About: 2008-11-18 - Slaver Group Taken Down   Sponge Permalink

An Entity of Type : owl:Thing, within Data Space : associated with source dataset(s)

Coruscant: Core of the 'Public Cantina The heavy brown reek that fills this area of City does not make exception for this ramshackle building, adding to the clouds of smoke from the Cantina's patrons. In fact, the smoke adds a scent to repulsive smell that makes this little hovel a far more bearable place to be than the open walkways without. The walls of this grimy den seem to have been fused together from the battered wreckage of starship hulls and durasteel plating from old building foundations. Light is provided from a confused assortment of many-colored lamps hanging from the ceiling by power cables. Every so often these flicker in unison, momentarily increasing the oppressive gloom of the place.

  • 2008-11-18 - Slaver Group Taken Down
  • Coruscant: Core of the 'Public Cantina The heavy brown reek that fills this area of City does not make exception for this ramshackle building, adding to the clouds of smoke from the Cantina's patrons. In fact, the smoke adds a scent to repulsive smell that makes this little hovel a far more bearable place to be than the open walkways without. The walls of this grimy den seem to have been fused together from the battered wreckage of starship hulls and durasteel plating from old building foundations. Light is provided from a confused assortment of many-colored lamps hanging from the ceiling by power cables. Every so often these flicker in unison, momentarily increasing the oppressive gloom of the place.
  • Jedi Order, slavers
  • 2008-11-18(xsd:date)
  • A bunch!
  • Slaver's Group Taken Down
  • Slavers are, surprisingly, taken down.
  • Nashtah Sing
  • When a slaver's deal goes sour, it's up to the Jedi to save the day!
  • Coruscant: Core of the 'Public Cantina
  • Coruscant: Core of the 'Public Cantina The heavy brown reek that fills this area of City does not make exception for this ramshackle building, adding to the clouds of smoke from the Cantina's patrons. In fact, the smoke adds a scent to repulsive smell that makes this little hovel a far more bearable place to be than the open walkways without. The walls of this grimy den seem to have been fused together from the battered wreckage of starship hulls and durasteel plating from old building foundations. Light is provided from a confused assortment of many-colored lamps hanging from the ceiling by power cables. Every so often these flicker in unison, momentarily increasing the oppressive gloom of the place. Along one wall three old plasteel desks have been converted into bartops doubling as a dancing runway. A bored and sullen bartender sits behind these desks half-asleep and wholly uninterested in the antics of the Cantina's dancers. Across the floor several round tables have been placed, and in the corners several booths lie hidden in shadows. A small portion of the Cantina has been curtained off with some filthy tattered cloth, behind which an old Sabacc table stands ready for gamblers. Despite the atmosphere of the place it's patrons are remarkably varied. Rich-looking off-worlders (often with breathing masks) mingle with local scum, discussing who knows what in the shadows of this despicable establishment. Rena strolls into the smokey, haze filled and rediculously loud bar she has spent so much time in during her life. Pausing in the dark doorway, she gives a faint shrug of her shoulders and slowly unzips her sleek, black jacket as she moves along toward the bar. Catching sight of the gal in police armor, the redhead smirks and slides onto a stool next to her friend, Nissa: "No police down here, I thought." She says this just loud enough to be heard - and hopefully Mi'yuki can tell the girl is kidding with her from her friendly smile. Following close behind Rena is Graham, who slips silently through the crowd and seems to station himself not very far from the redheaded girl. His eyes scan their surroundings, taking in the hulking form of Hauku briefly before also turning to the bar and ordering a drink. The front door swings open and Nashtah Sing arrives, wearing a long purple robe with the hood down exposing her facial features...she moves across the main area and sits at the end of the bar and orders a drink from the bartender... Enter into the cantina is an Arcona that is becoming more and more familiar. Kaldu Railm, the gold eyed Arcona. Slowly he enters in, pilot suit on instead of his now usual fancy business man like suit. He slowly makes his way to the bar, next to Nissa, gibing her a now. "Nice to see you down here 'round these parts. Wouldn't imagine it 'till now," he says with a smile. He grins over at Rena and Graham. "And how are my friendly neighbourhood doves doing?" He says, tilting his head. Mi'yuki hears the mention of police from one of the patrons over the din of the bar and she raises her metal vessel of liquor to the the female human who appears only slightly older than Mi'yuki. She then takes a long swig of the off colored froth as conversation breaks out among some of the aliens. The back door opens and in walks a few kubaz thugs and then a rather large and mean looking trandoshan. Fukanaasha has a couple large scars on his face and his shoulders to add to his tough and hardened appearance. He makes his way to the main area and shifts his reptillian pupils around to find the person he is looking for...After short time, the Trandoshan spot Hauku and growls lowly to the Kubaz's "Makes ya'selve useful and watch me back" He strolls over to the whiphid and nods before sitting down to speak with the whiphid.. Nissa takes a small sip from the class in her hand, the liquid in it a vivid blue. She smiles warmly as she spots Rena and Graham, raising the other webbed hand in greeting. The Mon Cal glances towards Mi'yuki for a moment, inclining her head politely to the young woman. As Kaldu arrives as well, she sits up a bit more, grinning. "Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Railm!" she says, "Come to visit from the lovely marshlands?" She winks. Her attention momentarily moves to the door, and she frowns a bit, before she looks back to the others. Graham walks over after a moment of scoping things out sitting at the bar he declines a drink from the tender for now but looks to a few he knows. "Longtime no see." he says. His gaze falls on one he doesn't know though this isn't unusual he holds his introduction though looking about the room again casually Off in a far table, nearly in the dark, sits a fella with blackish hair. An ale is before him, a sip now and then. Quiet, and solitary it would seem, as he looks those over in the bar. Chas slips out of hiding. Nashtah looks around for a moment at the various individuals that are about and then looks up at the tender as he slides a drink over "Thank you..." She pays him some credits with a tip... Rena blushes somewhat at Kaldu's description of herself and Graham, and she gives the arcona a friendly poke with her fist in his arm: "Oh go on... What are you doing down here in the ol' dive?" Pausing, she grins at Nissa and laughs: "More blue lightning? Better take it easy tonight." She turns on her barstool, spinning it about to face the crowd and take in the sights and - she coughs - the smells. Dark eyes narrow in on a familiar, pale human female - namely Nashtah Sing. She seems to concentrate on this fact rather grimly for a moment