| - City Raids are new city wide quests available through the Castle which offer city members the opportunity to earn hoards of loot. Potential rewards include chest keys, coins, gems, rare materials and blueprints. City Raids were released in the December 2015 release with Demonic Invasion being the first publicly playable raid.
* Raids will be Friday 00:00 UTC to Sunday 23:59 UTC every week
* Each raid will have up to 9 steps
* Steps are unlocked by leveling your Castle and shopkeeper (Level 6 required; other steps locked by other levels)
* Raids work EXACTLY like Dungeon quest right down to how the heroes are looted
* To move on to the next step, the city will need to bring back a specified number of special event items
* City Raid rewards are collected manually after the step is complete. You will have until the next City Raid to claim the award. Once the next City Raid begins, the rewards are lost.
* Prizes include: fame stars, gems, keys, special blueprints, items etc. See: Fame Stars As of February 2016:
* Raids now have 25 steps for completion, so 25 rewards
* Steps and difficulty are no longer linked
* 3 tiers of difficulty for each step (easy, medium, hardest), so that all members can participate
* prizing has remained level locked (a person eligible for step 12, will only receive rewards up to step 12, even if they participate in step 20)
* fame will be awarded every 5 levels
* Improvements to City Raid UI, to display locked rewards more clearly
* new sounds for City Raids
* Auto-party select feature will now update according to selected step difficulty
* Speedrunner skill now works during City Raids