| - )
- See also: List of years in comics
- [[Kategorie:Jahr (. Jahrhundert)|#]] [[Kategorie:| ]]
- The following are known to have been born in : The following passed away in the year :
- (Put in album release dates, concerts and other important events!)
- Le poisson d'avril du mois est attribué à Michel Sardou qui s'est fait passer pour un chanteur.
- Список событий, произошедших в серии Grand Theft Auto в 1993 году.
- Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1993 stattgefunden haben:
- De volgende gebeurtenissen, sterfgevallen vonden plaats in 1993.
- De volgende gebeurtenissen, sterfgevallen vonden plaats in 1993.
- The following Zelda-related events took place in 1993.
- 1993 - рік по григоріанському календарі, невисокосний, починається у п’ятницю.
- This article contains information on e-wrestling events that happened in 1993.
- A list of events in 1993 relating to Redwall, Castaways or Brian Jacques.
* Martin the Warrior was published in the UK.
* Salamandastron was published in the US. Please see here for current news.
- Rocko's Modern Life (is a television series co-production with Joe Murray Productions) Rugrats (Season 3) The Ren and Stimpy Show (Season 3) Doug (Season 4)
- 1992 > 1993 > 1994
- 1993 Singles
* Heart-Shaped Box Nirvana
- 1993 is a year in the 20th century.
- 1993 is a year on the Gregorian calendar.
- 1993 is a year.
- 1993 is the year of the release of WoTMUD.
- 1993 was a common year starting on Friday.
- 1993 was a year in the 20th century.
- 1993 (MCMXCIII) was a common year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1993rd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 993rd year of the 2nd millennium, the 93rd year of the 20th century, and the 4th year of the 1990s decade.
- A list of events in 1993 related to Star Wars.
- A repository of events that occurred in 1993.
- All Apologies/Rape Me Nirvana
- All events that happened in 1993:
- Disse hendelsene skjedde i 1993:
- Dwayne Forge è in carcere per spaccio di droga.
- En la jaro 1993 post Kristo okazis, inter alie:
- Eventos relacionados la saga GTA en 1993.
- Gli eventi seguenti accaddero nel 1993.
- In the Year of 1993 :-
- Sucesos relacionados con la saga Metal Gear en 1993.
- Les évènements suivants se déroulent en 1993 :
- Major events of 1993 AD:
- Mets Standings 59-103
- Seuraavat tapahtumat sijoittuvat vuodelle 1993:
- The following events occurred in the year 1993:
- The year 1993 AD.
- These are events from 1993.
- Year 1993 was a common year starting on Friday.
- |-| North America=47 games were released in North America. |-| Europe=46 games were released in Europe.
- A list of events in 1993 related to Star Wars merchandise.
- Declarado Año Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas del Mundo por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas.
- |align="rig] at Wikipedia
- 1993 fue un año común comenzado en viernes según el calendario gregoriano.
- This is a list of various things that took place in 1993.
- 1993 Music Singles
* Mary Jane's Last Dance Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Literature Books released
* Girl, Interrupted Susanna Kaysen Art
* Events May – Jay Jopling opens the London gallery White Cube. Tracey Emin's first major exhibition, "My Major Retrospective 1963–1993" (sic.) opens here on 19 November. Architecture Deaths
* August 16 - Alison Smithson, English architect (born 1928) Film
* The Joy Luck Club Births
* January 8 - Tang Yi , Chinese swimmer
- Tidningen Star Trek: The Next Generation ges ut på svenska hos Atlantic Förlags AB.
- This article details the storylines that occurred in the New Zealand Soap Opera Shortland Street in 1993.
- This article contains information in Soap Opera events that happened in 1993.
- [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 1993, the Tenth Doctor's companion Wolfgang Ryter was born in Salzburg, Austria. (COMIC: Flight of the Giurgeax, Bad Wolfie) According to a dream manifestation of Santa Claus, Clara Oswald was particularly naughty this year. (TV: Last Christmas)
- These events occured in 1993 in the world of hockey:
- Los siguientes eventos ocurrieron durante el año 1993:
- 1993 was the year that came after 1992 and before 1994.
- The following Street Fighter-related events took place in 1993:
- A list of events in 1993 related to The Hardy Boys.
- Una lista de eventos en el 1993 relacionadas a Star Wars.
- These are the events that occured in 1993. Dale Gribble is commited and sentnced to 12 years in jail. (Thattertoniffic timeline) Dale's Dead Bug is opened by Dale Gribble. (Regluar timeline)
- [[Fichier:George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin 1993.jpg|right|thumb|3 janvier : accords START 2]]
* 3 janvier : signature par George H. W. Bush et Boris Eltsine des accords START 2.
* 13 janvier : à Paris (France), est signée une convention interdisant la fabrication et le stockage des armes chimiques et prévoyant la destruction de celles-ci d'ici 1997. Début 2002, 147 pays l'auront ratifiée, non compris Israël et plusieurs États arabes.
* 22 mars : première journée mondiale de l'eau.
* 1er juillet : Suspension des essais nucléaires britanniques, soviétiques et américains.
* 15 octobre : le Prix Nobel de la paix est attribué aux Sud-africains Frederik de Klerk et Nelson Mandela.
- Events concerning the Grand Theft Auto series in 1993.