before glancing sidelong once more at the Whiphid and his cronies across the room. Lee'm meanders into the Core Cantina with a little less swagger than normal, the last remnants of a skin dye job still tinting his skin a dull purple colour; holocontacts placed over his eyes shade them green, though the young Twi'lek's grin is as lopsidedly cocky as ever. Lee'm steps toward the bar without acknowledging anyone except the bartender, murmuring something about 'whiskey' before pulling a white cylinder from his jacket's pocket and putting it between his lips. A flicker of heat and it's lit, and he's inhaling, then blowing out a thin stream of blue smoke. A modified blaster with a shortened barrel is held sort of carelessly in his right hand, though it's placed onto the bartop and spun once like a top -- it clatters and falls to rest, and his hand remains on it while his other hand grasps the glass. Whiskey is sipped, and Lee'm scans the room with casual interest. The large scarred slaver lord, Fukonaasha begins barting with the Whiphid and because it is a little heated, some of his conversation should beable to be heard by other nearby "What you mean if dem is good!. Those Eloms will make you rich if you wish their furr or are strong enough to do any labor you wish..." He continues speaking and Hauku, a devious looking whiphid responds as well in a series of grunts and mix in with the broken basic "Hauku buy slaves from you, I need to see quality...nosee dem...no buy.." The continue to go over there conversation... A young lad comes to the black haired man, whispers to him and Chas pays him a few credits and sends him on his way. He stays behind the table, one hand on his lap while his left toys with his ale. Back in the dark, when he is in Coruscant his usual table, and so tries to go unnoticed as he takes care of /things/. Kaldu grins at Rena, reaching over to ruffle her hear in a friendly fashion. "I only joke because I love. I love because I care. I care because...well, I never really thought about that before. Why /do/ I care?" He says jokingly, winking just to prove so. He catches wind of some angry sounding voices in the direction of a couple of people. NAshtah sips her drink and already in her old profession and instincts which are still honed have noticed the slaver and marked the locations of his kubaz thugs, out of habit. She continues to sip her drink and then suddenly pauses for a oment with her drink her hand and looks toward rena across the way.. Valid emotions to send are: admiring alert amused angry annoyed apprehensive awesome bold calm cautious cold confused cruel curious despairing desperate determined disappointed disgusted enlightened failing fearful gentle gloating greedy happy hateful hopeful horrified itchy loving lustful mocking pained pitying pleased proud reckless sad shadowy surly surprised suspicious thoughtful triumphant uncomfortable unrepentant upset urgent watched worried. Mi'yuki continues to sip at the froth atop her liquor until the heated exchange draws her attention over the brim of her drinking vessel. Knowing better than to even look in their direction with so many thugs who have seemed to have filtered in she crouches down slightly and turns halfway away. As she does so the adolsecent catches sight of the familiar purple twi'lek with the perchant to play with pistols. Her eyebrows arch slightly in reconginition of him. Laughing at Kaldu's joke, the girl leans in to give her friend a little hug before resting back again at the bar. Rena's dark eyes pass over a number of familiar faces, and though no doubt some do not notice it, there is a warm light of recognition as she does so. But her mind is distracted as she cants her head unobtrusively in the direction of Fukonaasha, letting her sharp ears pick up on the fleeting hints of conversation, even as Mi'yuki glances their way. Lee'm continues to lounge at the bar, occasionally taking a deeper inhalation of the nail-in-the-coffin between his lips; it never leaves, instead dangling there, with smoke exhaled around it. The only time the cylinder leaves his mouth is when his glass of whiskey is put to his lips, though it's soon drained and placed back onto the bartop. The youth has a scratch or two on his cheek, but otherwise seems fine, and after a few moments his attention stops on the thugs and the nearby conversation going on. A moment of interest, and then he's grinning crookedly as Mi'yuki falls into espial. He jerks his chin a little at her. "Wanna take a seat, poonsha, darling? There's plenty of them to go around, and it's no fun drinking by myself." Nissa smirks at Rena, raising the glass to take another small sip. "Oh, I will, I promise," she says, winking. She pauses before she can drink the blue stuff, though, a frown crossing her expression from the raised voices drifting nearer to them. Large golden eyes also follow the movements of the Twi'lek for a moment, drifting pass Nashtah as well. The Calamarian shakes her head slowly, before carefully turning to set her glass on the bar. She looks to Graham then, eyes slightly widened in question. Hauku stands up and looks to the Trando slaver lord and grunts "Where you have stock...show Hauku so Hauku decide to buy.."...Fukonaasha stands as well and takes the large mug of ale and chugs the rest of it, leaving white foam on his reptillian lips. He wips it off with his large claws hand and speaks back in broken basic "They on my ship.." he waves his hand at the whiphid and says "Not to worry, they are unscathed and fresh off planetside, you will like..Do you want me show you now or we talk price first?" Graham turns at the sound of raised voices but listens without looking over. He nods towards Rena knowingly but small-ly. He takes another peek around his hand strays to his side casually but nothing other than this happens. He turns towards Nissa now. "That's what you said last time." he chuckles slightly. Mi'yuki clears her voice slightly as she takes seat beside the rather friendly twi'lek. "Not really," she murmers in reply to him, hands still clasped about her liquor vessel. "Though I don't know if I particularly care for what the locals are engaged in." Her eyes dart in the direction of the trandoesan to silently signal to Lee'm what he may have not caught. Nashtah finally finishes her drink and quietly. She slowly and purposely stands from the stool at the bar and turns toward the Trandoshan. Nashtah eyes flash something for those who would notice and casually walks toward the trandoshan. One of the Kubaz's near Fukonaaasha spot her approach and says to him " Slavers, on Coruscant...what will be next. But for now Chas only sips his drink, eyes still scanning the bar as he does. Small little sips actually. He still says nothing to those that may be around, preferring to watch for now. Being on guard is not something Rena seems to do very well. The girl suddenly takes on a very carefree expression and thrums her fingers on the bartop to the heavy metal music, looking up at the cieling boredly... never mind that the cieling is concealed in smokey haze and can barely be seen. Sliding off her stool suddenly, she says aside to Nissa and Kaldu: "I feel like dancing, think I'll just get my groove on." She grins mirthfully here, obviously kidding over her try at being /cool./ Still, the redhead does begin to move her hips and lets her body sway and jive to the music (if you can call it that) getting into the beat with catlike grace as