| - La réputation craft s'améliore à chaque fois que vous craftez une arme ou une armure de 1 point. A partir de 1000 points de réputation craft, vous pouvez, si vous êtes craftman dans une école, utiliser le batiment craft room. Contre 50 000 tael, vous pouvez gagner 100 points de réputation craft. La réputation craft sert à avoir un meilleur taux de réussite lors de craft, et d'avoir une meilleure possibilité d'obtenir des items avec de la couleur. A certain stade de réputation, vous pourrez gagner un titre :
- Craft regenerates automatically at a set rate, which can be increased by researching Operations, a technology which becomes available at a Fort with Military 4 (Conscription).
- Craft is one of the characters in Lost Planet 3. He is the lead mechanic.
- Craft (クラフト Kurafuto?) is a boss and a major antagonist from Mega Man Zero 4. He was an old friend of Neige, and is working for Dr. Weil as the commander of the Einherjar Eight Warriors, with the objective of destroying Area Zero.
- Craft is tall, broad shouldered. He has a muscular build from previous years of service in the army. He now wears his dark hair long and unkempt and sports a beard and can often found smiling.
- Craft is a term used by mages to describe any group of willworkers who do not belong to one of the four great factions: Traditions, the Technocracy, Nephandi or Marauders.
- Use Craft to fabricate mundane or magical items, or to generate income during adventure downtime.
- Craft is a member of the Charming Police Department.
- Craft, de l'anglais craft (profession artisannale), désigne à la fois les joueurs qui fabriquent des objets dans le jeu, et l'activité d'artisannat proprement dite.
- Like Knowledge, Perform, and Profession, Craft is actually a number of separate skills. You could have several Craft skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as a separate skill. A Craft skill is specifically focused on creating something. If nothing is created by the endeavor, it probably falls under the heading of a Profession skill.
- Crafting is the ability to make new items from component items. There are dozens of craft skills available to learn and no limit to how many a single player can learn at once. Craft skill ability is measured by a player's craft skill level, ranging from one to 140. The higher a craft skill level, the more items a player can craft from that discipline.
- The Craft was a piece in the ancient board game known as Shah-tezh.
- The following are changes to the Craft skill from its listing in Paizo material.
- Crafts have appeared in every game of the Trails series since, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky where the system was first introduced. Attack Crafts focus on physical damage, with some that deals status ailments or attributed with either of the 7 sepith elements. Some can involve healing and other supports to the user's self and others.
- Craft is an album by Mazo-P, released in Comiket 84. It features MEIKO, KAITO, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Camui Gackpo and SF-A2 miki. The album consists of 8 tracks, each sung by a different vocaloid except for the last track, which has multiple vocalists. A crossfade of the album could be heard here.
- Craft is the skill of making. It includes Farmer, Cook, Potter, Gardener, Shipwright, Brewer, Carpenter, Cobbler, Fisherman, Seamstress/Tailor, Mason, Armorsmithing, Blacksmithing, Bowyer, Cartography, Mining, Poison, Weaponsmithing, and Weaving, among others. It is considered a Merchant Skill. It would also encompass Armor and Weapon smithing.
- Craft is the main ability that sets members of the Blood away from Landens. The types of Craft are hinted at in the books, but the complexity, depth, situations and more where it can be applied to are left to the observer or in this case, reader to contemplate or in a fanfiction writer's case create and develop Anne Bishop's world. Craft has several basic abilities which include simple telekinesis- the ability to move something around with ones thoughts, and telepathy. The skill with which craft can be accomplished depends on the darkness of ones jewels.
- A Craft is an throwable attack item in Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg, Atelier Judie: The Alchemist of Gramnad , Atelier Violet: The Alchemist of Gramnad 2 , Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana, Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny, Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland, Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland, Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk, Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky, and Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea.
- Crafting requires commitment, dedication, and time. For example, if one wanted to craft a lv40 Broadsword, two broadswords before the lv40 one and earth pearls are required. Also, having 500 craft reputation as compared to someone like 81,000 craft reputation has a much lower chance of succeeding in refining, forging, or making rare items. So before you craft certain weapons make sure you have a high number of craft reputation (over 1,000 is sufficient). If you are forging weapons from +1 ~ +4, it is a guaranteed success, however, any number higher relies on a high crafting reputation or crafting charms.
- The Crafts are one of the three primary divisions of Pernese society. They are the institutions which govern the teaching of important skills, ranging from farming to healing to harpering. The organization of a Craft varies from one Craft to another, but all have certain things in common. At the top is a Craftmaster, elected for life by all the Masters of the Craft, below him are the Masters, those who have been found sufficiently competent in their Craft to work independently. Below the Masters are Journeymen and Journeywomen. They are those who have learned enough to be contracted, but, generally speaking, not to work independently. Journeymen generally work underneath a Master. Below them are the Apprentices, who are often closely bound by law and custom to their Masters.
- Craft is all of man's deeds, and the outcome of them. When somebody makes or undertakes to do something, that doing and what is done, is craft. To show: the writing of a book, and the book itself, are bookcraft. Craft gainstands both lore and belief, for it rests mainly upon deed instead of thought alone. That is to say, it is the undertaking of something, working with the hands to make and to shift the world about us, that outmarks craft. Anybody who can undertake and do a craft well, is said to have a 'skill' in that craft. Kinds of crafts:
- Aparece por primera y unica vez en Mega Man Zero 4 jugando un rol antagonico que luego va cambiando a medida que avanza el juego. Aparece por primera vez en la segunda fase, donde él y los ocho guerreros se presentan. Después de derrotar a cuatro de los ocho guerreros Einherjar, Kraft llega al Area Zero y lucha contra Zero para capturar a Neige. Se apodera de Neige para protegerla, ya que Weil planea destruir el lugar. Cuando Zero va a rescatar a Neige de la prisión, Kraft y Weil aparecen, pero Neige y Zero logran escapar y Kraft tiene dudas acerca de las acciones de Weil y Neige. Después de la derrota de todos los ocho guerreros Einherjar, Kraft traiciona a Weil y dispara un rayo desde Ragnarok hacia Neo Arcadia. Sin embargo antes de poder disparar de nuevo, llega Zero para poder detener