| - Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Henry Philip McCoy Aktualny status: Przybył na Ziemię 616 Uniwersum: Age of Apocalypse Klasa: Mutant Narodowość: Amerykanin Debiut: X-Men Alpha Powiązania z grupami: Elite Mutant Force, Brotherhood, Dark Descendants, Gene Nation, X-Men, Dark X-Men
- Dark beasts are level 182 monsters that can be found on Lunar Isle and in the Slayer Dungeon. They are often killed as a Slayer task monster, but can also be killed for their rare drops. It's recommend to use the 'Protect from Melee' or 'Deflect Melee' prayer activated, because dark beasts can hit very high when you do not have protection prayers on. Dark beasts require a slayer level of 90 to kill.
- Dark beasts zijn alleen te bereiken na het starten van de the quest Mourning's Ends Part II.
- To kill, a Dark Beast, you need 90 slayer. People kill them, for a weapon called Dark bow, they are the only who drop a dark bow. This beast can use mage or melee to attack, making them a bit harder than the other slayer monsters. In ikov2, you may have noticed there are different types of dark beasts, this is because they drop different types of dark bow, whatever the color (dark beast) you kill, that is the color of the dark bow, you'll get.
- The gundark known as the Dark Beast was a large bipedal animal native to the Jedi homeworld of Tython.
- Dark Beast is a villain from the X-Men series and he originates from the Age Of Apocalypse time-line but managed to escape into the mainstream Marvel universe and has become a recurring antagonist - he is an evil version of the X-Men's own Beast and is a mirror-image of sorts to the hero: being nearly as knowledgeable but almost completely without redeeming qualities.
- In the alternate dimension he came from, Hank McCoy was a mad scientist working for Mister Sinister in his breeding pens, intent on breeding more powerful mutants according to Apocalypse's "survival of the fittest" dogma. However, while Sinister was methodical and rational in his experiments, McCoy (as ruthless as his mentor) sadistically delighted in causing pain to his lab subjects and in the cruelty of his experiments, which is why he was nicknamed the Beast both by prisoners and Sinister's Elite Mutant Force. McCoy also experimented on himself in order to further his mutation, and gained his ape-like bestial appearance. Any mutant that he deemed unworthy was turned into a component of a genetic stew that was used to create Apocalypse's army of Infinites. Besides being one of the creato
- Dark beasts attack with both Melee and Magic; however, they will only use Magic if they are attacked by the player first, or if they cannot attack the player with Melee. Dark beasts do not follow tolerance rules, and are always aggressive to the player regardless of how long they have stayed in their presence. Their highly accurate melee attacks means that using Protect from Melee is recommended when killing dark beasts.
- A Mask of Gloom can be worn to get dark beasts as a slayer task from those masters who can assign them. A Dark beast assignment token can also force a dark beast task from Morvran of the Iorwerth Clan. Dark beasts are an often underestimated method of training combat stats. Using good ranged armour, a good crossbow and bolts, and potions (stat boosting and prayer potions), players may kill these beasts swiftly, as their defence is only average. The cost of buying the needed potions may be offset by dark bow drops.
- A Mask of Gloom (and its upgraded variant) can be used to have slayer masters give you the option of taking a dark beast task once a day, provided that you are wearing it. The Dark beast assignment token also has similar mechanics, but only works on Morvran. Dark beasts are well known for their slightly uncommon blue charm drop, the dark bow, and dark arrowheads. They are one of two creatures able to drop death talismans, the other being dragon implings. They are also good droppers of the rare drop table, and are one of the slayer monsters to drop the crystal triskelion pieces.