Beavis and Butt-head is an American animated television series created by Mike Judge. It premiered on MTV's Liquid Television on September 22, 1992, had its original finale on November 28, 1997, and made a comeback on October 27, 2011. As of 2015, the series' reboot is in limbo; only a single well received season of the reboot was made, due to falling out again with MTV and Viacom, and with Mike Judge looking for a suitable sponsor.
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- Beavis and Butt-Head
| - Beavis and Butt-head is an American animated television series created by Mike Judge. It premiered on MTV's Liquid Television on September 22, 1992, had its original finale on November 28, 1997, and made a comeback on October 27, 2011. As of 2015, the series' reboot is in limbo; only a single well received season of the reboot was made, due to falling out again with MTV and Viacom, and with Mike Judge looking for a suitable sponsor.
- Stanley Beavis and Norman Butt-Head are two of the leading academic researchers of our time. Despite their Ivy League credentials, the two former Marines are clearly on the side of middle America against the entertainment industry. They have been lauded the world over by religious leaders, feminists and others seeking to pass laws to force the mass media to act in the public interest.
- Beavis and Butt-head is an American animated television series created by Mike Judge. The show centers on two socially inept, heavy metal-loving teenagers, Beavis and Butt-head (both voiced by Judge), who live in the fictional town of Highland, Texas. They attend high school, where their teachers are often at a loss as to how to deal with them, although in many episodes, the two skip school. They occasionally work part-time at Burger World, and sometimes other side-jobs when people mistake their odd behavior as outgoing and assertive. Comedy is derived from their utter lack of conventional values such as work ethic. They are extremely obnoxious, misogynistic, and rude to almost every other character in the show and even to each other. They do not seem to realize this, however and seem to f
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| - Caption from the opening scene of Beavis and Butt-head.
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| - Beavis and Butt-head is an American animated television series created by Mike Judge. It premiered on MTV's Liquid Television on September 22, 1992, had its original finale on November 28, 1997, and made a comeback on October 27, 2011. As of 2015, the series' reboot is in limbo; only a single well received season of the reboot was made, due to falling out again with MTV and Viacom, and with Mike Judge looking for a suitable sponsor.
- Beavis and Butt-head is an American animated television series created by Mike Judge. The show centers on two socially inept, heavy metal-loving teenagers, Beavis and Butt-head (both voiced by Judge), who live in the fictional town of Highland, Texas. They attend high school, where their teachers are often at a loss as to how to deal with them, although in many episodes, the two skip school. They occasionally work part-time at Burger World, and sometimes other side-jobs when people mistake their odd behavior as outgoing and assertive. Comedy is derived from their utter lack of conventional values such as work ethic. They are extremely obnoxious, misogynistic, and rude to almost every other character in the show and even to each other. They do not seem to realize this, however and seem to function on an instinctual level. They survive their often hazardous misadventures without serious consequences, though others around them don't fare as well. Mixed within each episode are segments in which Beavis and Butt-head watch music videos and provide humorous and bizarre commentary, improvised by Judge. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Beavis and Butt-head.
- Stanley Beavis and Norman Butt-Head are two of the leading academic researchers of our time. Despite their Ivy League credentials, the two former Marines are clearly on the side of middle America against the entertainment industry. They have been lauded the world over by religious leaders, feminists and others seeking to pass laws to force the mass media to act in the public interest. The pair were collaborators in a research project demonstrating the deleterious effect of television, particularly music videos, on the youth of America. Their ground breaking work led to the repeal of the First Amendment, allowing the censors to finally clean up the entertainment industry and ban that filthy devil's music.
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