| - This television show takes place in the 21st century, intersecting other timelines as well, as part of the Kang The Conqueror storyline, however, this takes place in Earth 7654, another parallel reality alongside the other millions, that consist of the Marvel characters.
| - This television show takes place in the 21st century, intersecting other timelines as well, as part of the Kang The Conqueror storyline, however, this takes place in Earth 7654, another parallel reality alongside the other millions, that consist of the Marvel characters. Locations outside of Earth, in the extraterrestrial deep are also set in this television series, eg: Asgard, Niffleheim, Thanos' area, The Celestial Stars, etc. Earth is the main location of this series. This series is called Infinity because not only does adventures outside Earth lie, but a set of other sagas also take place, within the stars, moons and other planets in the horizon.