she moves into the crowd. Rena seems to almost vanish, far nearer to the Trandoshan than before. Nashtah finally finishes her drink and quietly. She slowly and purposely stands from the stool at the bar and turns toward the Trandoshan. Nashtah eyes flash something for those who would notice and casually walks toward the trandoshan. One of the Kubaz's near Fukonaaasha spot her approach and says to him "Boss, look!!" Fukonaasha looks up and as his eye spot Nashtah Sing coming toward him he curse a profanity under his breath. Nashtah pauses a short distance from him and says in a cool voice "I told you, Fukonaasha if I see your filth again that it would be the last time you would be breathing.." She turns to the whiphid and then comments to the Trando "I see you still pushing slaves and to think you would of learned your lesson.." The ex-bounty hunter stands glaring at him. Master of Disguise (tm) Lee'm gives Mi'yuki a blank sort of look before glancing over at the Trandoshan in an open sort of manner and then glancing back with a single-shoulder shrug. "Whatever. Don't be involved in it. Probably not local, anyway. Whiskey?" With the question asked, Lee'm makes a motion toward the bartender, and two more glasses are slid down the counter toward the pair. The Twi'lek picks one up and sips at it twice while his gaze drifts over just in time to catch a young redhead dancing nearby. His head cants to the side a little, while he addresses Mi'Yuki, "So. . . You didn't like dirt, huh? I like cities better, too, poonsha. Not much into backwater planets." Kaldu grins at Rena with a side glance to both Nissa and Graham. "Did...did she say get her 'groove on'? I could've sworn I heard her say that. Or have I started going deaf?" He shakes his head as he smiles. A grin and maybe that was also a chuckle from Chas as he watches Rena. But his attention is quickly shifted over as he spots the ex-bounty hunter confronting the slavers . Under his breath he mutters "Oh, this has all the makings of something not good." The hand that is in his lap shifts a bit and his left moves the ale away. T Hauku, the large whiphead buyer, seems to be alert and not one to like surprises..he wield his carbine and points it at the powdery white female and steps back a moment. He grunts "Fukonaasha, Dis a ol' girlfriend of yours! I don't like people interferring in my business, lady. Why don't you get lost before you become lost...Permanently!" "Ah, so I did," Nissa replies, grinning towards Graham. As if her counter her own words, she fetches up her glass again, taking the sip she missed while her vision was wandering. She looks up at Rena as the redhead suddenly disappears into the dancing crowd, giving Kaldu a bit of an odd look. "I...believe she just did," she says, blinking a few times. The Mon Cal shifts forwards a bit on her perch, lowering one boot to the floor to keep herself balanced. Another sip is taken of the blue beverage, and her eyes are wandering again. They settle in one of the darker corners - and with such weird eyes, who knows how she might view the galaxy - and it's occupant. She smiles, just a little, before looking back towards where the shouting is coming from. The kubaz slaver thugs and hold there position and their weapons pointed on Nashtah... Mi'yuki keeps a wary eye on the scene unfolding among the white lady and the alien slavers. "Seriously, I think we ought to take cover. I've seen my fair share of scraps and they all start like this," she says while leaning into the twi'lek and murmering her thoughts while her eyes begin to check the exits and places to seek cover. Rena re-emerges from the crowd right in front of the Kubaz thugs, seemingly tripping a bit and stumbling into the scene. A little apollogetic smile is cast in their direction: "Whoops... lost my footing there a little." She blinks her dark eyes innocently at the pointed guns and slips her long red braid back over her shoulder slowly, rising to her full and unimpressive height: "Didn't expect a welcoming committee..." Graham raises an eyebrow. He turns to Kaldu. "I think she did yes." he watches as she moves towards the dance floor and where the raised voices had been. The young man cant help but shake his head and bring a hand to his face. He doesn't make any movement yet but takes into account the scene and it's changing almost sensing the tension. Kaldu searches for Rena in the crowd now as the little group of slavers seem to want to pulverize Nashtah. When he sees her stumble between them, he jumps, almost, out of his seat and heads over to her. Taking her hand in his and looking at the others there, he smiles slightly. "Sorry to bother you all. We'll just be on our way and won't bother you again." And he attempts to lead Rena back to where Graham and Nissa are. The large Trandoshan eyes flare with anger and hate for Nashtah Sing and he growls "I thought a rumor out there you quit the bounty hunting business Sing...Take off, this is none of your concern.." He reaches for his carbine as well.. Nashtah looks to the Whiphid and then back the Trando and a smile goes to her face as she replies "Your right, I have stopped hunting down scum like you for credits.....But for the suffering you have caused to hundreds of aliens, it is time for you to pay for your crimes.." The whiphid suddenly raises his weapon to shoot Nashtah and she sends an object at him.... COMBAT: Nashtah Sing hurls a durasteel barstool at Hauku! COMBAT: Hauku dodges Nashtah Sing's flying debris. COMBAT: Hauku fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Nashtah Sing! COMBAT: Nashtah Sing tries to dodge, but Hauku's blaster bolt hits and grievously wounds her. Lee'm is at the bar. There are slavers at the bar. It's a decidedly close situation for the Twi'lek, and when blasters are raised he casually picks up his modified, trigger-guardless weapon and holds it loosely in his right hand with the shortened barrel toward the ceiling. His hand slides to lean against his lekku, and for all intents and purposes he could be resting his head on his weapon-wielding hand with his elbow on the bar. "Yeah? I've never really been in a fight before, babe. Tell you what -- anyone shoots at you, I'll kill them, darling. Just keep drinking your whiskey. . ." A moment's pause, and Lee'm is suddenly brightened with a rakish smile. "You look great behind a lamp, too, poonsha." Hauku dodge the stool and fires his weapon hitting Nashtah at close range and sends her body flying some feet... Graham is also moving towards the red haired girl when there's loud noises bringing his attention back the other way. "Gah." the knight says moving back "Said on guard not reckless nutter." he winks towards Rena before reaching to his side his saber brought to hand as he moves back towards the bounty hunter. "Kaldu, be care-" Rena says tensely to the Arcona as he grasps her arm and tries to lead her off. It's no angry gesture when she suddenly shrugs him off and pulls her arm away just enough so that the hilt of her saber flies into her hand from within her coat. "The party has begun," she says with a rueful grin, glancing just once briefly at Graham sidelong with a glimmer of mirth. Her saber hisses into view and she swings it in a graceful arc toward Hauku after he blasts Nashtah: "No need for this kind of unpleasantness!" COMBAT: Rena ignites her purple lightsaber. COMBAT: Rena swings her purple lightsaber at Hauku! COMBAT: Hauku dodges Rena's purple lightsaber. COMBAT: