Marg Krim, formally addressed as the Illustrious Imperator, was a male Pyke who served as a powerful member of the Pyke Syndicate during the Clone Wars. He was the husband of Tezzka Krim and the father of Laalee and Vram.
Marg Krim, formally addressed as the Illustrious Imperator, was a male Pyke who served as a powerful member of the Pyke Syndicate during the Clone Wars. He was the husband of Tezzka Krim and the father of Laalee and Vram.
Marg Krim, llamado formalmente Ilustre Emperador, fue un pyke que sirvió como un poderoso miembro del Sindicato Pyke durante las Guerras Clon. Fue el marido de Tezzka Krim y el padre de Laalee y Vram.
Marg Krim, formally addressed as the Illustrious Imperator, was a male Pyke who served as a powerful member of the Pyke Syndicate during the Clone Wars. He was the husband of Tezzka Krim and the father of Laalee and Vram.
Marg Krim, llamado formalmente Ilustre Emperador, fue un pyke que sirvió como un poderoso miembro del Sindicato Pyke durante las Guerras Clon. Fue el marido de Tezzka Krim y el padre de Laalee y Vram.