| - Jade is walking down the street, covered in little blood, still shocked by Metal's killing spree when Sheriff Rem drives up. He calms her down and puts her in the car and takes her to the hospital. There, she is taken into the operating room to get surgery on her wounds. A year later... Jade, having left town after almost getting killed, gets a call from Career to come to meet her fiancé, Connor who she is going to marry. Once Glass is dead everyone hopes that the killings have ended but that is just wishful thinking.
| - Jade is walking down the street, covered in little blood, still shocked by Metal's killing spree when Sheriff Rem drives up. He calms her down and puts her in the car and takes her to the hospital. There, she is taken into the operating room to get surgery on her wounds. Later, Jade wakes up after her surgery. She gets out of bed and walks down the hall to Career’s room. Career is in a bed and Jade sits with her until the nurse, Nicole comes and insists her leave. The nurse is walking Jade to her room when she is paged on the intercom. She leaves Jade but before Jade goes to her room she heads to the nurses station to get some aspirin for her headache. No one is there but Nurse Nicole lying on the floor covered in blood, but still alive. She tries to tell her something, but is interrupted when a Dog Pug masked person walks into the room. Jade then realizes that the nightmare is starting all over again and she starts running and screaming, leaving Nicole hurt on the floor. Jade runs down the stairs in the basement, where she bumps into Bog. Bog asks Jade what is going on. She tells him that the nightmare is starting all over again. He doesn't believe her and goes upstairs to check for himself. He is then brutally stabbed multiple times by the killer before getting his eyes gouged out by the killer. Jade runs downstairs until she reaches the exit door and goes out. She spots a police car and runs to it. It's Rem. He let's her in and asks her what just happened. Jade briefly explained the situation before getting interrupted by the killer who smashed one of the car windows. Jade starts to scream as Rem pulls out a gun and shoots the killer in the chest. When he goes to investigate the body, it is no longer there. A year later... Jade, having left town after almost getting killed, gets a call from Career to come to meet her fiancé, Connor who she is going to marry. Jade tells Career that she will come to the wedding once there she sees Cake, Fred, Nicole, & Rem all at the wedding along with many other friends: Xperia, Ermac, MKLover, J23odi, DC, Marro, Chi, & Klint. Jade also sees that one of Career's bridesmaids is Glass Heart, someone that Jade has never really spoken with do to the fact that Glass never really liked Jade. The wedding goes well, but right after the wedding ceremony, everything goes for a dramatic turn. after the wedding. Career & Connor are on there Honeymoon when they are brutality murdered my the killer who is watching them have sex then walks in when they are done & leaves there bodies in a weird postion. Meanwhile everyone else is at Nicole's place when each one of them recieve an invitation to Glass's house for a party everyone decides to go so each person goes there by themselves except for Xperia & MKLover who decide to go together they make it there but are knocking at the door when the killer pours acid down on there heads killing only Xperia while MKLover runs back to the house. Everyone else shows up they knock at Glass's door & Glass let's everyone in once there everyone is talking & having fun when they look around & notice that Xperia & MKLover never showed up. Ermac decides to go outside to see if they are there when the killer shows up stabs him in the chest once then hangs him from the top of house leaving him there to die a slow yet painfull death. Back inside everyone is having fun when Marro & Chi decide to leave the party they head outside & to find that Ermac who had left before them was hanging from the roof dead they come back in & tell everyone then everyone decides to leave when a trap is sprong & a axe chops Chi's head off & a sword cut's Marro in half killing both. Eventually, MKLover comes back into the house and runs back to the police. After having seen Marro & Chi die Glass comes down & reveals that she is the killer she stabs DC in the hand,Nicole gets stabbed above her left breast & Klint in the shoulder,then once Glass's knife is stuck in Klint's Shoulder everyone decides that this time they will kill the killer so everyone ties Glass to the back of a car & drags her down the road multiple times killing her & still after she is dead to make sure they stab her in her eyes cut her throat & stabs her in the heart. Once Glass is dead everyone hopes that the killings have ended but that is just wishful thinking.