Feuer gegen Feuer (Fire against Fire) is a Star Trek: Prometheus novel co-written by Christian Humberg and Bernd Perplies, released in July 2016. It is the first book in the series.
Feuer gegen Feuer (Fire against Fire) is a Star Trek: Prometheus novel co-written by Christian Humberg and Bernd Perplies, released in July 2016. It is the first book in the series.
Jeremy Haden, James T. Kirk, Mark Edwards, Linda Nozawa, Peter Schwartz, Bhahani, Franco, Clarke, Unnamed, Rah-Ban, Vol-Ban, Richard Adams, Roaas, Sarita Carson, Chell, Massimo Ciarese, Paul Winter, Jenna Jen Winona Kirk, Alex Meyer
Feuer gegen Feuer (Fire against Fire) is a Star Trek: Prometheus novel co-written by Christian Humberg and Bernd Perplies, released in July 2016. It is the first book in the series.