| - Can you possibly have a match any more boring than this one? I swear, this thing was like trying to watch an earthworm have sex with itself. Then again, virtually everything in the Flood Division not named Kefka/Vercetti had the same feel to it. It just wasn't a division with any luster to it at all. As for the match itself, it was... just horribly, unbelievably boring. The only exciting part of the match was Donkey Kong performing well above expectations for the first hour or so in hovering around the 70% level. It's not that people expected Sam to put up much of a fight or anything (remember, this guy holds the record for going the longest in a match without scoring a single vote), but that Donkey Kong was only expected to score 65.77% in the match. Scoring over 70% would have been pretty decent news, but Sam Fisher put a fairly decent day vote to use to Donkey Kong a full percent under projections. This helped stem all of the OMG NINTENDO WENT UP IT'S SO UNFAIR crap for the time being, but did it really matter? It's not like Donkey Kong was going to go and give Master Chief a decent match or anything, or that this match was somehow a warning sign that his gradual loss in percentage would come back to bite him in the ass.