Hauku fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Rena! FORCE:: Rena calls upon the force. COMBAT: Rena raises her hand and deflects Hauku's blaster bolt. "Mekka ralas. See that, poonsha? Sorcerer--" Lee'm points with his chin toward Graham as the man pulls a lightsaber into his hand, though he's speaking to Mi'yuki. "Always interfering in peoples' business, but at least they're not swinging their lightswords around already." For his part, the young Twi'lek continues to sit at the bar sipping whiskey. Lee'm's blaster is still in his hand, and his chin resting on the butt, with his elbow on the table. Eyes are on the scene with youthful curiosity, despite his own words. "Oh, wait, I lied. Swinging away like usual," he adds in a drawling tone. "Oh bloody..." Chas curses as he stands when the fighting starts. The blaster that was in his lap is now firmly gripped in his hand. He yells out "If you not gonna be fighting, get out or get down..." and he takes aim at the leader that is before him. Better to cut the head off the snake it would seem. From his blaster a bolt is sent flying. COMBAT: Chas fires his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Hauku! COMBAT: Hauku tries to dodge, but Chas's blaster bolt hits and wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Hauku fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Chas! COMBAT: Chas tries to dodge, but Hauku's blaster bolt hits and moderately wounds him. Zann enters the Cantina through the gloomy doorway. COMBAT: Mi'yuki wields her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol. Zann Rbann, the Kubaz nomad, and junk trader wanders into the bar. His path is interrupted by a shattered drink glass. For a moment, he looks throw crimson goggles at the inhabitants. Apparently the action has really started, a deadly scene indeed. Zann steps over the broken glass, takes a right, and sits in a private booth casually in the darkest corner of the bar. Oh well. "Oh, holy hell and a half-grown rachnois," Nissa says, quickly down the rest of her drink. The glass gets tossed over her shoulder, even as she quickly pulls the blaster pistol from its resting place at her hip. "Be careful!" she calls to the others, already moving to hop from the bar stool and onto the bar to get a better vantage point. She sights along the blaster, taking aim at the tall Whipid before firing. COMBAT: Nissa wields her Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol. COMBAT: Nissa fires her Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol at Hauku! COMBAT: Hauku tries to dodge, but Nissa's blaster bolt hits and wounds a member of them. COMBAT: Hauku fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Nissa! COMBAT: Nissa tries to dodge, but Hauku's blaster bolt hits and seriously wounds her. "Frag," Mi'yuki curses as weapons come up and furniture goes flying. Hands covering her temples she ducks behind a curious looking neon stripped floor lamp whose shade has several blaster holes peircing it. "Get down man are you freakin' crazy," she shouts to the twi'lek as he leans nonchalantly upon his weapon arm. As blaster bolts begin flashing across the room she flinches and covers her head reflexively while reaching for the weapon strapped to her belt. She brings it up and flips off the safety before taking a careful one handed bead upon upon one of the thugs who seems flat footed at this sudden unleashing of weapons. She triggers the weapon... ZOT! COMBAT: Mi'yuki fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs tries to dodge, but Mi'yuki's blaster bolt hits and kills one of them. The blast hits the Kubaz is the chest and throws it backwards into a table sending glass flying and shattering upon the floor. "Take that long nose," Mi'yuki shouts. Hauku shoots Nashtah Sing and then turns yelling at the Trandoshan "You Nerf turd beetle, Get to the ship!!" The Whiphid begins moving to the back door and takes two shots as he goes and fires back... Fukonaashan growls as he sees his meeting fall under fire. He yells to his men "Cover us" and begins running to the door... The kubaz's listens to the boss who they fear more then death itself. They attempt to cover the quick retreat by the Trando and the Whiphid and fire shots in the crowd. Some of the shots hit walls and glass bottle, but one shot was aime at Rena as she was close by.. COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs attack Rena with their Poleaxes! COMBAT: Rena tries to parry with her purple lightsaber, but Kubaz Slaver Thugs's Poleaxe moderately wounds her. Nashtah take a nasty wound to the side and she flies back in pain..The ex-hunter is crouched over favoring her side as the whiphid and the trando begin their escape...NAshtah sends another object at the whiphid, in hopes to slow or knock him down... COMBAT: Nashtah Sing hurls a gambling table at Hauku! COMBAT: Hauku dodges Nashtah Sing's flying debris. COMBAT: Hauku fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Nashtah Sing! COMBAT: Nashtah Sing tries to dodge, but Hauku's blaster bolt hits and mildly wounds her. Graham dashes forward his saber ignited humming and buzzing in white glow. His movement brings him in close enough to strike and so he does swiping down at the ones so far causing all the trouble. He doesn't have anger in his eyes only a focus on what is going on he isn't forgetting what's going on around him. COMBAT: Graham ignites his white lightsaber. COMBAT: Graham swings his white lightsaber at Hauku! COMBAT: Hauku tries to dodge, but Graham's white lightsaber strikes and incapacitates him. Hauka collapses critically injured. The Jedi master's strike was percise and came down to cause a critical wound to the Whiphid..He screams as the hot blade slices into his skin and he falls to the ground whithering in pain.."Arghhhh Nooo, you .." then his words gurgle and he falls limp from the pain, though his chest is still going up and down... Hearing the familiar sound of blasters ringing in her ears, Rena swerves out of the way as a few sing too closely. Her first swing at Hauku had been useless, and with a quick flick of her wrist, the girl deflects the blazing bolt harmlessly into the wall nearby. Shoved aside by the hulking mammoth, she is thrust into combat with the Kubaz armed with pole axes as their leader escape. A smirk of confidence touches her lips as she sense Graham coming to the rescue not far behind and she focuses on the thug who just tried to hack her head off. "Yeah..hehe, take that long nose," she says a bit tensely, winking over at Mi'yuka as if to say: "Nice one." COMBAT: Rena swings her purple lightsaber at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs dodges Rena's purple lightsaber. "Oh, you're not just easily excitable, but you're a little speciest. That's sort of cute, I suppose, poonsha," Lee'm allows in a dry tone, smirking as a blaster bolt goes flying past, and then another scores into the bar in front of himself. The glass of whiskey shatters in a bright flash. His left lekku twitches at the tip, and the youth is looking around the room; his blaster's barrel lowers onto the first target green-at-the-moment eyes spots, and his finger squeezes the trigger repeatedly. PBBZRAAAT PBBZZRAAT! Lee'm's lips are twitching upward at the corner with teenage delight and exhuberance. "Business is business, poonto mala, but you'd best keep your business from interrupting my drinks!" Ignored are the flashing sabers cutting down slavers, and anything