__NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::If the equipped monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Battle Phase. If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the ATK of the equipped monster's attack target is halved until the end of the Battle Phase.| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Equip Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Equip Card|Equip]]| ]]
Attributes | Values |
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| - __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::If the equipped monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Battle Phase. If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the ATK of the equipped monster's attack target is halved until the end of the Battle Phase.| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Equip Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Equip Card|Equip]]| ]]
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - 装備モンスターが攻撃する場合、バトルフェイズ終了時まで、相手は魔法・罠カードを発動する事ができない。自分のライフポイントが相手より下の場合、バトルフェイズ終了時まで、装備モンスターと戦闘を行う相手モンスター1枚の攻撃力は半分になる。
image ca
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| - If the equipped monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Battle Phase. If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the ATK of the equipped monster's attack target is halved until the end of the Battle Phase.
it name
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stat change
| - Your opponent's monsters lose ATK
ja image
| - GiantHunter-JP-Anime-ZX.png
trans name
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appears in zx
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| - * Prevents activation of your opponent's Spell Cards
* Prevents activation of your opponent's Trap Cards
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low mp
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Ja Name
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high hp
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| - __NOEDITSECTION__ [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Card type:: Card| ]][[Card type (short)::[[ Card|]]| ]][[Attribute::| ]][[Type::| ]] [[Lore::If the equipped monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Battle Phase. If your Life Points are lower than your opponent's, the ATK of the equipped monster's attack target is halved until the end of the Battle Phase.| ]] [[?ATK::| ]][[ATK string::| ]][[?DEF::| ]][[DEF string::| ]][[Property::Equip Card| ]][[Property (short)::[[Equip Card|Equip]]| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::|]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]]
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is mobs
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