| - Moon Gates are numerous in Blood Omen and hide many secrets. They took advantage of the games real-time system and were only open during nights (10pm-6am) of a full Moon (approx 1 in every 8 days game-time/1 in every 2 hours real-time.) There was a particularly large Moon Gate guarding the entrance to the Lost City .
- "Moon Gates" is a song that Leeroy recorded for Moon Man's King Nigger Killer EP, where it appears as the final track. The album, an import from somewhere in Asia, lists the performer of this song as Moon Man. Leeroy does say "They call me Moon Man," and he uses Moon Man's name several other times in the song in seeming reference to himself. This is consistent with the theory that Leeroy is a voice in Moon Man's head, but it could also be gentle mockery or a tribute to Moon Man, or all three of these things. It has also been argued that the recording could be of Moon Man imitating Leeroy, not the other way around.
- Moon Gates are a warp device used to move around Uladh and Belvast. They allow for instant travel to any other gate that has "tagged", or visited, before.
* To "tag" a gate and have it listed in your Moon Gate Map, simply click on it when it is open as if you were to use it.
* Once tagged, you will always be able to return to that particular Moon Gate.
* Only the Ceo Island Moon Gate will be already memorized, due to the fact that there is no other way to get to Ceo Island.
* The Human Beginner Quest Visit Tara and return allows new players to visit any Moon Gate without the need to tag them.
* It is possible to warp between Uladh and Belvast, and unlike Continent Warp there are no limitations to continental warping with Moon Gates.
| - "Moon Gates" is a song that Leeroy recorded for Moon Man's King Nigger Killer EP, where it appears as the final track. The album, an import from somewhere in Asia, lists the performer of this song as Moon Man. Leeroy does say "They call me Moon Man," and he uses Moon Man's name several other times in the song in seeming reference to himself. This is consistent with the theory that Leeroy is a voice in Moon Man's head, but it could also be gentle mockery or a tribute to Moon Man, or all three of these things. It has also been argued that the recording could be of Moon Man imitating Leeroy, not the other way around. This song was the B-side of Leeroy's first single, "Leeroy".
- Moon Gates are numerous in Blood Omen and hide many secrets. They took advantage of the games real-time system and were only open during nights (10pm-6am) of a full Moon (approx 1 in every 8 days game-time/1 in every 2 hours real-time.) There was a particularly large Moon Gate guarding the entrance to the Lost City .
- Moon Gates are a warp device used to move around Uladh and Belvast. They allow for instant travel to any other gate that has "tagged", or visited, before.
* To "tag" a gate and have it listed in your Moon Gate Map, simply click on it when it is open as if you were to use it.
* Once tagged, you will always be able to return to that particular Moon Gate.
* Only the Ceo Island Moon Gate will be already memorized, due to the fact that there is no other way to get to Ceo Island.
* The Human Beginner Quest Visit Tara and return allows new players to visit any Moon Gate without the need to tag them.
* It is possible to warp between Uladh and Belvast, and unlike Continent Warp there are no limitations to continental warping with Moon Gates. The book, The Origin of Moon Gates, describes how said gates were formed. During the Second War of Mag Tuireadh, an evil wizard named Jabchiel cast a spell that caused large chunks of Ladeca called Moon Rocks to plummet towards Erinn, killing all life around where the shards landed. Fortunately, a great hero named Mores defeated Jabchiel. After the war, the Druids found that each of the Moon Rocks contained an immense amount of Mana, and came to the decision to create Moon Gates. Each Moon Gate has two to four pillars stationed right next to it, depicting a moon and bearing Tara's emblem. What this symbolizes is currently unknown. The Iria counterpart of the Moon Gates are Mana Tunnels. Moon Gates cannot be used during Commerce. There is a total of 41 Moon Gates in Uladh, 7 in Belvast, and 2 more in Ladeca for a grand total of 50 Moon Gates.