| - A life led astray, Dawn was an orphaned child whom lived within the streets of several towns and cities. Stealing in order to survive, she grew up as a thief. It was her only way to ensure she would survive for she had no one to aid her. Her parents were unknown to her and her being led to several individuals to attempt to end her life. Brown eyes hinted with an azure gleam she had. She was labeled a monster for her being. Yet she could not help it. She was born this way. Half Human, half Wolf. Dawn was stronger than most men and faster than most horses. Traits such as these made her appear to be a demon. Despite her races were out of pure fun when she came across other children, most wanted her dead. From city to city and town to town, Dawn wandered aimlessly. It was said that everything were to happen for a reason and that a God had a plan for all yet, was his plan for her simply to exist to dwell alone and live through such heartache and pain? Or was she merely to exist to be a mere sacrifice for these humans to hunt and exploit as they saw fit? Such thoughts filled her mind as she sat alone within an alley. Rain overhead and taking shelter within some poor means of keeping dry as well as warm. Years had gone by. She aged far slower than most others and as she settled in one area she would eventually have to leave due to her unnatural appearance. Her undying youth is what made few suspicious of her yet when these suspicions arose she had already left the country and relocated elsewhere. There were friends which she missed and those which had died yet, she could not help what she was. She also did not want to die simply to appease whatever deity created her. Looking to this, she deemed this a "Coward's Death" and as she feared none, she refused to give them that satisfaction. Dawn had settled in the Old Republic of Halteese within the year 1571 and she resided there throughout much of the conflict between Dalkia. She had also fought for the Halteeseans as well. The years crept by and as the war reached a pinnacle, she faced a man named Williams. Unbeknownst to her, this was Annebella's father. Along with him had been another man. He went by the name of Delgado. He was Spanish and as she had heard, a fine commander along with Williams. Though she had never heard much of this man until recently which made her question his origin. As she began to dig, she along with a unit infiltrated Grandall Territory in order to investigate. The year was 1592. To her discovery, the Parousian Emperor had been secretly sending select soldiers to aid Dalkia in their war against her current veil, which was Halteese. At this time, Dawn appeared to be within her early to mid-twenties. She had led a life in Halteese within seclusion and refused to show her face. It was when her unit had attempted to leave that they were discovered. Like the Wolf she had been, she stalled the Grandall Forces so that her allies could escape. She too, escaped but with grave injuries. It had been the first time that her innards had even spilled from her body and as she lay, dying she thought, she was found by a man. His name was Trevor. This man tended to her wounds and kept her hidden from Grandall eyes. Despite her face not being known, if a woman was discovered with wounds such as her, it would not take long for things to be linked together. Not to mention why she was capable of surviving with such ghastly injuries. As she came to, he fed her and explained her situation. Like her, Trevor had been a half breed. He had been living in Parousia itself for nearly one hundred years. His home was within one of the poorer sections of Grandall which is why he had eluded suspicions with such ease. Not many cared about the poor. As long as they paid their taxes or begged, no one cared. This was how he remained unknown to those whom lived around him. Dawn herself had also taken up residence here but only after remaining hidden for a year. After that year had passed, she concealed herself amongst merchants which had traveled from Dalkia to sell goods. As she presented herself and her merchandise to the men at the gate, she was immediately assaulted. The men at the gates were imposters whom had killed the original guards yet amongst them was a man. His name was Girardot. The imposters had made an attempt at his life yet he along with Dawn both survived the attack. After recovering from her injuries, Girardot interrogated her about her skill. As she told him what she knew and where, he then sent his guards out of the keep so that he could speak to her alone. As they spoke, he told her that he recalled her style of combat as it matched an Unnamed Sect which had infiltrated Grandall over a year ago. Furthermore, he fought alongside Williams and Delgado years ago and had even faced her. He knew her style of combat and recalled that they were brought to a standstill as cannons forced both sides to retreat. As such, he knew that she had been the surviving member of that sect, though Grandall had not a hand in their deaths. Dalkia had intercepted them and slew them. Dawn's mouth hung open at that news. She wanted to scream at him for lying yet, he looked not the type to lie. Girardot made Dawn a deal. If she would teach the soldiers of Grandall to fight in the manner she did, he would say not a word. Dawn weighed her options. She could try to run, but there is only so much damage her body could take before she would collapse. Simply because she was a half-breed, did not mean she could merely run through searing steel without feeling pain. Even more so the fact was that there had been an uncanny feel to this country. Almost as if something was lurking and silently waiting. This too was part of the reason she stayed. It felt alluring and almost as if whatever was here, had been calling her. As she thought on, she eyed the man and asked why she needed to teach soldiers whom were already under the command and tutelage of Girardot the Great (as he had been known in Halteese). He explained that there is only so much one can teach before the lessons ring hollow - with an outside perspective, it will bring a greater pool of knowledge and combat to the soldiers of Grandall. Dawn nodded, accepting the terms, she modified the choice to where she would train her own squadron and lead them into combat if need be. Girardot took her hand and gripped it: confirming that they in fact had a deal. With her skill, and her unnatural strength, and agility, she tore through the ranks with immense (and practically humiliating) ease. Now, she waited for the right individuals to show their talent within training before she recruited anyone to be within her squadron.