- Los siguentes hechos relacionados con la saga The Legend of Zelda tuvieron lugar en el año 1993:
- Peel Is Brambles
* 05 April 1993 (John Peel Is Jakki Brambles) / 06 April 1993 (John Peel Is Jakki Brambles) / 07 April 1993 (John Peel Is Jakki Brambles) / 08 April 1993 (John Peel Is Jakki Brambles) / 09 April 1993 (John Peel Is Jakki Brambles) 'Guitar Storm'
* 04 September 1993 'Euro Action Special'
* 15 October 1993 broadcast live from Sweden.
- 1993 is the twenty-fifth year for Nerf and the fourth year for Super Soaker.
- The following are the baseball events of the year 1993 throughout the world.
- 1993 saw only three new Fighting Fantasy gamebooks from Puffin. From the beginning of this year till the end of the range under Puffin, the foil embossed logo was now replaced with simple black text.
- In the year 1993, the narcotic drink Adrenalin and Soma was popular on Earth.
- 1992 | 1993 | 1994 1993 was/is one of the years of war and peace, according to Christian religion, who all actually think that the world will end with three years of war and three years of peace. Apparently, at the half way mark, the "sinners" are staying and the "saved" people are leaving.
- March 4, 1993 is the year the first episode of Beavis and Butt-Head was made. This article is considered to be a stub Pages. You can help the Beavis and Butt-head Wiki by expanding it.
- 1993 is the ninety-third year of the 20th century and the fourth year of the 1990s. In 1985, the year 1993 was visible on Kronos' time belt when he transported himself back to the future.
- 1993 A.D. is the year that The Knight at Dawn was released.
- Despite heavy opposition, most notably from Councilperson Gloria Vaughn, Sara Foster is elected to her fourth term as Mayor. September: Following a declaration of war on the Garou by Lodin, Prince of Chicago, the Garou strike back, killing dozens of Chicago's vampires, including most notably Prince Lodin himself. November: The Caern outside of St. Claire is finally opened in a long Moot which requires sacrifice from nearly every participant. A powerful Wyrm spirit of some kind attempts to disrupt the moot, but is driven off.
- Once again the year started early, with the first series of carded figures on store shelves well before Christmas 1992. In a year's time, there would be over 100 new figures, 3/4 of which were repaints or new versions of older figures. This was the largest release of Joe toys ever. By this point, bright colors, giant working weapons, and macho-sounding filecards were the order of the day, and much of the G.I. Joe line had moved beyond conventional warfare. Among the innovations of 1993 were collector's cards with live-action photos, and mail-in offers that asked for proofs of purchase (UPC symbols) rather than Flag Points. Instead of carrying their own unique weapons, most figures came with four or five repaints of previously issued accessories, and backpacks became quite rare. Figures wer
- The Black Swan Tavern was built. The Kids Kingdom Stage was built. The Regal Tavern was built. The Guilde of Addled Pate was formed, with Ralph Scotese as Guildemaster. The Renaissance Entertainment Corporation is formed, a public company, with Pete Leavell as Chairman and C.E.O. Jim Farris became Guildemaster of the Guilde of St. George. Mary Kababik assumed the role of Queen Elizabeth. The first year of long-time performer Steven E. Fassl.
- Enttäuscht muss Richard einsehen, dass er Simone zu sehr vertraut hat. Als er dann auch noch wegen Simones Verhaftung im Zentrum und im Stadtrat immer mehr unter Druck gerät, entscheidet er sich gegen Simone und für die eigene Karriere. Julia ist glücklich, dass Ben und sie endlich zueinander gefunden haben. Einziger Wermutstropfen: Die Wohnsituation der beiden führt dazu, dass sie die Nächte oft getrennt verbringen müssen. Als sie endlich einmal ungestört sind, nutzen sie die Gelegenheit zum spontanen Sex, mit unbeabsichtigten Folgen. Letizia entzieht sich beschämt, als Deniz den Kuss unterbricht. Sie will sich auf keinen Fall zwischen Melanie und Deniz drängen. Um ihre Freundschaft zu den beiden nicht zu gefährden, versucht sie sich mit einem Tänzer abzulenken. Doch dabei muss sie einseh
- Philadelphia mobster Gaetano "Tommy Horsehead" Scafidi, Jr. is shot at in his car by two men in skimasks. January 8 – Arrest of Balduccio Di Maggio, former driver of Salvatore Riina. He starts to collaborate and indicates the movements of Riina. February 7 - Milwaukee boss Frank P. "Mr. Big" Balistrieri died in his home from a heart attack. Balistrieri had been released from prison 15 months earlier after serving a term for extortion. March 2 - New Orleans boss Carlos Marcello died in his sleep in his Metairie home which he had resided at since his 1989 release from prison.
- L'arma dei Carabinieri rinnovò il suo parco macchine spendendo una cifra che è passata alla storia. Solo Studio Aperto parla dell'attentato a Mario De Filippi e a sua moglie. Andavano di moda il chinotto salato, la dentz, i termosifoni dell'Ikea e le gare di chi riusciva a portare la moglie del fattore sulle spalle attraverso un campo di pannocchie facendosi inseguire dal fattore stesso. Bondi partecipò al campionato europeo di bocce ma non vinse in quanto venne scambiato per una di queste, Bill Gates provò a lanciare sul mercato Windows '82 ma poi cambiò idea e preferì aspettare.