A list of enemies and bosses appearing in Mega Man X7. Clicking on a characters name will take you to its individual page. __TOC__ Stage enemies= |-| Maverick bosses= |-| Other bosses=
Attributes | Values |
| - List of Mega Man X7 enemies
| - A list of enemies and bosses appearing in Mega Man X7. Clicking on a characters name will take you to its individual page. __TOC__ Stage enemies= |-| Maverick bosses= |-| Other bosses=
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| - A monitoring Mechaniloid that attacks by ramming into intruders. They also have a weak shield that can withstand one attack.
- A flying Reploid enemy that attacks by firing shots from its arm cannon.
- A simple all terrain Mechaniloid. Their only means of attack is to trample their enemies.
- A Met that wears a helmet made of scrap metal. They can shoot scrap from their mouth and rotate the scrap on their head around themselves.
- Boar-like enemy Mechaniloids that dash at enemies who approach them.
- A gorilla-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- The last sub-boss of Splash Warfly's Battleships stage; a robotic command center acting as the final battleship's defense system.
- The first sub-boss of Splash Warfly's Battleships stage, an immobile bird-like aircraft that is ferried about the ships deck on a spinning platform. It attacks with two machine guns and spits fireballs from its afterburner.
- An ancient looking enemy Reploid that only attacks when provoked.
- Small bee-like Mechaniloids that can appear in groups of two to four, and attack by diving at the player.
- Simple ape head-shaped, stone covered Mechaniloids. Mostly acting as harmless obstacles, some can attack by spitting large stones from their mouths; these are the only ones that can be destroyed.
- A large Mechaniloid that pursues the player throughout the Palace Road stage attempting crush them. At the end of the stage it is confronted as a boss.
- A security system that appear attached to walls and ceilings. They fire lasers continuously and can't be destroyed, but can be interrupted momentarily by an attack.
- An obstacle that causes damage when touched.
- Appears under the alias of "The Professor", to manipulate Red Alert in an attempt to use Axl to copy the DNA signatures of X and Zero.
- A bird-like Mechaniloid that is a sub-boss of Wind Crowrang's Air Forces stage. It appears immediately after destroying the two Big Rays.
- The standard Met in Mega Man X7. They fire three shots and hide under their helmets to avoid damage.
- An indestructible obstacle that rotates near pits, making jumps hazardous.
- Mets wearing pylon-shaped helmets.
- Fire breathing, sea dragon-like enemy Mechaniloids that are encountered as stage enemies in the Lava Factory stage and the second sub-boss of the Battleships stage. They have the same attack behavior and health regardless of the situation.
- A hyena-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- A type of Ride Armor piloted by Runnerbombs. They attack with laser beams, missiles, and tackles.
- The leader of the vigilante Maverick hunting organization, Red Alert.
- Small Mechaniolds that act as aerial obstacles. They attack by colliding with their target.
- An enemy Reploid that was originally created for bombing missions. They move about on rollerblade like feet and attack by throwing bombs.
- Big hulking Mechaniloids equipped with an arm cannon, which they use to spray toxic gas.
- Enemy Reploids that can create an electric barrier around themselves and fire electricity.
- A simple defense system that rolls down hill to repel intruders.
- A large tortoise-type enemy Mechaniloid that attacks by launching two guided missiles. They are indestructible while retreated into their shells.
- A childish kangaroo-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- A container that explodes when the player approaches it.
- A small autonomous cannon that locks on to their targets.
- An improved version of the Rolling Stone that is immune to attacks, but like the Rolling Stone, breaks down after hitting a wall.
- Large wolf Mechaniloids that block necessary paths and breath long streams of fire when the player comes within range.
- A wild boar-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate. He has a fierce, rebellious attitude, coupled with a hair-trigger temper.
- A durable combat Mechaniloid that first appeared in the series in Mega Man X. Gun Volts attack by sending electric sparks across the ground that travel over terrain and by launching two missiles. In Mega Man X7, they can also protect themselves momentarily with rotating energy panels.
- A small defense system created to prevent intruders from entering the radio tower in which Tornado Tonion occupied. Their antennas are immune to frontal attacks.
- A variety of indestructible Ape Stone with two spikes on their back. They do not attack, but are damaging to the touch.
- Gorilla-like enemy Mechaniloids that attack with an axe.
- A protection system that fires from its eight cores, alternating between normal shots that are aimed at enemies or lasers that are fired straight forward.
- A security door acting as the first sub-boss of Mega Man X7, encountered in the warehouse section of the opening stage.
- A flying fish-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- A crow-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- A defense system that fires ring-shaped lasers continuously while rotating. They cannot be destroyed nor interrupted.
- Ball De Voux equipped with a cannon. They attack by standing and firing slow long-range energy shots.
- A samurai-like enemy that attacks by creating energy waves with their swords.
- Big hulking Mechaniloids equipped with a claw, which they use to punch the ground and create shockwaves.
- Large cannons that act as sub-bosses of Wind Crowrang's Air Forces stage. They attack by firing lasers and sweeping the area from side to side.
- An anteater-based Reploid and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- The first boss of Mega Man X7, a giant scorpion-like Mechaniloid Red Alert used to track down Axl.
- Large wolf Mechaniloids that will actively pursue the player in order to perform a lunge attack or spit large balls of ice at close-range.
- The sub-boss of the Radio Tower stage that attacks with homing missiles, fireballs and by launchings its claws.
- Large bee-type helicopter Mechaniloids suited for guerrilla warfare. They attack by firing their machine gun, launching guided missiles, and dropping Ball De Voux to assist them.
- A clownish Reploid modeled after an onion and member of the Red Alert syndicate.
- A digital variety of Ape Stone. They attack by rising up from the sides of platforms and spitting a volley of "stones" at the player. However, unlike the similar variety of Ape Stone, Cyber Stones are indestructible.
- Monkey-like enemy Mechaniloids that appear in groups to act as blockades.
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