- Lucius ist in der Stadt Seenhain im Rotkammgebirge zu finden.
- Lucius ist der drittmächtigste Mann in der Legion (hinter Legat Lanius, dem zweiten Anführer, und natürlich Caesar selbst) und der Anführer der Elite-Einheit Prätorianer. Prätorianer sind perfekte Nahkämpfer und haben die Chance, sich den obersten Rang eines Zenturios zu erarbeiten. Dann werden sie ausgesucht und Caesar benutzt sie als Leibwächter. Lucius ist deren Anführer und nimmt die Befehle direkt von Caesar entgegen. Er leitet die Prätorianer nun seit 5 Jahren, davor war er für 8 Jahre selbst einer.
- Lucius (ルーシャス Rūshasu) is the leader of Team Cosmic and main antagonist of Pokémon Golden Sun and Silvery Moon.
- Lucius is a rank 3 Silent Strider.
- Nosferatu in the Ordo Dracul.
- Lucius est un vieux légionnaire de la Légion de Caesar. En 2268 il obtient la fonction de garde prétorien et en 2276 il devient de cette garde. En 2277, il prend part à la Première Bataille du Barrage Hoover sous le commandement du légat Joshua Graham, il est donc l'un des rares à savoir l'identité de l'Homme Brûlé. Durant la bataille, il se trouve dans Boulder City mais il réussi à survivre au piège des snipers du 1er de Reco organisé par la RNC. En 2281, si la Légion capture Benny, il est celui qui le torture pour apprendre la fonction du jeton de platine.
- Lucius arbeitet für den SI:7 und befindet sich in Seenhain im Rotkammgebirge.
- Portrayed by Mark Arnold. Lucius is one of the Nobles, who in turn serve Caliban. He is envious of Prospero, believing him to be inferior to himself. Lucius loses an eye while fighting Shaleen. However, he later resurrects Lord Caliban following his loss to Jack Deth. Lucius is eventually killed by Harson, who also dies from his injuries.
- When Lucius was looking after the villa whilst the owners were fighting in the Gallic war, he was wounded by a lion and died in the arms of the First Doctor and his companion Vicki, who had come to explore the villa. (PROSE: Romans Cutaway)
- thumb|398px|Lucius, el Sempiterno Lucius el Sempiterno es el Campeón del Dios del Caos Slaanesh y uno de los Lords Comandantes de la Legión Traidora de los Hijos del Emperador. Lucius también es conocido como el Ladrón de Almas, el Campeón de Fulgrim y el Vástago de Chemos. Lucius ha sido bendecido por el Príncipe de la Oscuridad de tal forma que, cuando alguien le mata en combate, algo nada fácil de lograr, su asesino acabará por transformarse en Lucius si obtiene algún placer o satisfacción por su logro.
- Lucius jest starym legionistą. Do Pretorian dołączył w 2268 roku. W 2276 stał się ich dowódcą. Brał udział w Pierwszej bitwie o Zaporę Hoovera i jest jedną z nielicznych osób w Legionie znających prawdziwe imię Popielca. Podczas bitwy był w Boulder City, jednak udało mu się uciec z pułapki zanim miasto zostało wysadzone. W 2281 roku torturuje Benny'ego po schywaniu go przez Legion.
- Lucius Alexander is the younger brother of Sophitia and Cassandra Alexandra, the brother-in-law of Rothion, the son of Achelous and Nike Alexandra, and the maternal uncle of Pyrrha and Patroklos. Not much is known about him, aside from being mentioned in Sophitia's and Cassandra's profiles. In Soul Blade, he was referred to as Ruches. Lucius followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a baker. He came to hold a grudge against his brother-in-law Rothion for keeping Sophitia and Pyrrha's disappearance a secret from Patroklos. Lucius later passed on his baking skills to his nephew.
- Lucius was low-level demon and a minion of Katya. He assisted her in her attempt to obtain and open Pandora's Box, even unsuccessfully trying to open the box with an Energy Ball. He later took Darcy hostage after she was kidnapped by Katya. However, he was then blown up by Piper Halliwell after she and Phoebe teleported to the lair.
- Lucius was a soldier of the Roman army. He'd enlisted after impregnating a young woman, and decided that he did not want to face his father's wrath. He was part of General Pontius Pilate's expedition to put down a rebellion in Jerusalem. The leader of that rebellion was the Chieftain known as the Son of God. After fierce fighting, the rebellion was defeated. Lucius and his comrade Marcus were able to identify the Son with the help of one "Red Beard" and deliver him to General Pilate.
