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- The Gardener is one of Shamir Shamazel's disguises. The Gardener is a man with more on his mind than planting. The gleam in his eye made Alexander nervous. Castle Daventry employs a number of gardeners. The castle gardeners wear wide brimmed hats in the heat of the sun.
- This is a single Mission to kill all three enemies.
- Gardener eli puutarhuri niitä voi löytää faladorin puistosta Gardener on 3-4 levelinen eli helppo vastustaja pienilevelisille niiden kovin lyönti on 2-3 eli aika helppo voittaa. nämä ovat faladorin puutarhassa sekä tämmöisiä tapaa questissa Pirate's Treasure Questissa nämä eivät siis ole myöskään agressiivisia. Näiden nimi tarkottaa puutarhuria. Näitä Tapaa myös kun on tekemässä Goblin diplomacy questia
- Gardener is an ability.
- The Gardener is a fictional class that uses Trowels to build walls that rangers' attacks can pass through and enemy attacks cannot.
- The gardener is an NPC that can be hired in The Sims, The Sims 2 and The Sims 4 to take care of a family's plants. They can be pricey, but they leave your Sims free to do other things.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Gardener is a Consumable that can be bought from the market at a cost of 5 Farm Cash each in the "Farm Aides" section. Once received, a farmer may use them to collect from every bloom on their farm that is ready to be collected from, with a single click. Gardeners may only be used once.
- The Gardener knows exactly what a plant needs, in the Sesame Street sketch "Desperate Houseplants" as seen in episode 4099. This horticultural hunk tends to Stinky and a female plant, supplying sunlight and water. The character is a parody of John Rowland (played by Jesse Metcalfe), the often shirtless gardener on Desperate Housewives.
- The Gardener outfit is a recurring disguise that appeared in several games of the Hitman franchise.
- A gardener will attack you during the Pirate's Treasure quest, when you dig for the chest in the plants, but you can avoid this by running away and returning some time later. During Pirate's Treasure, the gardener that attacks you will talk about moles digging up the garden.
- The character is a parody of John Rowland (played by Jesse Metcalfe), the often shirtless gardener on Desperate Housewives.
- Gardener is a fictional character in the Wild Cards series of books.
- The Gardener is a veteran of the war with Nilfgaard, when he was part of Pretty Kitty's corps of mercenaries. He also fought across half the world with Pretty Kitty, even as far as Zerrikania, where he got his extensive knowledge of Zerrikanian insects and geography. Now, in his retirement, he happily tends to the garden of St. Lebioda's Hospital in the Temple Quarter of Vizima. He is a novice dice player, but has extraordinary luck, often coming back from the brink of defeat and taking all of your orens, and Geralt can barter with him. He buys and sells:
- A gardener is someone who looks after ornamental plants or engages in minor agriculture growing herbs or vegetables, typically in a garden. The Earth movie Appointment with Danger featured a gardener character. In 2153, T'Pol dreamed she was watching the film on movie night on Enterprise NX-01, during which Trip Tucker speculated that an unidentified corpse might be that of this man. However, Doctor Phlox disagreed, saying he was too tall. (ENT: "Impulse") In 2269, Flint described M-4 as his "butler, housekeeper, gardener and guardian." (TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah" )