Armada is a Transformers cartoon series that ran from 2002-2003, in support of the franchise of the same name. The show initiated a total continuity reboot, setting up a brand new Transformers universe separate from any previous storyline. Together with its two sequels, this continuity family is now known as the Unicron Trilogy. Followed by: Energon
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| - Armada is a Transformers cartoon series that ran from 2002-2003, in support of the franchise of the same name. The show initiated a total continuity reboot, setting up a brand new Transformers universe separate from any previous storyline. Together with its two sequels, this continuity family is now known as the Unicron Trilogy. Followed by: Energon
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| - Others
- Autobot-allied Mini-Cons
- Decepticon-allied Mini-Cons
| - * Rad White
* Alexis
* Billy
* Carlos Lopez
* Fred
- * Leader-1/Clench
* Swindle/Zapmaster
* Crumplezone
* Blackout
* Inferno
* Ramjet
* Wind Sheer
* Air Military Mini-Con Team
* Run-Over
- * Megatron / Galvatron
* Cyclonus
* Demolishor
* Starscream/Thundercracker
* Thrust
* Tidal Wave
* Wheeljack
* Nemesis Prime
- * Sideways
** Crosswise
** Rook
* Unicron
** Dead End
- * Optimus Prime
* Blurr
* Hot Shot
* Jetfire
* Overload
* Red Alert
* Scavenger
* Side Swipe
* Smokescreen / Hoist
- * Sparkplug
* Jolt
* Longarm
* Incinerator
* Comettor
* Rollbar
* Nightbeat
* Liftor
* Street Action Mini-Con Team
** Perceptor
* Air Defense Mini-Con Team
**Star Saber
* Race Mini-Con Team
**Skyboom Shield
* Space Mini-Con Team
**Requiem Blaster
| - Armada is a Transformers cartoon series that ran from 2002-2003, in support of the franchise of the same name. The show initiated a total continuity reboot, setting up a brand new Transformers universe separate from any previous storyline. Together with its two sequels, this continuity family is now known as the Unicron Trilogy. Armada's universe is most distinguished by the presence and importance of Mini-Cons, a race of human-sized Transformers that, when "powerlinxed" to their larger brethren, would unleash a flood of energy. Because of the great potential for their exploitation, the Mini-Cons attempt to abstain from the Autobot/Decepticon war and flee Cybertron, crashing on Earth and its moon. When some Mini-Cons are accidentally reactivated in 2010 by clumsy teenagers, a beacon alerts both the Autobots and Decepticons on Cybertron, who track them to Earth and continue their battle here. Followed by: Energon
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