| - Mak Davar, Kuat Sector Moff and overall well-liked guy. Depressingly optimistic. Us: 3rd Sector Fleet and 2nd Assault Fleet. AKA *The Grunts* Dreighton: One time self-appointed acting Task Force CO. Nobody really knows what she did, but she apparently was an Admiral. Charon: Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Generally well liked and well respected, even by his IC enemies. This screenplay does not make him smile. OVERMIND: Task Force CO, occasional Email sender. GABL: Grand Admiral Black Lodge, Naval Commanding Officer, chronicly inactive. Veynom: Simmaster. In Vodo's pocket.
| - Mak Davar, Kuat Sector Moff and overall well-liked guy. Depressingly optimistic. Us: 3rd Sector Fleet and 2nd Assault Fleet. AKA *The Grunts* Dreighton: One time self-appointed acting Task Force CO. Nobody really knows what she did, but she apparently was an Admiral. Charon: Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Generally well liked and well respected, even by his IC enemies. This screenplay does not make him smile. OVERMIND: Task Force CO, occasional Email sender. GABL: Grand Admiral Black Lodge, Naval Commanding Officer, chronicly inactive. Vodo: Vodo Bonias, Dark Lord of the Sith, Warlord of the Empire after forcing a merger between the Galactic Empire (over 100 members) and the Dark Empire (about 20 members) and instating one of his own as 2ic of the faction. About as respectable as Bush is. Veynom: Simmaster. In Vodo's pocket. Tee: Scenario Admin for Task Force Alderaan. ISB agent. Inactive Puppet: Greyson Uebles. Nobody really remembers him. Syn: 2AF XO, one-time acting Task force CO, Bureaucratic Bitch. Skice: 2AF CO, one-time acting Task Force CO, creepy avatar. Seele: Intelligence Director. Local Cassandra. NHC: Grand Admiral Blacklodge, Vice Admiral Savk, and Rear Admiral Stratus. AKA "The Mid Higher Ups"