else, as the Twi'lek slides out of his seat to step around a fallen bar patron as he pursues the Trandoshan. "You're gonna pay for my drink!" COMBAT: Lee'm fires his Masterwork Merr Sonn T33 Blaster at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Lee'm's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Lee'm! COMBAT: Lee'm tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and grievously wounds him. Chas's bolt hits the slaver and he is ready for the return fire that comes. He moves and his long coat takes the brunt of the shot, leaving wisps's of smoke trailing up from it. But this is soon gone for the black haired man is moving. Not diving for cover but trying to get into a better shooting position. Once archived, his blaster comes up and he shoots at the one fleeing as the first one falls dead under the lightsaber of Graham's. Although the pursuit may stop a little, when Lee'm's shot in the stomach -- superheated blood sizzles, and he stumbles back up against the bar for now. COMBAT: Chas fires his Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Chas's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Chas! COMBAT: Chas tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and seriously wounds him. Her blaster bolt manages to connect on the Whipid, and the Mon Cal is all ready for another shot. Return fire has her moving in slightly surprise, though - too long since she's been in a barfight! She flings herself to side, aiming for the length of the bar under her...and misses. She lets out a slight squeal as she hits the grimy floor behind the bar instead, much to the cursing of the tender hiding under it. She gives him a golden glare, before quickly climbing to her feet, getting her bearings, and taking aim at the Trandoshan! COMBAT: Nissa fires her Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Nissa's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Nissa! COMBAT: Nissa tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and moderately wounds her. The silent Kubaz in the dark corner watches the sabers and blasters clash. A hiss as a puff of used oxygen exhales from Rbann's rebreather. It seems to not bother him at all that members of his own race fall in puddles of blood. Though, he doesn't really have an expression, come to think of it. Ah, to sit here in a bar, and get to think about things like this so casually. Perhaps a game of Pazaak would be fun. Two longs mechanical arms not even a few inches in diameter unfold from his backpack, while his normal limbs reach into his robes and remove a deck of cards.. Then proceeds to play a game of Pazaak against himself, the opponent being the two extended mechanical arms. Unfortunately, he begins to lose, and suspects himself of cheating. Mi'yuki blinks as Lee'm takes a blast to the abdomen leaving him a battered lump upon the bar. "Noooooo," she cries out in horror and forgetting her own safety she jumps to feet and fires over the top of the broken lamp's shade. "Suck electrons loser!" Taking aim the adolsecent fires a blast at the reptillian slaver! KZAT! COMBAT: Mi'yuki fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Mi'yuki's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Mi'yuki! COMBAT: Mi'yuki tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and mauls her. Mi'yuki's shot goes over the trando's head and burns a hole in the wall. The reptile returns the favor and the adolsecent takes a serious shot to the shoulder. "Ahhhh," the youth screams in pain before toppling over. Her hands grab at the broken lamp for support however gravity has already taken its toll and the two go crashing down together to the floor. The neon bulbs of the lamp shatter and fizzle filling the air with the scent of ozone as the young woman lays limp in the remains of the fixture. The trando makes it to the back door after dodging weeving anf returning fire on individuals firing at him. Before he slips out the door, he growls to the kubaz slavers "Kill them or will have the pleasure of being eaten..while still alive" Fukonaasha walks out onto the lot from the dark doorway. With fear of being eaten alive, the kubaz form a barricade at the back door and begins swinging there poleaxe at the closest individual... COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs attack Graham with their Poleaxes! COMBAT: Graham parries with his white lightsaber. Graham ripostes and wounds a member of Kubaz Slaver Thugs. Nashtah takes a small wound on the side and finally stands just in time to see Fukonassha slip out the door..in her way to the evil trando is his thugs..she begins moving toward the thugs and throws a large object at them... COMBAT: You hurl a bunch of bottles from the bar at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs dodges Nashtah Sing's flying debris. A few of the Twi'lek, drinking by the bar, start to reach under their coats for their repeaters as more blaster bolts fly. . . But, hey, look! There's a free bottle of booze laying out there! The Shady-looking Barflies keep to themselves. Graham turns as another of the combatants is hit badly but the attack on him turns him back. He parrys with his saber wounding his attacker. He backs now towards the wounded fighter he speaks to Mi'yuki. "Hold on we'll get you to the med center as soon as we can." he drops to his knees taking his med kit from his pouch. He turns back "Rena, stop them from escaping!" he calls before taking out his bandages "Good call," Rena says a bit breathlessly to Graham persuing the Kubaz. Mother never told her not to run through the bar with a saber in her hand - and luckily the redheaded girl is agile enough to do so without turning anyone she passes into a shish kabob. The situation calls for rather desperate measures now, and she swings out at the thugs once more, her violet blade hissing through the air. COMBAT: Rena swings her purple lightsaber at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs dodges Rena's purple lightsaber. Twi'leki swearing spews forth from Lee'm's lips as he splutters once and holds a hand to the smouldering chest of his jacket. "You'll pay for my clothing, too, poonsha! And I said not to shoot at the poonsha!" he calls out -- even if he's not stopping to help Mi'yuki, really -- and points his blaster toward the nearest sentient being while pulling the trigger several times in rapid succession. PBBZZRAT PBZZZZRAT PBZZZRAT. It's easily enough done, with the trigger guard having been removed, and bright red flashes of light spew forth from the shortened muzzle sort of randomly across the room. Two bottles on the walls shatter down shards of broken glass and alcohol, though several of the bolts find their way toward the hired Kubaz thugs. Lee'm's already lost his attention span on the shots, as he's finally pushed off of the bar and is working on hopping over a table to pursue the Trandoshan. If there are Kubaz blocking the way? They're his target! "Poonsha ta nala ooma ma ooliz'ara!" -- a nearby protocol droid, having sat silently until now, speaks up in response to Lee'm's words. "Oh, my, he just insulted the entire genealogy of that Trandoshan, focusing on his mother's profession and tendency to sleep with Jawas for an illicit spice habit." COMBAT: Lee'm fires his Masterwork Merr Sonn T33 Blaster at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs dodges Lee'm's blaster bolt. A loud curse comes from Chas as his shot misses the running slaver. But as he reaches for his