| - North Central States The North Central States encompass most of the Great Plains as well as the Midwest and Great Lakes regions. The Great Plains isn't just endless fields of grain in Nebraska and Iowa, it also includes the towering buttes of the Dakotas and the fertile river valleys that crisscross Missouri and Kansas as well. The Midwest is broad, clear horizons, a land of gently rolling landscape punctuated by rivers, woods, and trees. The Great Lakes states contain not only the huge metropolitan centers like Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis but big swatches of forest and lakeshore to the north, with gorgeous scenic drives along the Lakes and the tall bluffs of the Ohio river valleys. North Dakota. Known for.. well, umm. Sunflowers? Probably not. But you can see Canada from your back yard. Take that Sarah Palin!! The Great Plains state is however home to one such distinguished facility. Quantum Laboratories. The large complex lies far south of Bismark, out in the fields of amber grain. Wait, that's another state. Okay, so it's out amongst the grass and trees. The facility is expansive, to say the least, a rough rectangular shape that is cordoned off by a high concrete wall. Well guarded, the Quantum Laboratory facility is home to the most advanced scientific inventions of humankind. Inside it's confines, large seperate buildings loom in the distance, each with their own specialty and project. The gated doors to the TOP SECRET facility lie pried open, resting against their hinges and half-off. Smoke trails up from inside the complex. Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! An Autobot shuttle swoops overhead, delivering an orange and red payload right in the middle of the complex, which lands like a corpse with a horrible CRUNCH. Eventually, the thing moves, revealing it is not a corpse, but the very much alive Monsterbot Repugnus! "Not my best landing," he coughs as he stands up, "but it got the kinks outta my neck! Now, where oh where is Mini-Me..." He scans the area. "Best way to track Decepticons is to follow the destruction and carnage... Ah, there's the gate... that didn't help any... now there should be dead bodies and wreckage to mark the rest of his path..." Amber MacKenzie is once again nearby when something mysterious goes down. Maybe Mini-Galv is following *her*! After determining Quantum Lab's top secret location via the Internet, she rides her motorcycle through the grass and around the trees until coming into sight of the facility. Parking her bike behind a cluster of trees, she takes a long, leisurely look around at both the Labs and the surrounding territory and then ducks into the long grass. After a moment, the unforgettable Repugnus makes his entrance, and she watches him go inside. Decisions, decisions. Should she follow or stay safely in hiding. Hardhead stands behind Repugnus as he watches the Monsterbot leap from the shuttle, he simply shakes his head as he waits for the jump lights to come on. Taking a tentative step, he looks down at the ground...then he leaps out, a parachute opens, helping the Autobot fall softly to the ground. Quickly, he packs the chute and walks towards Repugnus. "Hmmm....let's get him this time." He says to Repugnus. As soon as he'd heard the miniature Galvatron clone had been sighted, Perceptor made haste out toward Quantum Laboratories, his processors racing. What could it possibly be up to now? Human technology? But why? Contrail was out in North Dakota to gather sunflowers to appease Buzzkill. However, when she overhears on Earth Public Radio about a purple Decepticon calling himself a 'Harbinger' attacking Quantum Labs... that is definitely of interest to her! She quickly jams a bunch of sunflowers into her driver's compartment and then a few more into her cockpit, just in case, and then she wings off toward Quantum Labs. She hangs in the air above the lab and spends a moment analysing the structure, trying to decide just where to do a little breaking and entering. JU-87 isn't here to do anything with the sunflowers. To be frank, she doesn't care about whether Buzzkill's got a bee up his butt or not; she's just here to keep an eye on the others... and the air currents here are -awesome- to fly with, the prop-powered Stukacon buzzing farmers and generally larking around... until the mention of the Harbinger goes out over the radio. She suddenly breaks off from the mock strafing-run she's lining up on a random tractor, snap-rolling and pulling up hard to head for Quantum Labs - just in time to see the Autobot shuttle make its pass. <> Kenworth K1000 was on the trail of one of his missing Stunticon team members, rolling through the upper reaches of South Dakota, heading into North Dakota...why the Seven Hells would one of them would be up here, he'd never know, he heard the radio frequency pick up on something interesting. Tuning in on the chatter on the Decepticon chatter, he shifts into high gear and heads towards the site of the attack at break neck speeds, not caring about anyone or anything in his path. Getting a lock on the frequencies, he tracks it to the labs and drives up the long driveway, then hears Banshee's call about Contacts...and he grins to himself. He drives right for the main gains, aiming for anything that might still be in his way. Once inside, or close to the outer wall with a vantage point to view in, it would reveal that there has been quite an excursion inside Quantum Laboratories' confines. Strewn wreckage lies scattered, some blown up bits of jeeps.. others crushed tanks with their barrels all twisted up viciously. Smoke wafts through the area, large scrape marks lead to a main hangar. A large building, a couple of vehicles (smashed and/or blown up as well) have been appropriately positioned in front of the doors, a bright red I-Beam even having been tied in a knot to keep them closed. It's the fact that there are humans trapped in there that makes the decision for Amber. She's not looking to fight Mini-Galv, just to get them out of there. She glances regretfully skywards, wishing the shuttle had landed. It's going to be a hell of a problem to get those people out of there without Mini-Galv picking them off. Though... it's odd that he didn't just kill them outright. After taking a moment to look up Dr. Gates' phone number, she shakes her head, disappears into the grass and trees, and slowly works her way towards the compound. Combat: Amber MacKenzie slips into the shadows and out of sight... Perceptor is still attempting to think of every possible reason why the clone might be after human technology. Perhaps it hadn't actually been created by the Decepticons... He barely notices Contrail, Motormaster, and Banshee as he stands at a distances, using his lenses to zoom in on the wreckage. He spots the doors that have been crudely blocked off with smashed vehicles and other pieces of debris. "Hmmm..." he says quietly to himself, deep in thought. Hardhead sensors are blowing up as all kinds of contacts are appearing, he summons his Shatterblasters as he continues to trek towards the wrecked building. "Hmmmm...." He looks over towards Perceptor. "Anything go value in this facility?" He looks at Repugnus. "Which do you want, Con detail, people saving, or Galvatron Clone?" Repugnus grins at Hardhead before he transforms. "Oh, indubitably, Watson! I shall take care of that clone ruffian, for I kill people, not save them. As for what's so important about this place, hell if I know! Ah, see here, the way those tanks were crushed and twisted. Clearly the work of someone with immense strength." He lopes over towards the door tied shut with an I-Beam, and hops over the vehicles piled in front of it. "An impressive feat of strength, but ultimately pointless! For we can take a cue from Alexander the Great..." With a quick snip his claws, the I-Beam is sliced apart. "..and we are in!" Then Motormaster roars in like a boss! "Oh, dear! Watson, I don't suppose you could take care of him? I must find this clone and I shan't be delayed!" And he TRIES to make his way inside, using his various vision capabilities to try and track heat signatures and see through walls. Repugnus twists and flips around into his horrific creature mode! F-35B Lightning II surveys the compound. Yes, she sees the destroyed Jeeps and pretty tied 'bow' in the front and whatnot, but the Empire is expecting Contrail to be somewhat... subtle. She'll let Motormaster and maybe Banshee crash the the front if that is what they desire. For her part, Contrail lands /behind/ the main building, and... tries to punch down a wall to walk in the back. This is not a great effort on the Subtle Scale, but she's trying. In a transformation that is harder than it looks, Contrail rises up into robot mode. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Protected. Kenworth K1000 saw Repugnus looking to get inside the building, and being the jerk that he was, he decided to help him out. "Here, let me help you get your fat aft in the door!" And with that, he revved his engine and drove straight at the Bot, planning to hit him with ramming speed. He just couldn't help himself. The opportunity had presented itself and was too good to pass up. Combat: Kenworth K1000 misses Bug Creature with his King of the Road attack! [Pulled -7] JU-87 nears the facility skimming dangerously close to the ground - her wheels picking up a few leaves as she approaches Quantum Labs. She pulls up at the last minute and then strfes over Hardhead, not a -serious- attack, but... it should keep the Autobots' eyes off Contrail. Combat: JU-87 misses Hardhead with her Strafing RUn (Pistol) attack! Once the doors are easily ripped aside thanks to some Monsterbot gumption and strength, the mass of scientists are revealed. All more or less unharmed, some burnt white jackets here or there, but unphased for the least bit. At the head of the group, Paul Gates III stammers up to Repugnus. "You're that nasty Autobot that told me to call the police, yeah?" he shakes whilst speaking, something leaking from his pantleg to the ground below. It doesn't show from the outside, since being a scientist he's all into the water resistant Khaki's by Dockers. On sale at your nearest Target! "He just demanded we all pile in here, or face his wrath! Almost gave Grandfather a heart attack." he asides, pointing to a decrepit old man walking with a cane. The scientists all pull back once Motormaster smashes, or attempts to, into the Monsterbot. Once smashing the wall down through the back, the triple changing threat (Contrail) would notice it's simply some offices that lead through to the Main Hangar.. where Repugnus and the scientists are. However, a large viewscreen is flashing a warning. <> The same message scrolls endlessly, a mini-map pinpointing the building in question on the viewscreen. What do you know, it's right across the way from the hangar! Hardhead smirks as he listens to Repugnus and follows the Monster inside, before pausing. "Watson...I will have to look up the reference...Some how I am not sure, I'll like it." He looks at Perceptor, "Understood. Keep your optics peeled and help these people as you can, and see if you can't put that big processor to work and get us some answers." Slowly, he turns as he looks towards the barreling, Motormaster. "Hmmmm...this is probably going to get messy." He levels his weapons at the Stunticon leader, who attempts to ram through Repugnus, moving to get a better angle, for the briefest of moments he ponders firing, probably to the determent of the survivors. That tiny voice in his head, tells him to play it slower, play it smart. "Motormaster...leave now, or we will open fire. Trust me, you don't want that to happen." The sounds of weapon fire, pepper the ground around the Headmaster, a giant scowl appears on his face, as he fires a warning shot across the Banshee's bow. "You again?" He grumbles loudly to the flying Decepticon. "Take Motormaster and leave this place..." He threatens the Decepticons again. Perceptor shrugs at Hardhead. "I am having difficulty believing that the Decepticons would seek human technology. But perhaps the clone is not of Decepticon origin...But perhaps there is something else here." The scientist then begins making his way toward the blocked doors. Convinced that whoever is within is -expecting- someone to attempt to break in through the doors, he takes a more subtle approach, coming up behind the structure. He is always much more effective when he stands at a distance; unnoticed by the enemy. He observes Contrail punching a wall and shakes his head. Punching a hole in the building isn't exactly what one would call stealthy, so what exactly was the purpose of sneaking in through the rear, anyway? He absently wonders, along with all the rest of the thoughts that are bouncing around in his head, if the Decepticons even have proper training for scouts and spies. Not very many of them ever did seem to be able to get the whole 'discreet' thing down. He prepares to follow her in once she's at a safe distance. Kneeling in a patch of grass in the shade of a tree, Amber calls Dr. Gates on his cellphone to ask what the situation is, but the call is interrupted by Repugnus's grand entrance. Voices warble through the still-open line briefly, and then it shuts off. She really needs to get better comm equipment... Cautiously slipping in through the twisted, useless gates and into the cover of a quarter of a smoking tank, just after Motormaster makes his failed run at Repugnus, she pauses to assess what she sees. If the Autobots have it all under control, she'll pull back. Bug Creature sniffs the air as he looks down at the little scientist. "Hm, and he didn't kill you? Man, he should have at least done that for FUN! Say, what's that smell? You didn't have a.... LEAK in here? Right? Because a leak could be very dangerous! To your pants! HAHAHA!" And then Motormaster smashes his way in! "Thanks, but I can open doors on my own, Motormaster!" Repugnus cries as he vaults over the semi, lands, and runs back out the door, blowing a rasperry at him. Once outside he charges off for that Torq Complex, and whether it's sealed or not Repugnus just slices his way through the door! "GALVIE!!! YOU IN HERE!? BECAUSE I AM AND I'D LOVE TO MEET YOU!" Kenworth K1000 snarls as he misses Repugnus, who vaulted over him, insulting him as he did. But now he's a bit pissed off, having scratched up his paint job and being told off by Autobots? How dare they? Theres something wandering around that isn't one of them and yet they might be getting the blame for everything that ...thing does. Not that it's all bad but if the 'thing' isn't working for them, then there's no profit in it. Reversing, he gets out of the pile of rubble he created and with that, decides it's better to just transform into his towering, intimidating form. Looking at Hardhead, he smirks, "We could say the same thing to you. Get out and take your survivors. This doesn't concern you..." he growled Kenworth K1000 transforms into his Motormaster mode. Contrail is a proper scout! She could overfly this building and then tell Fusillade just where to drop bombs to blow it all up! She is just... a terrible spy, due to said lack of training, yes. Contrail stares at the large screen and looks at the minimap. Wow, that's handy! She drops down into her car mode to drive over to that other building. Sadly, Contrail does not manage to overhear Perceptor behind her, speculating that maybe the clone is not of Decepticon origin. She could /really/ use some spy training... learning on the job is tough! Turning into a police car, Contrail fights crime! Wait, that's not right. Contrail causes crime. JU-87 growls as she rolls to loop around, gaining altitude a little, before pulling a half-roll into the 90-degree dive the Stuka airframe was renound for - it's quite clearly an attack run, of course. <> she growls, carefully lining up her bomb so that, in theory at least, it misses Motormaster but lands squarely on Hardhead. She drops the bomb and then pulls up -hard-, reminding folks exactly why Stuka pilots were the first to experience G-LOC Combat: JU-87 sets her defense level to Aggressive. Combat: JU-87 strikes Hardhead with her 50kg GP Bombs attack! The scientists make a mad dash after Repugnus, collecting by the far side of the wall to stay out of the action. No sense in hanging around to be used as hostages. Paul Gates III manages to inform Hardhead before he goes, "The TORQ complex is our most advanced research center, you've got to stop them.. whatever it is they're up to!" When he's finally herded the others to relative safety, he takes a look at his cellphone. "SEVENTEEN MISSED CALLS? Geez. Somebody's hard up for a date." he laughs, returning the phonecall. Hopefully Amber has some awesome ringback tone. Not that default classical crap. Once Repugnus easily breaches the doors, they were already hanging off their hinges like the gate, Galvatron Jr turns to look him in the optic. "And you are?" he sneers, turning away from a large viewscreen with a keyboard infront of it. Off to either side of the viewscreen, maintenece vehicles sit. Clamp ones, whip-arm ones, even pincher ones. All fully automated, one can surmise.. as they don't have seats for drivers. "I apologize, if you Autobots didn't die so easily.. I might bother to learn your names." Raising his fore-arm mounted fusion cannon, the miniature version humms to life as the barrel glows a bright purple. He doesn't bother to mutter any rhetoric or banter, just a flash of fusion energy exits the weapon. Combat: Galvatron Jr sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Galvatron Jr strikes Bug Creature with his Such Heroic Nonsense! (Pistol) attack! Hardhead looks up at the slightly larger Motormaster, a scowl forms on his face as he slides his weapons into Subspace. He motions towards a small clearing just past the building. "Tell you what, Motormaster...I'll fist fight you for it..." He lifts up his hands as he cracks his knuckle servos on each hand as he rolls his head around his neck servo. Before he can finish his thought, he hears the scream of the bomb as it comes tumbling towards him. "Fine..." He crouches down into a ball, facing for the worse...oh yeah... it is bad. The bomb explodes on top of his head, causing his shoulder and chest armor to get blasted off. "Hmmmm...I see how it is..." He stands back up, his Shatterblasters returning to his hands. He points one at Motormaster and for a brief second, he looks up to track Banshee with the other. Quickly, he pulls the trigger preparing for this to get ugly fast. FROM OUTSIDE:] Combat: Hardhead misses Motormaster with his John Woo Rifling! (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Hardhead misses JU-87 with his John Woo Rifling! (Full-Auto) Area attack! Perceptor stands there for a few moments, quickly analyzing the viewscreen. It would appear that an unauthorized entry had occurred in the 'Torq' complex, across from the main hangar. Perhaps that was where the clone had initially entered...and if that were so, perhaps it was still there. He could really use a better sample of that thing. Or even a live specimen. Yes, that would be ideal. He interfaces with the humans' data network through the computer that is showing him the warning and downloads the map before quietly moving through the main hangar and across the street toward this 'Torq' complex. ...Aha! As he'd expected. The clone was still there, and now so was Repugnus, who was getting attacked by said clone. The Autobot scientist ducks behind some debris, watching the fight for now. Amber watches Repugnus go running away from her goal, shouting for Galvatron, and Motormaster also backs out, so that means the building where the civilians are is... clear. And there they are, coming out and retreating to safety. She breathes a quiet sigh of relief and relaxes, just a bit. No heroics required after all. Then Hardhead is hit, hard. Ducking shrapnel from his shattered armor, she's forced to find better shelter. As much as she would like to help, she's useless here, so she makes the decision to pull back. Bug Creature starts with, "My name is--" before the blast knocks him back out the door. A moment later, he waddles back in. "Okay, that was *rude.