| - Envoûtement de masse qui accroît de 18 points la chance des membres du groupe dans un rayon de 100m pendant 10min.
* Niveau requis : 7
* Skill points : 2
* PM : 65
* PE : 100
* Recharge : /
- thumb|300px|Incantation – Logo Incantation (dt.: Beschwörung) aus New Jersey veröffentlichen seit 1990 derben Death Metal. Incantation gelten als Mitbegründer des New York Death Metal, obwohl ... . Sie haben sich im August 1989 gegründet, Gitarrist John McEntee ist das einzige stabile Mitglied und deshalb Boss der Band.
* Text-Interview – (englisch) - mit John McEntee, von 1998
* Text-Interview – (deutsch) - mit John und Joe, Mitte der 2000er. ... → Siehe auch Immolation, Suffocation
- It begins with plucked strings and melo toms. French horns start off with the melody while strings enter in with a countermelody. Later in the song, the flute takes the countermelody.
- The school of incantation contained spells that targeted magic itself and the way of casting it. Like other schools of effect, it thus grouped spells not like the traditional nine schools of magic based on their philosophy, but on what they affected. The schools of conjuration/summoning, illusion/phantasm, invocation/evocation and necromancy were considered opposed to incantation. Specialists in this school, called incantatrixes (or incantatars), were exceedingly rare. None were known outside of western Faerûn.
- L'Incantation est généralement un système de rimes, visant à provoquer un événement - destruction de l'adversaire, modification d'un état, etc. - en stimulant un certain nombre de forces par lesdites rimes et mots employés. Avec la Localisation, le pouvoir de Médiumnité et la Création de Potions, c'est l'un des quatre pouvoirs de base des sorcier(e) bons ou mauvais.
- Incantation was a poem by Blind Gallan. "Stone whispersPatienceBut we take chisel in handChild begsNot yetBut the sands have run outSky criesFlyBut we hold our groundWind singsFreeBut roots bind us downLover sighsStayBut we must be goneLife pleadsLiveBut death is the dreamWe begNot yetBut the sands have run outStone whispersPatience..." ―Incantation
- It begins with plucked strings and melo toms. French horns start off with the melody while strings enter in with a countermelody. Later in the song, the flute takes the countermelody. The new version is entirely orchestrated.
- An incantation is the word or words spoken to invoke a spell. Spells can be cast non-verbally but the incantation still needs to be said in the head of the spellcaster. Most known incantations derive from the Latin language but there are a few which are English. Whether or not foreign wizards who can speak use the same incantations as English people or have incantations in their own language is not known, since there are no incantations mentioned used by the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang during the Triwizard Tournament or by any of the few foreign wizards (e.g. Igor Karkaroff) mentioned.
- Incantation is an American death metal band that was formed by John McEntee and Paul Ledney in 1989. They are one of the leaders in the New York death metal scene along with fellow bands Suffocation and Immolation, even though the band is currently located in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Incantation is notable for mixing widely varied tempos into their music, often playing slow, down-tuned passages similar to those performed by death/doom bands like Autopsy. To date the band has released eight full-length records, two live records, four EPs, two singles, three splits, one DVD, and three demos.
- Incantation users use these sounds to mold chakra in the same way a regular shinobi would use hands signs to preform ninjutsu or genjutsu. Users are able to preform ninjutsu and genjutsu by saying these special sounds. The ninjutsu created by this is a bit weaker then using the common way, however it does give the shinobi a huge upper hand in battle because it's a lot faster and it requires less chakra control.
- An incantation or enchantment was a charm or spell created using words. An incantation may take place during a ritual, either a hymn or prayer, and may invoke or praise a deity. In magic, occultism, and witchcraft it was used with the intention of casting a spell on an object or a person and may employ the use of pharmakeia. The term derives from Latin "incantare" (tr.), meaning "to chant (a magical spell) upon," from in- "into, upon" and cantare "to sing".