| - Continued from last issue... T.O. Morrow has begun his campaign against the Justice League of America. His opening attack is in creating energy duplicates of Hawkgirl, Jean Loring, Steven Trevor, and Mera and have them appear at Justice League headquarters during their most recent meeting. With each duplicate kissing their romantic other, the energy duplicates dissolve, and the resulting kiss also seemingly kills Snapper, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Atom, and Hawkman. Morrow then contacts the Justice League and tells them that he has created creatures and sent them to attack the Earth. Sure enough four creatures descend on the JLA base and the surviving JLA members scramble to stop the creatures.
Although the creatures are genetically engineered to exploit each Leager's weaknesses, the League manages to defeat them and then return to their base to face off against T.O. Morrow himself. Morrow is waiting for them and has used his scientific genius to revive a diamond creature, Amazo, Starro, Super-Duper, and one of Dr. Lights light machines The remaining JLA members are felled by these devices and weapons and with all the JLA members defeated, T.O. Morrow puts their bodies on display in their own trophy room. Consulting his computer once more, it warns him that the only way he will succeed is if Red Tornado does not appear to stop him. Morrow scoffs at this notion as he left the seemingly deactivate Red Tornado on Earth-Two.
At that moment on Earth-Two, the Red Tornado revives and uses his computer mind to track T.O. Morrow to Earth-One, and uses his fantastic tornado powers to breach the barriers between universes so that he can face his foe on Earth-One. Arriving at the Justice League headquarters, Tornado finds that Morrow had left the scene but left behind a tape recording boasting about his victory over the Justice League. Deducing that by gathering the real lovers of the first members to fall and having them kiss their paramours that they would perhaps be revived. Collecting the real Midge, Hawkgirl, Jean Loring, Steve Trevor and Mera, the Red Tornado takes them to the JLA headquarters where their kisses revive Hawkman, Snapper, Aquaman, Atom and Wonder Woman.
The revived heroes go with Red Tornado to stop Morrow who has his robots constructing a device that will break down the vibrational barriers between Earth-One and Earth-Two, thereby annihilating both planets. There, they easily defeat Morrow and foil his plot. With Morrow turned over to the authorities, Red Tornado secures an untampered futur-energy gun and uses it to revive the Justice League members. With their revival a success, Red Tornado returns to Earth-Two where he uses the device to revive all the members of the Justice Society. In thanks, the JSA offer Red Tornado membership with the group. Red Tornado thanks them, but tells the group that he really wants is to create an identity for himself.