* I was about to introduce myself. And if you're having trouble remembering our names, well..." His claws snap out and he grins. "...I can help you with that. Just hold still..." And his claws slash out rapidly at Galvatron Jr.'s chest, and if Galvatron doesn't dodge him successfully, he'll see REPUGNUS has been carved into his chest! "So, anyway, Galvie, well, Fake Galvie, what's your dealio? We know you're not the real thing. Heck, you don't even seem to be part of the Decepticons. The real ones, at least. So what's up? Quintesson decoy? Experiment gone bad? Or maybe I just had a hit of something something and I'm seeing things? And maybe in a moment giant red snakes will start coming out everywhere. Combat: Bug Creature strikes Galvatron Jr with his Shearing Claws attack! [Pulled -2] FROM OUTSIDE:] Motormaster looked at Hardhead and actually looked like he was balling up his fists to take part in the fisticuffs, then ducked a little himself when the bomb came whistling in. Wincing aside he flinched as it went off and he grimaced as he saw the end results. With a smirk he stood up again and stared down at the injured Bot, "Gotta hate those femme fliers. They can pack a punch....heh..." he said, sounding rather smug but not bothering to advance just yet, holding himself in check to see just what Hardhead would do. JU-87 laughs and simply raises a wingtip to let Harhead's shot pass below it. She smirks and turns, transforming to settle down beside Motormaster, drawing her two Luger-styled pistols. "You know ze difference between you unt me?" She asks, with a smirk. "I make zis look gut." Then she levels both pistols at Hardhead and fires. Folding and shifting, Banshee transforms into robot mode. Combat: Banshee strikes Hardhead with her Pistol attack! Lamborghini Gallardo was heading where Repugnus was, so once she gets there, she's behind him. She transforms up into robot mode and promptly tries to shoot Repugnus in the back. Contrail wants to talk to the clone, and Repugnus is in her way. In a transformation that is harder than it looks, Contrail rises up into robot mode. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Neutral. Combat: Contrail strikes Bug Creature with her Acid Strike attack! Paul Gates III taps his foot impatiently, when he gets Amber's answering machine. The outrage! "Hey, I've never met you.. and this might sound crazy. But you have my number, call back maybe?" he leaves the message, before hanging up. The other scientists are in awe of the giant robot fight happening outside between Hardhead, Motormaster, and Banshee. I mean, other than math.. giant robots are pretty high on a nerd's cool scale. Galvatron Jr is on the brunt end of the Monsterbot beating stick, the attack shearing into his outer armor.. in a unique brand stamp? "Are you always this pathetically annoying, or only sometimes?" Growling, he sends a backhand out at Repugnus before turning his back on him. Approaching the keyboard, the 'clone' (since that's what everyone is so keen on calling him) attaches a tiny bug-shaped device to the console. Clacking away at the keys, "I have never professed to be the genuine article, you bafoon." Galvatron Jr muses, busy installing a program. "I am Lord Galvatron's will personified. One that will -not- be bested by the likes of you." Combat: Galvatron Jr sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Galvatron Jr strikes Bug Creature with his Keepin' The Pimp-Hand Strong! (Punch) attack! Repgnus seems to be having a good time with the Galvatron clone, and Perceptor decides to just let him have at it. After all, he's good at what he does. The Monsterbot isn't as dumb as he looks, and Perceptor has confidence that he can weasel and manipulate the replica into revealing information about itself. Hardhead, on the other servo, appears to be taking a beating. He lends his comrade some support, firing off a quick shot at Banshee. However, immediately after this, his attention is drawn toward the device the small duplicate Galvatron has placed upon one of the humans' computer systems. He zooms in on it, watching it closely. What exactly has this clone come here for? Combat: Perceptor sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Perceptor strikes Banshee with his Concussion Blaster (Laser) attack! The pistol blasts hammer Hardhead straight in the chest, chipping away at the Autobot's armor. He looks at the two Decepticons as he places his Shatterblasters back into Subspace. "Yeah, ok..." He balls his hands into fists as his armor still smokes from the earlier bomb. "I see." He pulls back his fist, as he looks at Motormaster. "Slag it." He then leaps towards Motormaster, swinging his fist at the Stunticon Leader's jaw. Combat: Hardhead strikes Motormaster with his Hard Knuckles (Punch) attack! FROM OUTSIDE:] Amber MacKenzie doesn't normally return phone calls while taking cover from shrapnel, so Dr. Gates is simply out of luck. Though troubled by the pounding that Hardhead is taking, there's simply nothing to be done. The Autobots are on site, and if they can't handle this, she certainly can't either. Feeling upset and discouraged, she studies the surroundings and picks out a line of retreat. The last thing she wants is to be used as a hostage against Hardhead. Bug Creature grins at Galvatron Jr. "Nah, I'm pretty much always like this, best to get adjusted now while you're still alive. Which won't be long, since, you know, I'm going to kill you. I mean, I don't see why not." He sneers cruelly. "You're more my size than the real thing, after all!" The backhand makes his stumble back, but the Monsterbot seems to take it in stride. "Ooooh, Galvatron's will throws punches like a little girl, seems like! Heheheheheh! Now, my turn. See, I don't just punch somebody. Not me. You'd be lucky if I only did that..." Alas, he is interrupted by a shot to the back, and as his armor there sizzles worryingly he tries to look at the damage, but his head doesn't turn very well in this mode. "Ennf, ennnh... nuts. Fine, you want a private interview with him, go for it." And he hops out of the entryway, allowing Contrail access. Well that was nice of him. At least until he tried to jump onto Motormaster's back to stab him. "There's always OTHER Decepticons to mutilate, heheheh!" Combat: Bug Creature misses Motormaster with his STAB (Punch) attack! Motormaster looks down at Banshee and smirks, "I got this. Go shoot geek boy over there," he says with a nod of his chin and turns back just in time to take a right cross to the chin. With a grunt, his head turns a little to the side and he frowns. Then he turns his head back to look at Hardhead, "Right..." and balls up his servos and takes a swing at Hardhead himself. It's been awhile since he'd had a chance to play fisticuffs with anyone that didn't run or cower when he balled up his fists. Combat: Motormaster sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Motormaster misses Hardhead with his Punch attack! In the sky, some distance away, an aircraft approaches on full afterburner. It is not any aircraft, though! At first glance it appears to be a somewhat dirty, camoflauge painted MiG-23 Flogger. Then one looks closer, and two additional engine nacelles are built onto the bottom. Each belches an incredibly thick fog of black, soot like smoke that veritably chokes off the sunlight behind it. Even then it could pass as a terran vehicle until it reaches perhaps twenty five kilometers away. Then a series of panels on the wings begin to open, revealing glowing, virulent green goo inside of the wings. Contagion begins braking; slowing as his wings extend to their maximum swept position for a low speed run -- two deployment nozzles appearing at the tips of each, ready to begin to drop his deadly cargo. Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger sets his defense level to Protected. Contrail is suspicious of how Repugnus just backs off to let her talk to the tiny noseless Galvatron. She looks at him sidelong as he attacks Motormaster, and then she shakes her head. She has a job to do. The Empire needs its audios and optics just as much as it needs its guns and swords. Contrail approaches the the tiny noseless Galvatron with something a marching cadence, back straight, prideful and unbowed. She is politely respectful as she greets, "Harbinger. How is that Galvatron's will has become manifest in living metal?" Banshee chuckles, grinning widely as she spots Contagion... but then Perceptor's shot slams into her shoulder plate. "ARSCHLOCH!" She shouts, the 'cogs' around her neck starting to spin as she cycles up her rather unique vocal systems. She inhales deeply and begins to sing - the sound pure at first, but gradually becoming more and more discordant as harmonies, subharmonies and counter-harmonies are laid onto the note, shattering windows even before she's fully engaged the modulators. "Sarastro wird erblassen!" She sings, in German of course. "Hort, Rachegotter, Hort der Mutter SCHWUR!" With the last word of the song, she directs the -full- force of that discordant noise at where she thinks Perceptor is! Combat: Banshee strikes Perceptor with her Banshee Scream attack! The huge viewscreen boots to life, a blank blue at first while it comes on.. soon overtaken by a certain purple hue. Still busy clacking away at the keyboard, Galvatron Jr doesn't bother to turn around to reply to Contrail. "Is his will so abstract, that it must remain in his concious? Is it not possible that his image, his presence, his charisma enough to spur it's own Harbinger?" he muses, still clacking away idly. As the screen adjusts, a large face appears onscreen. At first it looks somewhat pleasant, insomuch that it's outlook is blank and dull. The pasty yellow eyes look down at Galvatron Jr, a look of worry crosses it's formerly neutral features. <> the computer whines in a nasal voice. "Oh, quite." Galvatron Jr smiles, hitting another series of keys. "You would do well to remind your followers that Lord Galvatron's will is not deaf, nor blind." Amber moves as close to the gates as cover allows and waits until all combatants are occupied and not looking her way. *Then* she slips out and into the long grass and verdant trees. A strategic retreat? No, a common sensical one. Moving perhaps a quarter mile away, she picks a shady tree with dense foliage and sits with her back to the trunk to watch. There's little to be seen of what's going on from her position, but she can keep track of comings and goings. And winners and losers. Hardhead pulls back from Motormaster's punch as he prepares to strike back at the Highway Meance. Right before his strike, his radio comm goes off as reports of another attack reach his comms. "The Slag..." Quickly, he surveys the unfolding battle, making a couple of quick mental notes. "Perceptor, you're in charge...Good Luck Solider." With that he charges off away from the complex in order to answer the pleas coming in. Combat: Hardhead begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from 2010 Jeep Wrangler Mopar , Modified MiG-23 Flogger , and Galvatron Jr Bug Creature missed on the first pounce, but is quick to follow up on his earlier attack on Motormaster with a slash to his knees. "You know that guy in there, Galvatron Jr.? When I talked to him, he grew *enraged* when I said he wasn't the real leader of the Decepticons." This is a lie. But hey, it's Repugnus. "And, you know, maybe you don't believe that, sure. But think of it this way, Moto. If you DON'T curbstomp that Galvatron copy, what'll you say to the real thing when he asks you why you didn't? Maybe he'll think you were gonna join on up with him, huh? Well, it's a Decepticon matter, none 'a my business, I guess..." Even as he attacks Motormaster, though, he manages to put on an innocent look, or as innocent as he can with his ugly face. But he's not truly innocent, of course, for his claws allow him to hear every word Contrail and Galvatron Jr. say to each other. Combat: Bug Creature strikes Motormaster with his Shearing Claws attack! [Pulled -1] Whereas other civilian vehicles are evacuating in directions away from the epicenter of this alien sci-fi brawl-fest, a seemingly inconspicuous jeep defies common sense as it races through the streets opposite of the traffic. The flow of cars fleeing eventually makes it difficult for the jeep to travel on asphalt, forcing it to travel onto untamed terrain instead. Eventually the jeep roars out of the wood works and drops onto the pavement of the laboratories' parking lot before transforming into a robot and revealing himself to be Hound! "Sky Spy sent word of another one of the Decepticon's Seekers heading this way, I've been trying to intercept him. Figures he'd converge on here too." Hound radios out to the Autobots present before assessing the situation, taking note of the participants engaged in combat as well as the newly arrived Decepticon jet before whipping out multiple holographic distractions for each and everyone of them. 2010 Jeep Wrangler Mopar transforms into his Hound mode. Combat: Hound strikes Motormaster with his Holographic Distractions Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily limited Motormaster's Accuracy! (Blinded) Combat: Hound strikes Modified MiG-23 Flogger with his Holographic Distractions Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily limited Modified MiG-23 Flogger 's Accuracy! (Blinded) Combat: Hound strikes Banshee with his Holographic Distractions Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily limited Banshee's Accuracy! (Blinded) Perceptor stumbles backward as he is bombarded by Banshee's discordant noises, the debris he was hiding behind collapsing onto his frame. He is rather annoyed that she has interrupted his observation of the Galvatron clone, but her attack has given him an idea. Earlier, he'd been experimenting with deflecting sound energy with oscillating null fields. He draws a spherical device from subspace and tosses it in Banshee's direction. It opens and what appear to be wind turbine-shaped null fields expand out of it, spinning almost like a pinwheel. Hopefully, the disruption of the travel medium will cause Banshee's sonic attacks to come hurtling back in her direction. If not, well...then maybe at least the energy fields will hit her and cause some damage before they lose power and deactivate. It was only a prototype, after all. Combat: Perceptor strikes Banshee with his Pinwheel of death attack! Combat: Perceptor's attack has strange and mysterious effects on Banshee. Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Banshee's Agility. (Crippled) Motormaster was preparing to defend himself when he saw Hardhead back off and then disappear. A bit, confused....Motormaster turns as if to follow and realizes Repugnus is there, chattering away at him as he takes a swipe at Motormaster's legs. Feeling the claws cut into his knees, he snarls. As he's about to take a swing at Repugnus, Hounds light show blinds him and he staggers back a step. "This isn't worth my time. That's not my leader. Our real leader should show himself and be whooping his butt..." He backs up another step, trying to see. Combat: Motormaster begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Hound, Contrail, Perceptor, Modified MiG-23 Flogger , Galvatron Jr, and Banshee Slowing markedly, the smoke-spewing MiG-23 Flogger is about to perform a strafing run when all of a sudden his HUD begins to go wild with a variety of targets. There are so many of them that it is an easy judgement that they are unlikely to all be real, but that matters almost none to Contagion. Indeed, retro-rockets fire this time as the Flogger almost idles across the battlefield. Green goo begins to pour from the wing tanks as it is force fed air and a variety of other noxious chemicals. The effect takes a moment or two to build and to contribute to it, Contagion stands on his starboard wing; pulling elevators up in a sharp turn. It is entirely likely that he is going to fly through his own whirlwind as it builds, but what ends up happening is a noxious, virulent spiral of nasty -- like a slow spinning tornado -- that begins to move across the battlefield towards Hound. But such things and such winds are fickle and unpredictable and it is possible some others will get caught as the chemical settles. But what does it do? When it touches living things... nothing. As soon as it touches metal, sparks will fly as it interferes with the transmission of electricity! Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger strikes Contrail with his Rainmaker's Storm Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily affected Contrail's Accuracy. (Blinded) Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Contrail's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger misses Banshee with his Rainmaker's Storm Area attack! Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger misses Galvatron Jr with his Rainmaker's Storm Area attack! Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger strikes Hound with his Rainmaker's Storm Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily affected Hound's Accuracy. (Blinded) Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Hound's Agility. (Crippled) Banshee snarls and lashes out at the hologram that distracts her, firing her pistol at both the hologram and Perceptor- not noticing the null-field device, which, while not reflecting her song, -does- mess with her systems a little. Either that or it reflects one of her own shots back at her, the Stukacon staggering into one of the buildings and vanishing through its glass front - the roof protecting her from the spraying chemicals! Combat: Banshee sets her defense level to Guarded. Combat: Banshee strikes Perceptor with her Random Firing (Pistol) attack! Contrail frowns. Is the tiny Galvatron implying he can hear the Decepticon radio frequency? The way to test that is to see if he anticipates Contagion's move. She will have to see how it goes. She purses her lips and replies, "It is certainly... possible that Galvatron's will became manifest via sheer force of personality alone," but she's going to assume that's not the case, "I can even understand Galvatron's will operating independently of himself, for Galvatron's will is the will of chaos, and none may know it, not even Galvatron himself, but the fact is," she moves up a bit closer to peer over the tiny Galvatron's shoulder, "you are being evasive, /sweetie/. It is Decepticon to lie. If you wanted help with your plans, you could /have it/, but you haven't asked. What's your angle?" Then Contagion dumps horrible chemicals on her head, and she can't see anything. Contrail raises