- Lucius was a secondary villain in Frank Pereti's book, This Present Darkness. He was a demon commander of lower rank that was the self-proclaimed Prince of Ashton, the city he and his demons ruled. He had leathery black skin, with bat-like wings and long fangs. It was until Ba'al Rafar came that Lucius was forced to give up his title and position, marking a hatred between the two demons. Lucius eventually betrayed Rafar and his human pawns in their ultimate plan of world domination, engaging Rafar in battle. Lucius gave Rafar a horrible wound, but was ultimately destroyed by the Ba'al.
- Lucius is Hercules' psychotic half-brother. Another mortal son of Zeus, he attempts to be the apple of his father's eye, even going so far as to murder their other half-brother, Castor, twin of Pollux. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion.
- Lucius, known as "The Hollow Forge," is an Imperial Forge World of the Adeptus Mechanicus that is located in the Segmentum Obscurus of the Milky Way Galaxy. The planet is home to the Legio Astorum, a Loyalist Titan Legion, that is also known as the "Warp Runners." Lucius is a large Forge World that produces everything from Imperial Guard infantry weapons to Space Marine battle tanks and mighty Battle Titans of the Collegia Titanica. It is known that Lucius is a Production Grade III-Prima Forge World with a Tithe Grade of Aptus Non, meaning it pays no tithe to the Administratum, as its industrial output is considered of potent strategic value for the Imperium in and of itself.
- Lucius es el líder de la guardia Pretoriana y guardaespaldas de César en 2281.
- Emperor Lucius (also Lucius Tiberius) battled King Arthur early in his reign. Lucius demands that Arthur pay tribute to Rome. When Arthur refused, Lucius begins to invade Arthur's allies in Brittany, but Arthur crosses the channel and defeats him. No Roman emperor of that name ever existed in real life. Geoffrey of Monmouth called Lucius a 'procurator' who serves under Emperor Leo.
- He starts the quest File:Alliance 15.png File:Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue.png [20] Alther's Mill. See List of Redridge Mountains NPCs.
- Lucius is a high-ranking member and aging veteran of Caesar's Legion. He is one of Caesar's most trusted men and the head of the Praetorian guard, a detachment of the main army tasked with protecting important Legion officials in 2281.
- Kay Eriya / Mittelland im Süden / Irinas Exorzist im Orden der Heilenden Sonne und Hauptmann des irinaischen Geheimdienstes um 4750 File:Kay Eriya Bild 02.jpg File:ArM5LogoColor.jpg Kay Eriya-Beiträge von BelniFore, HaraScon, KainNiemand und MaWelt. Deine Meinung: Talk:Kay Eriya.
- Lucius was a second-generation "dumb" artificial intelligence created in 2520 to monitor and control different aspects of planetary defence on Jacinto following the supposed end to the Insurrection. Lucius' control room is located under the Delta-Nine Facility in Cedros. Lucius is also paired with a "smart" AI, Prescott who jointly control Jacinto's planetary defences. Lucius was destroyed in 2552 when the Covenant had attacked the Delta-Nine Facility during the Siege of Jacinto.
- Lucius is an Imperial working as a courier on behalf of the Weynon Priory. While on an assignment, he got trapped within Coldcorn Ruin.
- Lucius (ルセア Rusea, Ruthea in the Japanese version) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. He is a Monk who follows the religion of Saint Elimine, and is deeply devoted to his best friend Raven. Due to his feminine appearance, he is often mistaken for being female. In Fire Emblem Heroes he is voiced by Toa Yukinari in the Japanese version and Michael Sinterniklaas in the English version.
- Lucius was a vampire established in Sunnydale and minion of Spike and Drusilla.
- "Betrayal is a misconception of a trust that never existed in the first place. Trust is what the weak use to depend upon others. Only the strong understand true clarity. And only I, the strong, will rule."
- Upon his son's return to Lugdunum in 259 after being tasked to retrieve the Ankh from his cousin Accipiter, Lucius was given the artifact for safekeeping. At the same day of Aquilus' arrival, Lucius was visited by his old friend Caïus Fulvus Vultur, a senator of the Roman Empire.
- Lucius appeared towards the end of the original movie. Zira's teenage nephew, he rebelled against authority of any kind and willingly helped Zira and Cornelius in leading Taylor to freedom. He resented Taylor's orders as much as anyone else's and struggled to understand the actions of this unusual human while they travelled through the Forbidden Zone together. In the sequel, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Lucius may have been among the chimps protesting the war on humans.
- Lucius left the orphanage and began to travel as a monk. He became a retainer to House Cornwell, where he met the Marquess Cornwell's child, Raymond. He served him for more than ten years, before Marquess Cornwell and his wife was assassinated for reasons unknown to them. The death of Raymond's parents prompted Raymond with feelings of vengeance. Raymond suspected Ostia for the crime, and became a mercenary under the alias 'Raven'. Lucius constantly tries to persuade his lord not to blindly take revenge on Ostia.