| - When his uncle Burt forces him to enroll in a summer camp, Clark Kent exposes an alien invasion plot there as Superboy.
- Krypto has discovered a dog named Spot in the Phantom Zone and gets Superboy to release him, to be his playmate. To learn why a dog would be sent to the Phantom Zone, Superboy observes light-rays from the past and learns that Jor-El built a robot dog to take Krypto’s place for his grieving baby son, Kal-El, after he accidentally sent Krypto into space. Later, two criminals tried to send Jor-El into the Phantom Zone, but only sent Spot there. Spot does get a chance to romp with Krypto for awhile, but sacrifices his existence by smashing into a Kryptonite meteor to save his friend.
- After witnessing a star go nova, Superboy finds himself caught in a strange vortex, but survives the experience. Returning home, and returning to his identity of Clark Kent, Superboy along with the people of Smallville prepare for the arrival of the Legion of Super-Heroes, who are scheduled for a visit to the 20th Century.
When the arriving Legion members attend Clark's class, Clark realizes that he's on a parallel world Just when the Ultra-Boy of this reality is about to reveal Superboy's identity to the class, Clark is able to get a message out to his alternate reality counterpart in time for him to capture these rogue Legion members and return them to their own time.
With his double's identity protected, Superboy returns to his own Earth, reflecting over what differences there are between parallel worlds.