thermal detonator he forgets to duck...and wam the counter shot hits. Spun about by the impact of the bast the man still manages to come up with a small black object in his hand. With a flick of his thumb the little read light on it begins to blink and in nearly the same motion the thermal detonator is on it's way to the scum. "Yea, eat that, ya bastich..." he calls out. But the slimy fella has made it out the door and the thermal heads for his guards. COMBAT: Chas wields his Thermal Detonator. COMBAT: Chas throws his Thermal Detonator at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Chas throws his Thermal Detonator at Rena! FORCE:: Rena calls upon the force. COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs tries to dodge, but Chas's thrown Thermal Detonator hits and kills two of them. COMBAT: Chas's thrown Thermal Detonator hits and mauls Rena. The fight between the Kubaz and Rena becomes fierce at the doorway, "TWING....CHING"..."ZZZZZT" The sound of saber and poleaxe blades echo through the air. Some of the Kubaz's hold in combat stances dodging incoming fire, when suddenly the metal round thermal flies through the air and lands at the feet of two Kubaz, their eyes bulge in shock and begin to mouth the words "Oh SH........" when it goes off. Pieces of Kubaz body parts splatter on the ceiling and thankfully their bodies take the brunt of the blast....unfortunately, Rena being in the fight with the kubaz, also takes damage from the blast... Her breath comes out in a low hiss, as Nissa was too slow in sidestepping to dodge another firing. The bolt connects with her shoulder, already adding to the lovely red and smoking burn on her arm. "Throw it!" she calls to Chas, even as she lines up another shot and pulls the trigger. COMBAT: Nissa fires her Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs dodges Nissa's blaster bolt. The explosion that rocks the bar draws Zann's attention. "Noisy day." says the Kubaz in a wisp of a voice. Perhaps all of these people are doing an attempt on his life! Grr, the nerve. This must be an elaborate plan to actually kill him by killing everyone else! How crude! Then Zann forgets about that as the cybernetic arms get SEVEN POINTS. Oh! The nerve! And he plays a five, he is going to lose, this is terrible. Mi'yuki coughs as tears form in the corners of her eyes. Struggling she rolls over onto her side and takes her blaster in both hands unable to hold it one handedly with her wounded shoulder. Training on another Kubaz she snaps off a single, precise shot. ZAT! COMBAT: Mi'yuki fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Kubaz Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs dodges Mi'yuki's blaster bolt. Mi'yuki's shot burns harmlessly into the ceiling of the establishment. The remaining kubaz get blown to the side of the blast and figure at this point, with thermals and blaster fire coming their way and also seeing cousin Gahaad and brother Greebo become the new mural for the cantina ceiling..they drop their weapons and fall to there knees "No..more...No more..Fukonaasha ship outside...he have Elom and weequay slaves on board...please no more..we surrender.." Nashtah steps forward after the blast and looks back at Chas and then down to Rena..she moves first and crouches to Rena, though bending her abdomen really hurt from the two blaster wounds she took. She reaches out to Rena.."Are you okay? What can I do for you" Nashtah looks to Rena The boom that comes from the thermal was not unexpected and the blast rolls over Chas as he had fallen to one knee, his head down to avoid it. As soon as the smoke and debris settle, Chas is on his feet, a grin and a shrug to Nashtah and then he is running, jumping over Rena with a "Sorry," left in his wake, past the cowering guards. As he runs past one of his boots just happens to make contact with one of the remaining Kubaz. The door, already half off it's hinges from the blast is bowled open and he heads out side. As he runs he calls out "I got more of them in my ship too for the rest of your crew." Dazed...stunned...totally blacked out (or whited out) by the blast of the thermal detonator so close at hand, Rena is knocked to the floor as the Kubaz are blown to bits. For a while, her ears ring and buzz from the explosion and she lies still on the floor. A muffled noise like a voice nearby catches her attention and her head lolls over to look at Nashtah. Smiling painfully as Chas jumps over, she coughs: "No worries," making the OK gesture weakly. Glancing back at the wounded woman stooping over her, she chuckles in a jerky manner: "Help me find my head and I'll tell you." COMBAT: Chas lashes out at Kubaz Slaver Thugs with his boot! COMBAT: Kubaz Slaver Thugs tries to dodge, but Chas hits and wounds a member of them. Mi'yuki stuggles upwards and stumbles over to the twi'lek. "Lee'm, how bad is it," she asks trying to get a better look as she covers her own wound with her free hand. Her eyes dart towards the back door as the others begin to dash out after the trandoesan. Explosion! Lee'm is rocked back by the sound of the thermal detonator, and steps to the side directly into Mi'yuki as she's stumbling his way. "Eh. . . You look like a GNN reporter, top anchorwoman, poonsha," he lies blatantly, giving her a flash of a bright smile. "I made you a promise, didn't I?" And then Lee'm's shooting at the Kubaz again. Did they surrender? There was an explosion, lots of things get lost in the sound of thermals going off! Lee'm follows up the BZZZRAT BZZRAT of his modified blaster by jerking his chin toward the door, "And someone owes me for a drink. . ." as he steps toward the shattered back door exit. Graham nods when finished best he can his face fallen and worried at the blast "Rena!" he calls out terror would be good explanation. His saber blade is lowered and it's placed back to his side. "She needs the hospital. I'll take her." his voice is broken on his last wit for the week for sure which has not gone well. He drops to a knee a moment now. Nashtah nods and reaches down and with one arm and helps Rena up. As she does so, a flash of anger passes through her eyes put it is a quick flash, she yell to Chas just before he leaves.."Chas! drop me a gun" and then she looks back at Rena. She is about to say somethign but step to the side so Graham can speak and then says "Ready to go get a trando..." Half in, half out, Chas stops and throws his sniper rifle to Nashtah "Take care of my baby, you know how much it means to me," and then he is gone out the door and from sight. Chas gives his Modified SoroSuub MEKA Sniper Blaster to Nashtah Sing. A mutter of, "...harder to hit than a friggin' Krakana..." drifts from behind the bar as Nissa ducks at the blast of the detonater. She rises up in time to hear the surrender of the remaining Kubaz, and she lowers her blaster. She then spots the redhead laying on the floor, and she up on the bar, rolling across it to the other side before her feet carry her to kneel on Rena's other side. "You all right?" she asks, looking her over, "We've still another one to shoot up." Chas heads out the back door. "GNN? Say what," Mi'yuki replies looking confused. "You better not be going out there alone," she mutters while following after the twi'lek as he heads out to get his 'drink'. Mi'yuki heads out the back door. Lee'm sneaks out of the area towards Coruscant: Dingy Concrete Lot. Shaking the dust and cobwebs out of her brain, Rena glances between Nissa and