter-intelligence service of the Dorvish military. The Dorvish Armed Forces cooperates with the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Dorvish Police, the State Security Service, the State Criminal Police and several other agencies and organizations. The Ministry of Defense of Dorvik had nominally played a civilian administrative role in Dorvik, however when Radko Mihaylov was chosen as Minister of Defense in 3205 he was the first Minister of Defense to hold a rank in the Dorvish Armed Forces, being a General in the Dorvish Army. Radko Mihaylov was never a member of the Communist Party of Dorvik but selected to be their man when they got into government. This new style of appointing Ministers of Defense begun with Radko Mihaylov. Gregor Becker, was the first Colonel-General of the Dorvish Federal Police to be appointed Minister of Defense. The precedent which was set in 3205 has continued mainly by the Dorvish Conservative Party and the Social Nationalist. In the early 3500s the Dorvish president called upon the Committee on Federal Security to create a task for which drew from all branches of the armed forces, the Dorvish security services and the Dorvish government to assist in "promoting stability and security throughout the world". Eventually the Dorvish Stability and Security Group was created and became an official independent government agency dedicated to assisting nations in the world in their quest for "Stability and Security". The Committee on Federal Security eventually evolved into the Federal Security and Defense Council and is currently the State Security and Defense Council which operates as the de facto advisory board to the President and State Chancellor.
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