her hands to her face and promptly regrets it. So much for playing hardball! Following Hardhead's safe exit, some of the scientists load up into the back of diesel trucks and haul aft out of there. They attempt to wave the green Jeep away from the scene, before relenting when they notice it doesn't exactly have a driver. Hopefully it's one of the good guys! Paul Gates III is one of the scientists who stuck around, he makes his way towards the TORQ building.. weaving far out of Repugnus and Motormaster's tussle. A scowl growing on Galvatron Jr's face indicates his dour mood setting in, though the brow doesn't furrow as much in the absence of a nose. "I fear you understimate my power, Contrail. Also your reservations as to my origin are equally as petty." he growls, hitting the last few keys on the board. The viewscreen reacts, visibly distorting and rearranging. "Does Lord Galvatron ask for help? NAY. It is demanded." his lips purse in anger, turning around and walking towards the building's entrance. Then of course, Contrail is covered in a nasty batch of chemicals. "Perhaps I've misjudged your loyalty." Bug Creature seems almost puzzled as Motormaster just gives up and walks away from the fight! "Huh. Okay. That's cool, Moto. Now what--" He pauses as he hears Galv Jr. leaving the building. "Meh." Transforming, he steps in front of said entrance, gun drawn. "Whichever femme-con you are, you're really *terrible* at interrogations. I mean, at least give him a purple nurple or something. Ah, well, don't worry, I'll take him in and interrogate him allllll day long. And you won't like it at all Fake Galv!" Grinning, Repugnus tries to fire his Venom Laser into Galvatron Jr's chest. He's never seen anyone just shake off the effects of that thing. Not right away, at least, and he's sure this guy will be no different. "You're coming with me!" The creature spins and twists about into Repugnus's robot mode! Combat: Repugnus sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Repugnus strikes Galvatron Jr with his Venom Laser attack! Combat: Galvatron Jr has been temporarily incapacitated. As soon as Galvatron begins walking away from the terminal, Perceptor moves toward it, ignoring the small amount of damage Banshee's counterattack has caused. He is eager to find out what the clone was doing with the computer. And Repgnus' stun certainly helps. But now for Contrail. He would need her out of the way as well. Coming up behind her, he draws his concussion rifle. "This may feel rather familiar." He says before he fires at her back. Combat: Perceptor misses Contrail with his Not again! attack! Hound holds steady as he preps up his holographic projectors and soon enough it kicks in. Various holographic decoys and other distractions begins running around in the field as Hound begins moving up to the Autobots, "Not sure how well these distractions will work!" The answer to that question reveals itself soon in the form of some of his circuits sizzling as toxic waste seeps through his armour plating and Perceptor getting clobbered a good one. Hound shrugs off the effects as best as he can as he crosses through the parking lot towards the laboratory, but not before taking a pot shot at the jet above to ward off any further attacks. Combat: Hound misses Modified MiG-23 Flogger with his Laser Volley (Laser) attack! Contrail smacks the chemicals off her face, because that is how she rolls. Her optics look red, but they are always red, anyway. She says softly but firmly, "And yet, you have not /demanded/ anything, either. Go on, give us an order, Harbinger." This is about as frustrating as the time when Americon waterboarded himself. She ignores Repugnus's critique of her interrogation abilities. Contrail was playing Good Cop, okay? That is a valid tactic! Even still reeling from the chemicals, she can /hear/ Perceptor just fine, so when the arrogant scientist calls his shot, Contrail steps out of the way and flicks a rude gesture in his general direction. She heckles, "Good going, /genius/! Why not telegraph your shot /even louder/ next time?" Contrail stalks after the incapacitated Galvatron clone, one foot in front of the other, with a methodical inevitability, and draws her electric whip, intending to use it to hogtie him. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Fearless. Combat: Contrail strikes Galvatron Jr with her Whiplash Whirlwind attack! Contagion is just setting up another strafing run when everything suddenly changes! He actually ignores Hound; even as the laser blasts slice through the air between his wing and tail, missing him narrowly. But a miss is still a miss, and he stands suddenly upon his port wing this time -- lining up with the building in question. Does he remember Repugnus? Oh, yes. He remembers Repugnus. As he angles himself towards the Autobot a salvo of 57mm rockets are fired from a pair of launchers. But like most everything Contagion uses they are unreliable to a fault, and sure enough, one detonates just in front of him -- forcing him to fly through a cloud of his own noxious chemicals to continue the attack. It might affect him, or it might not. Then again, Repugnus might get shot with a rocket that explodes in a cloud of circuit-numbing green gas too! Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger misses Repugnus with his System Contaminant attack! Banshee seems about to fire at Hound... when she gets an order on the radio. Moving surprisingly fast, she surges into the factory, just in time to see Contagion missing Repugnus. "Schiessen Sie gerade, Arschloch." She spits at him, levelling her pistols at Repugnus... and blocking the exit with her spread wings incase Galvie JR tries to make an escape! Combat: Banshee strikes Repugnus with her Pistol attack! The viewscreen continues to morph, finally into a mean looking purple face with slanted yellow eyes. In a highpitched squeeky voice, <> Smiling, Galvatron Jr turns to face Contrail once again. "You and your traitorous troop try my patience, Contrail. Perhaps you shall be obliterated with the rest of the filth!" he signals to Perceptor's advance. Suddenly he's beset by a venom laser, causing momentarily paralysis of his motor relay functions. Was this the Decepticon's doing, or the Autobot's? It matters little. "Yes, you shall be tested this day. Much like the rest of your ilk that passes for Decepticons these days." Before he can finish his sentence, Contrail is trying to hog-tie him with an electric whip! She manages to get behind him, looping it around either wrist. The weapon digs into his armor plating, any flakes that chip off are instantly vaporized in the electricity. Growling and actually letting out, "NYYYYYAAAARGGGHHH!" as he bashes against the hold and takes to the air. "Orders? Prove yourself worthy, dog." Eyeing Banshee, Galvatron Jr simply blows a hole through the roof. As he lifts off, the large purple viewscreen whirls to life. <> it surmises, the machinery to either side of it whirling to life. <> Combat: Galvatron Jr sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Galvatron Jr begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Modified MiG-23 It would appear that Contrail has already taken care of the restraining. Despite the fact that the clone is much smaller than the real Galvatron, it is still considerably larger than Perceptor. Hence, the scientist turns to the terminal the clone was manipulating previously, attempting to figure out what it was the replica had been doing while he commed Hound. <> He hopes Hound will be able to carry it on his vehicle form. He shoots at the clone as it lifts off, attempting to knock it out of the sky. But then when he turns back to the terminal, it would appear that some sort of defense had been armed. Quickly, he begins attempting to override whatever programming the clone had put in place. Combat: Perceptor misses Galvatron Jr with his Laser Cannon attack! [Pulled -1] Repugnus tries leaping at Galvatron Jr.'s foot to grab it before he takes off, but alas, he's not quick enough. And he has the other Decepticons to worry about, too, as they all seem to start shooting at him at the same time. Fortunately, only Banshee manages to hit him, leaving pockmarks in his armor. "Gah. Why are you people still here? The fake took off and there's nothing here for you to loot. How about you all go collectively slag off or something?" The facility Galv Jr. was just in comes to life and he frowns at the implications. "Dammit..." Charging inside, he stands next to Perceptor as he tries to purge the corruption, ready to confront whatever the facility throws at him. "Watch out, dumbass! He's turned this whole complex on us!" Combat: Repugnus takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Hound snaps off a few quick shots of laser blaster fire into the skies at Contagion and then makes his way inside the laboratories from one of the many accessible holes that were made through collateral and intentional damages during the course of the fight. The building around Hound shudders, dust clouds expands throughout the area and ceiling panels falls down as the shock of the explosions from Contagion's rockets reaches the area Hound is in. "That Seeker either has some pretty advanced targetting sensors on him to single out a target inside this build, or he's up there on the list of reckless crazies." Somehow Hound was able to get a reasonable scan of Galvatron Jr and snap off a holographic doppleganger of the clone, who flies in a direction that takes him closer towards the other Decepticons in an attempt at confusing them. Contagion is up there on the list of reckless crazies. It is a fairly commonly known fact among Decepticons. Anyone who willingly exposes themselves to their own chemical weapons on a regular basis has to be at least a little stark raving mad. He is setting up for yet another attack run when Galvatron Junior blasts out of the roof. A quick bit of communication later and he is aiming a single rocket towards the center of the Galvatron clone's back! Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger misses Galvatron Jr with his System Contaminant attack! Banshee growls and fires up after the departing Galvatron jr, cursing him loudly in German, English, and a few other choice languages she knows. "Arschloch!" she adds as it goes out of range, holstering her two pistols. "Vun day..." she mutters. "Ve'll haff zat sing on ze table, unt I vill enjoy watching it get cut up." Contrail lips curl in disgust as the tiny Galvatron breaks free of her whip. What has happened with the computer control for the facility sounds... ominous. Contagion is the most technically inclined of the three Decepticons here, but he'll likely make a last ditch attempt to stun the tiny Galvatron. So she... turns on Perceptor. She swings down her back-mounted rifles and points them right at the nerd. Contrail gives him a BIG smile and says sweetly, "Give me a copy of the data you get out of that," and she points at the computer, "and I don't bury you in a shallow grave today and mail your severed head to Rodimus Prime postage due. Deal?" She holds out her hand to shake, but the guns stay pointed at Perceptor. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Neutral. Combat: Contrail takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] As Galvatron Jr flies off like the pint-sized coward that he is, apparently, GALV PC has come online and demands their attention. The keyboard is unresponsive at first.. though it does allow the Autobot scientist some lee-way with it's data-banks. As the computer version of Galvatron notices, it activates the automated vehicles to act on it's behalf. <> The pincher drones move in first, attempting to drag away Perceptor and Contrail towards the entrance. The others mill out into the main courtyard, eyeing targets to eviscerate. TORQ XIII, the peaceful console, has been activated.. into GALV PC, the robotic overlord!! Combat: GALV PC strikes Perceptor with his GALV PC HUG! Area attack! Combat: That attack has slowed Perceptor, making him less efficient. Combat: GALV PC misses Contrail with his GALV PC HUG! Area attack! Perceptor is still hacking away at the system the clone has set up, simultaneously attempting to override the defense controls -and- download whatever information he could from the program onto data discs. He -could- try to find a way to send it directly to Autobot City via pulsewave but that would take far too much time, given the drones that have been activated. The claws grab him and drag him back a ways, but he manages to writhe free fro it and dash back to the terminal. And Contrail really didn't need to point a gun at him. He was smart enough to simply hand her a disc with a corrupted copy of the data. Corrupting data was easy, it was the salvaging part that usually presented a problem. "Yes, yes, of course, Contrail. But I believe the both of us have more pressing matters to concern ourselves with." he comments, briefly gesturing toward the defenses that are now attempting to assail them from all sides. "Cover me and I -may- be able to procure something that is actually -worth- your time." A faintly greasy hand grabs Contrail's shoulder. "Burying someone in a shallow grave and mailing the head to someone who cares about them?" Repugnus says, looking shocked. "Man, stop stealing my schtick!" He notices, with some disappointment, that the berserk drones didn't manage to grab her. He also noticed, when Perceptor was trying to hack the computer, that Perceptor didn't have much luck with the keyboard. So he decides on a method of hacking the computer. Grabbing the back of Contrail's head, he attempts to slam it right through the keyboard. "Yep, like I always say, if the I/O interface has locked you out, go around it! I like to go around a LOT of things...." Combat: Repugnus strikes Contrail with his Adsdaflj kafaf attack! [Pulled -2] Even though the holographic projection of Galvatron Jr took off as planned, it seems that the Decepticons present are either unfooled or oblivious to its effects. Maybe the Decepticons have smartened up since seasons 1? Hound doesn't have much time to dwell on that though as a wave of drones mobilizes in the room he is in, seperating him from the others further inside the laboratory, "Looks like I'll have to take the long way around. There's drones here and they don't look too friendly at all." He pops out of cover and takes a few shots at the drones before drop rolling behind another pillar, doing what he can to get closer to where the other gathered Autobots are at. Expanding outwards, Contagion reshapes himself into a robot. His variable geometry wings move into full extended position while a series of hoses join their tanks to his shoulder mounted weaponry. His twain auxiliary engine pods end up on his forearms as his face-shield magnetizes into place. Finally, previously hidden ports upon his wings snap open to reveal transparisteel tanks that bear a noxious, glowing green goo. At this point, Contagion just gives this flying thing up. He pulls up sharply, going vertical just above the hole that Galvatron Junior created. Transforming on the fly, he drops to the ground inside the facility through said hole; landing in a defensive crouch. Beneath his gas mask, he grins. Reaching behind him, he takes out a flail -- an old style ball and chain with rusty spikes over a yard long covering it. "Contrail, Repugnus is...." He pauses. "Nevermind. I wouldn't trust Perceptor, we scientists are notoriously unreliable." Either way, he pauses to deflect a drone with his flail before pointing both arms at Repugnus. The two 747 engines there spool up and with a KRAKOOM let loose a blast of wind that tries to blow him off Contrail and into the incoming drones! Combat: Contagion strikes Repugnus with his Cyclone Wind Cannons attack! "Sure, make Perceptor's job harder on him. Ruin the keyboard," Contrail hisses out in some amount of pain, glaring at Repugnus. She reels out her electric whip in her not-smashed hand, thanks Repugnus, and looks at Repugnus and Perceptor thoughtfully as if sizing them up as targets. Then she casts it out at an automated drone that is getting too near, twisting and jerking the line to knock it over. (Contrail is really too busy with Repugnus breaking her fingers, automated drones attacking, and threatening Perceptor to notice what Hound is doing - if she did notice, she might well be fooled!) Contrail's lips pull back in a savage smile, and she says slyly, "Why Perceptor... it's like Repgunus doesn't /want/ you to get that data out. I bet he doesn't /trust/ you. Why, I'd say he would rather destroy all the information than chance that you might give me an uncorrupted disc. Mmm. He /is/ the type to destroy all the evidence and murder all the witnesses, isn't he? And you're just too naive for you own good, Perceptor." Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Contrail misses GALV PC with her Whiplash Whirlwind attack! Banshee snarls quietly and then charges for one of the drones, levelling her pistols and firing rapidly as she goes - not really caring if her aim tracks over the autobots too. Any fire o them is just a bonus...! Combat: Banshee misses GALV PC with her Random Firing (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Banshee misses Perceptor with her Random Firing (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Banshee misses Repugnus with her Random Firing (Full-Auto) Area attack! Perceptor's meddling manages to start a download of the computer's databanks, however overriding the controls to the defenses is another matter entirely. It'll take some time to implement, another couple of firewalls to bypass, and.. SMASH Another keyboard to properly interface with the console. Growing impatient, GALV PC presses his advantage with the automations. <> he addresses Perceptor, though it could equally be applied to them all. Without Perceptor's constant vigil, the computer begins shutting down what stores it can to prevent complete download. Meanwhile, the automations lash out at all inside the room.. attempting to bowl them over and out of the building. <> Meanwhile, Paul Gates III has snuck his way into the building through a side entrance, and he steps out onto the catwalk above. "Autobots, you have to shut him down now! TORQ XIII is the most advanced computer system alive. Well, he's not alive-alive.. you know." he semi-argues with himself. "We've been prepping him for an EDC presentation, one computer to oversee all the automated devices on Earth!" "If you don't shut him down, we'll be DOOOOOOOOMED!!" Combat: GALV PC sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: GALV PC strikes Contrail with his EVICTION NOTICE! Area attack! Combat: GALV PC misses Banshee with his EVICTION NOTICE! Area attack! Combat: GALV PC strikes Repugnus with his EVICTION NOTICE! Area attack! Combat: GALV PC strikes Perceptor with his EVICTION NOTICE! Area attack! Combat: GALV PC strikes Hound with his EVICTION NOTICE! Area attack! "Repugnus, n--!" Perceptor cries out, but he is too late and the Monsterbot has destroyed the only way to input commands into the terminal. However, his distraught quickly disappears as he realizes that the hole Repugnus has created has allowed him access to the data cores inside the mainframe. "Ah. Actually, quite the contrary, Repugnus. Your methods are crude yet effective. And Contrail, I must say you are extremely sly. However, unfortunately for you, it is not quite