Fabivs Anastasivs was next appointed. He was an audacious character of Zeno’s government and had energy to spare for running the Empire. He was born in Macedon and at his appointment he was 61. Having a true Roman Provincial in power put the Empire more at ease and the rebellions dropped off at bit. He was quite liked, even by the Senate (who usually did not personally like anyone). In 1251(498) Anastasivs reformed the monetary system, once again bringing it up to date and simplifying it (the longer a currency runs, the more inaccurate and confusing it gets) by putting it into 5 divisions
Attributes | Values |
| - 1244(491)-1271(518) (Ætas ab Brian)
| - Fabivs Anastasivs was next appointed. He was an audacious character of Zeno’s government and had energy to spare for running the Empire. He was born in Macedon and at his appointment he was 61. Having a true Roman Provincial in power put the Empire more at ease and the rebellions dropped off at bit. He was quite liked, even by the Senate (who usually did not personally like anyone). In 1251(498) Anastasivs reformed the monetary system, once again bringing it up to date and simplifying it (the longer a currency runs, the more inaccurate and confusing it gets) by putting it into 5 divisions
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past title
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future title
| - Senate-Caesar Compromise:
| - 1227(xsd:integer)
- 1244(xsd:integer)
- 1271(xsd:integer)
- 1302(xsd:integer)
| - Fabivs Anastasivs was next appointed. He was an audacious character of Zeno’s government and had energy to spare for running the Empire. He was born in Macedon and at his appointment he was 61. Having a true Roman Provincial in power put the Empire more at ease and the rebellions dropped off at bit. He was quite liked, even by the Senate (who usually did not personally like anyone). In 1251(498) Anastasivs reformed the monetary system, once again bringing it up to date and simplifying it (the longer a currency runs, the more inaccurate and confusing it gets) by putting it into 5 divisions in gold: the solidus; half solidus, and quarter solidus. in copper: the nummus(10 equalling one quarter solidus) In 1253(500) The horse collar was designed from descriptions by Indian traders, its implications increasing the average farmers’ surplus of crops by 50% Due to Viking and Slav migrations in northeastern Europe, Vepsians in Karelia migrated and settled on the Velka(Volga) River In 1255 (502) Zeno’s renovations were completed and thusly the expenditures of the Empire fell. Anastasivs took this opportunity to lower the taxes moderately. His popularity was increased further by this. He was also cool because he had a condition called ‘heterochroma’ where one of his irises were black and the other blue. Trade growth in Nubia had began slowing down now that the rest of the Empire was catching up. Anastasivs saw the only way to restore its growth was to secure more Roman ports to trade with. In 1259(506) he sent legions and ships down the Mare Erythraeum to expand the Empire. This took many years as reconnaissance was made on native cities to find which would be built upon and which would have to be razed and redesigned. The Roman policy nowadays was that squalor and inefficiency could not be tolerated. This didn’t mean though that foreign culture was no longer tolerated. Especially with the tolerance of religions, Roman expansions made sure skilfully designed buildings stayed up and running. By 1264(511), Arabia was expanded and the provinces of Habasiah and Arabia Felix were formed. In 1265(512) Anastasivs granted Lycia and Thracia senatorships. The task of populating, placating, and building up the new provinces took up the rest of his reign, as did minor Slavic raids in Dacia. He died in 1271(518) at 88. Image:Theempirein1271(518).png