Graham for a moment before suddenly sitting up. She winces with the pain, but forces herself to her feet: "I'm alright.. just kinda stunned. They need us out there.." Nashtah moves from Rena, knowing the spirit and stubborness of this little redhead to know that she will be right behind her. Nashtah picks up the sniper and with the feel of the rifle her hands, people around can definately suddenly sense a change in the air...Nashtah face turns to a focused huntress, a being that most in the galaxy would not wish to be on the other end of her sights...The huntress steps out the door, with the blood of trando in her sights... COMBAT: Nashtah Sing wields her Modified SoroSuub MEKA Sniper Blaster. There is little to see here. A small run-down lot of circular concrete has been stained and weathered with long use and neglect. A slim walkway connects this lot to the dark empty doorway of a ramshackle building. Looking up from his card game, Zann looks to the wounded ones. He moves to get out of his seat as multiple robotic limbs unfold to pack up the Pazaak game behind him him before one loyal arm brings the deck to his organic arm. He loads the deck into his robes and moves over to Graham and Rena. In a puff of used oxygen, the Kubaz speaks. "Do let me take her, I have.. arms to spare?" He chuckles in a hiss of oxygen.(re) Richard Tan enters the Cantina through the gloomy doorway. Nissa laughs a bit, shaking her head. "You and trouble..." she murmurs, moving to help the redhead to her feet. "We're not going down swinging just yet, sweetheart, a few more to take care of. Let's get your head out of the water." She winks. Rena looks gratefully (though still a little dazed) at Zann, but shakes her head: "No, s'alright. I'll be fine...we need to stand by our friends til we can't." She grabs a hold of Graham's hand and points her chin to the doorway. Pushing herself to her feet, the redhead staggers a bit as she heads for the door, trying to pull the knight along with her. Richard Tan walks in, looking to get a drink form the shady bar, and as he enters, a chair is seen flying in front of him, as a blaster bolt hits nearby. BLinking, he dives for cover and looks as he sees a few he knows, heading for the back, in a quick manenr and he spots the other chaos that is here and gulps, "No need ot get killed," he says to himself as he makes a bolt for the back door as well. Zann watches the redhead get up, the multiple arms folding behind him back into an idle pose. "Very well." He rasps, before casually walking to the door as well. It's too messy in here for cards, anyways. Nissa heads out through the gloomy doorway. Coruscant: Dingy Concrete Lot The heavy brown reek surrounds you, and fills your nose with a repugnant stench that is quite unplacable. It stifles the sky, and closes in around you making ghosts of the great foundations of the Sector's towers that loom like the shadows of giants. Graham walks out onto the lot from the dark doorway. Rena walks out onto the lot from the dark doorway. Nissa walks out onto the lot from the dark doorway. Out of the door, and onto the large concrete lot comes Chas, already digging in his pocket for another thermal. "Now, this will be a bit more fun," he says to no one in particular as he cups the small device in his hand, eyes searching for a target. (repose) A purple-skinned-for-the-day, lekku'd shape flits out of the dark doorway and into the reek of the concrete lot, mixing into the pollution -- more or less -- as he skirts around to the side and toward the ships, before stepping into a shadow. (reeeee for the people) "Oy, more detonators..." Rena cringes as she stumbles through the doorway, Graham in tow. Pulling herself along side, she calls over: "Fire away, Chas. We'll go in swinging and shooting after.." Graham is pulled though he doesn't wish to hurt her fighting or struggling to much "Rena. Stop." he calls but they are out the door, a scowl is given to Nissa most uncharacteristically and it's plain to see he's none to happy and unbeliving at whats happening. He pulls away for once from the redhaird girl. Richard Tan follows everyone as he looks, "Graham," he says as he spots "Nissa, Rena and Chas," he says as he looks, "Lovily party," he states to them. "Who started it?" he asks as his hand drosp to his blaster. Stunned, Rena pauses and looks back as the knight pulls away from her. Brows furrowing, she seems completely and utterly distracted by this sudden change. "Graham?" As the hero's move out of the backdoor, there is 5 rodian's with weapons in hand and the large scared Trando standing by the Grakk Cargo Hauler. The Trando wields his Carbine and growls "You past my thugs...Now you all shall die!" He orders his men to fire and they sends shots amongst the people coming out on the landing area. The shots miss and hit the walls and objects around the area... The huntress flies out the door with a stride and now a weapon of her expertise in her hand. Her eyes focused across the way at the large trando and she ducks, dives and rolls past the incoming fire from the rodians and the trando. She rolls into a crouch position and with quick aiming skills she lines the large trando up in her cross-hairs and fires "No..its your turn.." COMBAT: Nashtah Sing fires her Modified SoroSuub MEKA Sniper Blaster at Fukonaasha! FORCE:: You move with enhanced speed. COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Nashtah Sing's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Nashtah Sing! COMBAT: Nashtah Sing tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and seriously wounds her. COMBAT: Graham throws his lightsaber at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Graham's flying white lightsaber, which spins back to Graham. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Graham! COMBAT: Graham deflects Fukonaasha's blaster bolt back into Fukonaasha, wounding them. "Do you scum ever stop?" Graham makes the o so kid like hand gesture of talking and talking. The knight though seems rather fed up and with a flick of his wrist throws his saber at the slaver. It misses and he catches it twisting his wrist and deflecting the blade. "How can you not understand me being upset Rena." while hardly the time.. she did ask.. Rena watches Graham, her own saber drawn and at the ready with a stunned expression. His actions and words are even more of a shock to her than the blast from the thermal detonator. In short... her jaw drops and she looks at him in utter disbelief. Suddenly her cheeks redden and she says angrily: "The hell? What do you mean I can't understand!?" Hurling her saber in like fashion at the slaver. COMBAT: Rena throws her lightsaber at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Rena's flying purple lightsaber, which spins back to Rena. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Rena! FORCE:: Rena calls upon the force. COMBAT: Rena raises her hand and deflects Fukonaasha's blaster bolt. Already set as he hears the voice of the slaver, Chas opens his hand and there-in rests a small round black object. "Got some candy for you, and your thugs, which wants a present?" And so said Chas thumbs the small switch and a small read light begins to blink. He underhand throws the device at the leader...again cutting off the head of the snake. Even as the small device is sailing through the air - but what is the target? - Chas is pulling his blaster from the hoister at his side. Catching her saber, she glares again at Graham, holding her other hand up nonchalantly to deflect the bolt from Fukonaasha's gun as if he isn't even there. COMBAT: Chas throws his Thermal Detonator at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Chas's thrown Thermal Detonator. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Chas! COMBAT: Chas tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and lightly wounds him. The purplish, lekku'd shadow flits around through the smog for a few moments, closer and closer to the offending Trandoshan. Then, "So. . . You're between me and your friend, y'onshos? Little sucker-faces?" Lee'm steps out from behind a berthed Kappa shuttle with a crooked grin on his lips, displaying sharp teeth as he lifts his customized blaster toward the head of one of the Rodians standing guard. "It's too bad. Oonsha ta nooba, ralas. . ." PBBZZRAT! Red energy lances out of the tip several times over as Lee'm squeezes the trigger, the light flashing and lighting up the features of his currently-purple-and-not-red young face. "He owes me a drink! You better walk away or you won't be able to!" PBBZRRAT PBZZZZRAT! COMBAT: Lee'm fires his Masterwork Merr Sonn T33 Blaster at Rodian Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Rodian Slaver Thugs dodges Lee'm's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Rodian Slaver Thugs fire their SoroSuub CS1 Pulse Blasters at Lee'm! COMBAT: Lee'm tries to dodge, but Rodian Slaver Thugs's blaster bolt hits and seriously wounds him. Nissa gives Chas and his lovely collection of detonators a wide berth. She moves to aim at the Trandoshan, but then the rising of familiar voices reaches her ears. She turns halfway towards Graham and Rena, golden eyes sharpening. Mindful of the saber, she quickly sidesteps, swinging her weight into her hip against Graham, to hopefully jolt his attention. She keeps that stare on Rena, though. "Now is /not/ the time," she says simply, being her head turns and she fires quickly at her intended target. COMBAT: Nissa fires her Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Nissa's blaster bolt. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Nissa! COMBAT: Nissa tries to dodge, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and moderately wounds her. Mi'yuki presses again the dumpster she's behind, shots from the Rodians burning into its ferrosteel make up and sending hot showers of sparks off its side. When there's a brief pause in their firing she quickly spins around the corner and snaps off a couple of inaccurate quick shots. ZOT! ZOT! COMBAT: Mi'yuki fires her Masterwork BlasTech DL-42 Blaster Pistol at Rodian Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Rodian Slaver Thugs dodges Mi'yuki's blaster bolt. Richard Tan loosk as he sighs, "You always know how to find trouble NAstah," he says to her as he divers for cover and draws his blaster, but does not fire it just yet. COMBAT: Richard Tan wields his Modified BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol. The rodians hold there postions firmly and send blaster shots into the people attacking them. They managed to hit of few bolts into Lee'm. Fuko himself has been busy in an awesome display of dodging blaster shots and incoming lightsabers, he fires back hitting a few of the individuals. The Trando grunts and "Oaf!!" as a shot deflected from Graham lightly hits him. Suddenly, he look up to see an overthrown thermal land off to the side of their positon and blow up a huge amount of rubble and debris..Fuko yells out to the person who threw the thermal "I have seen ol' Jawas throw junk better than that.." Nashtah slips to the side of a park speeder, she moved into the cover and takes a moment to rest the rifle on the hood. She decides to take out Fuko's Support and focus on the rodian's before taking down Fuko himself...She lines up one of the rodian's and fires a shot in his head... COMBAT: Nashtah Sing fires her Modified SoroSuub MEKA Sniper Blaster at Rodian Slaver Thugs! FORCE:: Nashtah Sing moves with enhanced speed. COMBAT: Rodian Slaver Thugs tries to dodge, but Nashtah Sing's blaster bolt hits and kills one of them. "After this week I mean, and still being reckless.. should have gone to th.." Graham is cut off as she is fired at "Hey! Dont shoot at her.." the words of Nissa stops him saying more, and he darts through the laser blasts now his saber humming as it again is brought around against the attacker of the group. COMBAT: Graham swings his white lightsaber at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha dodges Graham's white lightsaber. COMBAT: Fukonaasha fire their BlasTech E10 Carbines at Graham! COMBAT: Graham tries to parry with his white lightsaber, but Fukonaasha's blaster bolt hits and lightly wounds him. "Don't you dare!" Rena holds up an angry finger, giving a tense shake of her hand in Graham's direction before joining the fight again, only this time she plunges forward at a dead run, giving a spin of her saber as she directs it at Fukonaasha, full force. Completely reckless now as if egged on by the knight's words. COMBAT: Rena swings her purple lightsaber at Fukonaasha! COMBAT: Fukonaasha tries to dodge, but Rena's purple lightsaber strikes and incapacitates him. Fukonaasha collapse critically injured. "Hells in a teacup," the Calamarian mutters. She bites back a cry and falls back a step as another bolt hits her hard, this time on her side. Nissa turns her full attention on Fukonaasha, waving a hand as if to dismiss him. Even as he falls, she shouts, "He throws better than you! Too much junk in your freaking trunk, you old Trando..." The female jedi suddenly moves with even more ferocity than before, is it all powerful force that leads Rena's rightous hand to sink her lightsaber now and critically wound the trandoshan or was it the never to be messed with scorn of the female species that drove the final blow. Which ever the case, Rena's hot blade slices into a vital area on the Trando as Graham's attack misses, Fuko falls to the ground instantly and the only thing moving is his chest up and down slowly... The rodian's lose one of their own from a shot from Nashtah Sing and as their leader falls then 4 remaining turn to look at his defeat. Momentarily distracted, suddenly a round metal object is flung in the air from Chas and then thermal detonator lands in the middle of the Rodians and suddlenly Explodes..sending rodian bodies flying amongst the landing pad... COMBAT: Chas wields his Thermal Detonator. COMBAT: Chas throws his Thermal Detonator at Rodian Slaver Thugs! COMBAT: Rodian Slaver Thugs dodges Chas's thrown Thermal Detonator. The thermal detonater lands by the remaining rodian's, their eyes bulge in terror and all dive for cover. The blast blows up some of the durucrete and large amount of smoke at the location and the rodians high tail and run. With the fighting finished the individuals cautiously move unto the Grak Cargo hauler where there is no more resistance but the cargo bay is filled with a large amount of slaves of different races. They are all bound to the bay and to each other screaming for help. The Slaves are released and the local coruscant police move to impound the ship when one of the heroes of the fight, Mi'yuki propose if she can purchase the ship. The head of the task force looks to her and says "With all your work here, Ma'am, I see no problem. Come with me and we will fill out the neccessary paperwork.
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