| - [[Datei:KVagh_2154.jpg|thumb|K'Vagh (2154)]] K'Vagh ist ein klingonischer General. Er ist verantwortlich für die Experimente zur Erschaffung klingonischer Augments durch Antaak in der Qu'Vat-Kolonie. Einer der dabei umgewandelten Krieger ist sein eigener Sohn Marab. Später befiehlt K'Vagh außerdem die Entführung Dr. Phlox', der dabei helfen soll, den bei den Experimenten erschaffenen tödlichen Augment-Virus zu stoppen. Er verlangt von Phlox und Antaak jedoch nicht die Schaffung eines Heilmittels, sondern stattdessen die Entwicklung von stabilen klingonischen Augments. Zur deren Erschaffung lässt er sich sogar freiwillig mit einem der Virenstämme infizieren, wobei seine Überlebenschance nur 1:4 steht. Da sein Virusstamm jedoch zufällig der richtige ist, überlebt er. (ENT: , ) K'Vagh wurde von James Avery gespielt und von Christoph Jablonka synchronisiert.
- K'Vagh was a general in the Klingon Imperial Fleet in the 2150s. He was chief military overseer of the scientific program to develop Klingon Augments, using stolen Human Augment DNA. K'Vagh supervised Antaak during the initial testing of Augment DNA on several Klingons however during the course of this research the augmented Klingon DNA caused a relatively minor virus to mutate into a highly contagious lethal pathogen. When the Klingon subjects continued to die from the effects of the virus, K'Vagh ordered the kidnapping of Dr. Phlox in order to obtain the Denobulan's help in stopping the disease that was threatening to destroy the Empire. K'Vagh's reasons for taking part in the program were also personal, as his own son, Marab, was an Augment. Throughout their time in the military, K'Vagh gave no special treatment to his son, at the young man's request, but was still anxious to save Marab's life when the young officer began to sicken from the effects of the disease. K'Vagh eventually volunteered himself as a test subject when Antaak and Phlox developed a possible cure. (ENT: "Affliction", "Divergence") K'Vagh was played by actor James Avery. Since Antaak lost his cranial ridges as a result of the cure, it is implied that K'Vagh also became a "smooth forehead" Klingon, although he is never seen after taking the cure. The novel Live by the Code gives his full name as K'Vagh, son of Wor'maq.
- General K'Vagh was a flag officer in the Klingon Defense Force during the 22nd century. He was the military overseer of the Klingon research into Augments, using stolen Human Augment DNA. K'Vagh would supervise Antaak during the initial DNA testing on Klingons. When the test subjects began to die the general would order Dr. Phlox kidnapped so they could gain his help in stopping the disease which could destroy the Empire. His reasons for doing this were personal because his son, Marab, had been affected by the disease. He did this even though he had never given his son special treatment before. Eventually he would volunteer as a test subject when Phlox and Antaak invented one. K'Vagh was played by James Avery.