enough to daunt either myself or Repugnus." With that, he seizes the cores and pulls them out before taking off running. <> As he is making his way out, he is struck by a few drones that stall him slightly, charring his armor and peppering it with a few holes but otherwise not doing much damage. FROM OUTSIDE:] Combat: Perceptor begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Contrail, Contagion, and Banshee Repugnus is suddenly blown off of his latest victim by a gust of vile winds! "Fwuuughhh--nice to smell you again, Contagion, how ya been? Fuuuuu--" He collapses into into a pile of maniacal drones he begin poking and slashing and pinching at him, and the Monsterbot fights his way back to his feet, snapping robot limbs as he goes. "Nnnf, how do we shut it down, Paul?!" He watches Perceptor at work. "Oh, well, maybe that did it. Yeah, that was deffo all me, baby." He yanks two drones up by their stabby arms and hurls them at Contrail and Contagion. "And don't worry about me, Percy, I'll cover your retreat or something." Combat: Repugnus strikes Contrail with his Ruckus Area attack! Combat: Repugnus strikes Contagion with his Ruckus Area attack! Combat: Repugnus misses GALV PC with his Ruckus Area attack! Hound takes a step into the room where the infected main computer is and is instantly set upon by the security drones, apparently a few with some very high powered lasers, that fires upon him. He jumps away in time to turn a fatal shot into a painful one where some armour plating is cut right off! By now he's heard Perceptor's intentions to pull out, he dodges towards cover before popping out in a safer spot where he projects multiple images of Perceptor fleeing in all direction in an attempt to cover his teammate's escape! Combat: Hound sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Hound misses Banshee with his The Many Fleeing Images of Perceptor Area attack! Combat: Hound strikes Contrail with his The Many Fleeing Images of Perceptor Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily limited Contrail's Accuracy! (Blinded) Combat: Hound strikes Contagion with his The Many Fleeing Images of Perceptor Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily limited Contagion's Accuracy! (Blinded) Contrail is displeased when her whip misses. As Perceptor runs, she shouts at the top of her volume, "I know what you did, Perceptor. Too hot to support life! I'm sure that's what you tell yourself to keep the nightmares away. If that comes out, really comes out, on a galactic news level, the Autobots aren't going to be pleased with you! You'll be a problem for their squeaky-clean image. They're going to want to make you /vanish/! Maybe Repugnus will be the one they send to do you, him? Clean up that nasty loose end?" What /ever/ could Contrail be talking about? Repugnus and the drones manage to knock her down. She transforms, compacting down into her police car form. Her machine guns deploy with a chk-chk. Hound blinds her, and suddenly, Contrail is seeing Perceptors /everywhere/. So logically, Contrail shoots at /everything/. Maybe if she hits a real Perceptor, he'll drop the cores! But probably not. Turning into a police car, Contrail fights crime! Wait, that's not right. Contrail causes crime. Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo sets her defense level to Fearless. Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo misses Hound with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Contagion with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes GALV PC with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Banshee with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Perceptor with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Repugnus with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Contagion is struck by a flying drone; impacting into his chest and causing him to fall backwards in a shower of rust. He uses his free hand to punch it in the face repeatedly as he regains his feet, making him feel much better about himself as he does. "Affirmative." He is saying, probably responding to the radio as he drops to a defensive crouch. Both of his arms come up as powerful pumps activate; glowing green goo beginning to drip eagerly from the open tips of both cannons. Then he pulls a Contrail and simply tries to shoot eveything that moves. Autobots, drones, holograms, all are attempted to be hit with a noxious stream of vile liquid that eats away at armor and systems alike. But he does not stop there, letting the nasty stuff end up all over the walls, floor, and ceiling; dripping and sizzling everywhere like a horde of Xenomorphs were slain on the spot. Contagion is also shot by Contrail but that is okay because he is trying to shoot her too. Combat: Contagion misses Lamborghini Gallardo with his Flying Goo Everywhere (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Contagion strikes GALV PC with his Flying Goo Everywhere (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Contagion strikes Hound with his Flying Goo Everywhere (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Contagion strikes Perceptor with his Flying Goo Everywhere (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Contagion misses Banshee with his Flying Goo Everywhere (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Contagion strikes Repugnus with his Flying Goo Everywhere (Full-Auto) Area attack! Banshee snarls as Contrail's weapons fire strikes her, the impact of the 5.56 rounds knocking her out of the way of the flying goo. With a growl, she picks up one of the drones and throws it at the cop car. Combat: Banshee strikes GALV PC with her Haff a DRONE! (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Banshee misses Lamborghini Gallardo with her Haff a DRONE! (Full-Auto) Area attack! "You need to bypass the security measures with rather long and complicated string of.." Paul Gates III starts to instruct Repugnus, eyeing the broken keyboad terminal. "I'll have to manually bypass them then, can you provide cover?" the scientist asks, sliding down the rail ladder before getting a reply. If he can't stop GALV PC from spreading to other parts of the US, they're DOOMED. As the helpful little human labors in secret off to the side, GALV PC reups his attack upon the remaining participants. <> The drones, some crippled and lagging behind.. others destroyed, reply and lash out again at the occupants. Some whip wildly, others shoot harmful LAZORZ, and even others attempt to clamp down on their adversaries. <> Combat: GALV PC strikes Lamborghini Gallardo with his I For One Welcome Our New Robotic Overlords! Area attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: GALV PC misses Banshee with his I For One Welcome Our New Robotic Overlords! Area attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: GALV PC strikes Repugnus with his I For One Welcome Our New Robotic Overlords! Area attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: GALV PC strikes Hound with his I For One Welcome Our New Robotic Overlords! Area attack! [Pulled -1] Hound shoves away a few drones in his path that had attempted to surround him, but he only have average Cybertronian strength and thus isn't able to inflict any lasting damage. At last he's able to make his way over to Repugnus, albeit dripping wet from the toxic waste that he got sprayed with along the way, "I'll keep the human safe, Repugnus. I think I saw what seemed to be a few weak points on the drone's leg actuators, think you can take them out?" Combat: Hound analyzes Galvatron Jr for weaknesses Repugnus can exploit. Repugnus would totally kill Perceptor if he was ordered to. No, really. He would. As for now, though, Repugnus is forced to flee as he begins to take severe damage, first from the spray of bullets, then the spray of... whatever that stuff is. "Frag off, Decepticons! We managed to save the day again... I think? Maybe? Probably?" Then he notices the computer's still berserk. "The cores...?" he mutters, bewildered. "Damn, this computer must have a lot of redundancy built into it--argh!" And the drones advance on him, poking away! Wobbling, Repugnus assesses his options, which are few. How can he stop so many Decepticons at once? What is the one thing all Decepticons are afraid of? He eyes an emergency fire extinguisher system. That's the ticket. And it should even affect the drones, since their legs aren't terribly stable, so once the fun starts, they'll be slipping and sliding around everywhere! "Damn. Welp, here goes nothing!" Repugnus cries, and pulls the switch for the fire extinguisher. "Enjoy, Decepticons!" And immediately nozzles from above begin spraying FLAME RETARDANT FOAM down onto everything! Normally there'd be no cause for alarm, but everyone is damaged, especially Repugnus, and the foam seeps into his circuitry, frying systems. "Arrgh!" he yells as he sinks to his knees, holding onto the extinguisher switch, eventually slumping over. He doesn't release his grip, though. Combat: Repugnus strikes himself with his Flame Retardant Foam (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Repugnus misses Lamborghini Gallardo with his Flame Retardant Foam (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Repugnus strikes Contagion with his Flame Retardant Foam (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Repugnus strikes Hound with his Flame Retardant Foam (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Repugnus strikes GALV PC with his Flame Retardant Foam (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Repugnus strikes Banshee with his Flame Retardant Foam (Full-Auto) Area attack! Lamborghini Gallardo manages to evade Banshee's retribution, and she cries out, "Banshee, don't you see - this is what the Autobots /want/ - us fighting each other!" She cannot, however, evade the evil drones. Driven to the edge, Contrail boots a home-made bomb out of her trunk, and drives off, trying to get out of the blast range. It dimly occurs to her that Repugnus has a point - how is the computer still running if Perceptor stole the cores? Maybe Perceptor got confused and just stole the fans. OH WELL. Contrail drops Suckers!. Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Hound with Suckers!'s Huge Explosion #9573 Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes GALV PC with Suckers!'s Huge Explosion #9573 Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Repugnus with Suckers!'s Huge Explosion #9573 Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo 's Suckers! is destroyed! Contagion was about to do something else; probably bash someone's head in. However, two things stop this. The first is Repugnus' attack. It annoys his circuits a bit, blowing some of the rust off of his body and giving him a sort of reverse rash with the washing action of the foam. He actually appears a tiny bit cleaner. The second is Contrail's order. He flips Repugnus off in a classic and charming seeker gesture; transforming and rocketing upwards out of the area, leaving two things behind. One is a lot of smoke, the second is one of his rockets, which heads out towards the center of the milling mass of drones! FROM OUTSIDE:] Combat: Modified MiG-23 Flogger strikes GALV PC with his Caustic Alkali attack! Banshee snarls at the arcing from the foam... then she gets an order. She runs for the door and leaps into the air, transforming rapidly and climbing as rapidly as she can to get clear of the blast radius! <> she declares, performing a victory-roll as she goes As Paul Gates III labors away off to the side, several of GALV PC's functions and commands seem to slow down. The automations become less responsive, their actions less direct and focused. Then the flame retardant foam gets splattered everywhere, mucking up GALV PC's screen. <> The drones figure, congregating into one giant moving phalanx would be best to evict and disassemble their would-be opressors. Only problem being, Contagion's payload that detonates right in their middle. When the smoke clears, there are only a handful even left remotely operable. Even those left are half limping, missing limbs, or scorched so badly their joints and treads become gunked and laggy. <> it bellows, aiming a half broken drone to swing at Paul Gates III. Only with all the retardant foam, affecting visibility and seeping into it's components, and the residual blast damage from Contagion's bomb drop.. it ends up walloping itself! Combat: Galvatron Jr damages himself. Combat: GALV PC falls to the ground, unconscious. The purple screen wigs out, swirling all around as GALV PC cries out. <> before powering down completely. What's left of the drone army halt in their tracks, frozen. Hound winces in pain as the much dread flame retardant foam seeps in from the cracks in his armor, thanks to the battle damage that he had accumulated so far, he does his best to wipe away at the foam for what little good it does, "Gah, thank Primus this thing isn't the same stuff the Ark uses, otherwise we'd all be in trouble." Then comes the bomb that drops out of Contrail's trunk, and Hound's optics widens in surprise, "Uh... spoke too soon!" Hound leaps behind a convenient cover nearby where it withstands most of the bomb's destructive force before it crumbles away and exposes him to the rest. When the dust finally settles, several pieces of debris shakes and rolls off as Hound emerges from underneath a thin layer of rubble. "I guess that settles that. The computer's gone, so I guess that's a job well done? Time as any for us to roll out on home, don't you think?" Hound transforms and opens up a side door to allow Paul Gates III to hop on before he starts cruising out of the Quantum Laboratories and off and away. Hound transforms into his 2010 Jeep Wrangler Mopar mode. Combat: 2010 Jeep Wrangler Mopar begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Lamborghini Gallardo , F-16C Agile Falcon , and Modified MiG-23 Flogger Repugnus mutters, "Roll out? Nah, I... I think I'll hang out here for a sec." He continues to hang from the lever he pulled. "Man, this is the cleanest I've been in weeks." Combat: Repugnus takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Transforming again, Contagion descends back into the place that he has contributed to wrecking. He looks once at Contrail; glancing disdainfully at the main computer as he approaches it -- attempting to collect the bug shaped device that was originally attached to it. He is halfway through trying to pilfer the RAM and a bunch of other components when Repugnus speaks. He pauses. Glances at the computer. Glances at Repugnus. Glances at the computer. Then his right arm comes up and fires a burst of nasty green goo at him. He'd wrestled with himself over it, and lost. Expanding outwards, Contagion reshapes himself into a robot. His variable geometry wings move into full extended position while a series of hoses join their tanks to his shoulder mounted weaponry. His twain auxiliary engine pods end up on his forearms as his face-shield magnetizes into place. Finally, previously hidden ports upon his wings snap open to reveal transparisteel tanks that bear a noxious, glowing green goo. Combat: Contagion strikes Repugnus with his Not so clean now are you? attack! Combat: Repugnus falls to the ground, unconscious. Banshee circles the area cautiously, covering her fellow Decepticons as they retrieve what data they can. <> That does it. The goo burns through his armor and he finally slumps down, face first, his body emitting fumes that may or may not have been the result of the goo. "Not... clean... any... more..." Lamborghini Gallardo zooms away from the blast wave of the explosion. She pulls a sharp turn, her tyres screeching, and she's racing back to cover Contagion, and... Contagion covers himself perfectly well. She rises up into robot mode, clapping and grinning wickedly. In a transformation that is harder than it looks, Contrail rises up into robot mode. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Neutral. Contagion ignores Contrail and Banshee for the most part; instead just working on his pilfering of computer parts. When he thinks he has everything tucked into subspace, he finally looks towards Repugnus. "I defer to you." He says to Contrail. After half an hour of Decepticon debate... Contrails concludes, "Okay, so we plant a tracer inside him, shoot him up with hallucingoens so he'll chew his medic's face off, plant some incriminating evidence and disinformation on him, draw a bunch of demeaning pictures on his face, and then cover him in foul goo. Do I have that all straight?" She pulls out a Sharpie and looks from Banshee to Contagion. Banshee drops down to transform next to Contrail, pulling out her palette of paints that she's got for when Fusillate lets her repair her noseart; it's re-entry proof. "Ja!" She agrees enthesiastically, nodding twice before beginning to paint pictures of missiles and lubricant-release nozzles on his face in sparkling purple paint. Contagion thinks for a moment; tapping his chin. "Hmm." He says. He shakes his arm as though infected by some sort of virus until one of his Flogger mode rockets pops out. Cracking open the warhead, he pours that into Repugnus' open wound. Then he just cocks his other arm and squirts him with more of the glowing green goo -- the chemical reaction of both suddenly turning a virulent evil Decepticon purple. "That should take care of both." He says. "Now, I am out of stores and feeling naked. So." He transforms and flies away because his player must sleep. Contrail oohs and says admiringly, "Wow, those are nice paints, Banshee!" She just has a crummy Sharpie, with which she draws NODONG-1s all over the place. Shoddy North Korean missiles sure are demeaning! She also draws some Dongfeng 41s for good measure. Banshee grins "Danke." She replies. "Zey should be ein -bastard- to remove; it's re-entry proof." SHe laughs, taking care to paint an eyepatch over one of his eyes. "Hehehehe..." Repugnus cleverly feigns being unconscious to lure the Decepticons into thinking he's out cold. Or he really is out cold. Contrail considers and says slowly, "Maybe we should dump his body somewhere really awkward... like Lindsey Lohan's backyard or something?" She adds a Spruce Goose on one of Repugnus's shins. This is clearly SO OFFENSIVE. Repugnus makes a sound that smells like a fart, followed by a foul smell. Banshee waves a hand infront of her face as she shakes her head, coughing a little. "Ick..." she mutters, pulling a small tracker from somewhere and offering it to Contrail. "Place it somevhere he's not likely to search, ja?" Contrail makes a grossed out face, looking at Repugnus, and tries to decide where the medic is unlikely to search... Now, if Repugnus was a car? She'd know exactly where she was going to put this. In graphic detail. If he was a jet? Sure. But he's a terrible bug monster. She tries to open a panel on his back where he can't reach and jam it in there. So gross! "Will that do, do you think?" Banshee nodnods "Ja, I think so." She agrees, grinning. "Much better." Repugnus robo-farts again. It may be time to evacuate before he does it thrice. LONG AFTER ALL HAVE LEFT.. Paul Gates III emerges from behind his hidey spot, surmising the damage inflicted upon his facility. Meandering around towards the console, which is busted to hell, the human scientist just sorta stands in the middle of the room and sighs. "What died in here?" He then quickly vomits all over the floor.