| - According to Patience's SimDNA in SimPE, her hair was brown before it turned grey. According to her age data, she had 18 days left in the elder life stage when she died. Patience uses the 10th Maxis face template in Create a Sim, except the eyes and jaw which use the 2nd face template. The eyes are also closer to the forehead than on the default template, and the jaw is slightly longer. However the eyes are only closer to the forehead on teenage, adult, and elder males, while the jaw is only longer on teenage, adult and elder females, which may mean that the eyes and jaw were genetically passed down, as this oddity generally only occurs on Sims whose facial features were genetically passed down.
| - According to Patience's SimDNA in SimPE, her hair was brown before it turned grey. According to her age data, she had 18 days left in the elder life stage when she died. Patience uses the 10th Maxis face template in Create a Sim, except the eyes and jaw which use the 2nd face template. The eyes are also closer to the forehead than on the default template, and the jaw is slightly longer. However the eyes are only closer to the forehead on teenage, adult, and elder males, while the jaw is only longer on teenage, adult and elder females, which may mean that the eyes and jaw were genetically passed down, as this oddity generally only occurs on Sims whose facial features were genetically passed down. Patience's SimDNA in SimPE shows that her recessive alleles are for black hair and brown eyes. Unlike several other married ancestors from Apartment Life who have memories of their spouses, she only has Mystery Sim memories. However Patience still has memories of giving birth to Benjamin, and him getting engaged and married. Strangely, she has the memory of meeting her granddaughter Sofia, but she doesn't have the memory of meeting her grandson Marcus. Deceased Sims who can be resurrected in-game will usually receive the memory of meeting their grandchildren, regardless if they have not actually met each other physically. File:Icon invent cog bulb.png Resurrection tip This Sim can be brought back to life using the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, the genie lamp or an evil witch's spell. For more information, read Game guide:Bringing Sims back to life.