| - An assignment patch is a badge or emblem worn as part of one's uniform, to distinguish one's mission or posting. Mission patches were first used by NASA's Gemini 5 crew in 1965, and new patches were created for subsequent missions. By the 22nd century, with longer-term interstellar missions, these patches, also known as service patches, came to be identified with a ship, rather than any single mission that ship carried out. Earth's and the Federation's assignment patches were worn on the left sleeve of the standard duty uniform. (ENT episode: "Broken Bow",TOS movie: Star Trek Beyond et al.)
- An assignment patch is a patch or badge worn on a uniform indicating the individual's posting. Earth's 22nd century Starfleet uniforms bore the assignment patches on the left sleeve. (ENT: "Broken Bow", et al) The 602 Club on Earth displayed assignment patches from various eras. (ENT: "First Flight") The assignment patch was still in use by Starfleet in 2271, as evidenced in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, but no longer used by 2278, as seen aboard the USS Bozeman crew in "Cause and Effect".
- In 20th and 21st century Earth, assignment patches were used on military uniforms and civilian uniforms alike. NASA patches from that era appeared in the Crash-n-Burn Bar in Bozeman, Montana, and at the 602 Club in San Francisco. (Star Trek: First Contact; ENT: "First Flight") While most of the patches seen at the 602 Club were real NASA mission patches, one case contained fictional patches from the Star Trek universe. Many of them were shown only in "First Flight".
| - In 20th and 21st century Earth, assignment patches were used on military uniforms and civilian uniforms alike. NASA patches from that era appeared in the Crash-n-Burn Bar in Bozeman, Montana, and at the 602 Club in San Francisco. (Star Trek: First Contact; ENT: "First Flight") While most of the patches seen at the 602 Club were real NASA mission patches, one case contained fictional patches from the Star Trek universe. Many of them were shown only in "First Flight". In the early 22nd century, Starfleet personnel wore assignment patches on the sleeve of their left arm, in a similar style worn during the initial period of space flight on Earth. The uniform was later updated, adding the Starfleet patch to the right arm. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...") The assignment patch of Enterprise NX-01 was also used as a screensaver on monitors aboard the ship. (ENT: "The Catwalk") In the mid-23rd century, Starfleet continued the tradition of using unique patch emblems for different assignments, albeit placing them instead over the left breast. By 2278, this styling ceased, and Starfleet adopted the USS Enterprise's assignment patch as the standard emblem for all Starfleet personnel. Assignment patches thus fell into disuse, and Starfleet supplanted them with badges and, eventually, combadges. (TOS; TNG: "Cause and Effect" ) For example, a style of Starfleet pins incorporating the Enterprise emblem was made into a combadge, used by the crew of the Ambassador-class USS Enterprise-C, by 2344. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" ) The last assignment patch seen in the 23rd century was for Epsilon IX Station personnel in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, set in the 2270s. The Starfleet pins adopting the Enterprise emblem were first seen in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Newer combadges were first seen in TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" . There are some stray elements which detract from the "one ship, one emblem" theory often applied to spacecrafts of the 23rd century; some members of Kirk's Academy class who cajoled Kirk in a lounge in TOS: "Court Martial" also wore the Enterprise patch. It would seem unlikely that Kirk's direct subordinates would take part in such a thing, classmate or no, so it at least suggests they were assigned elsewhere, yet had the same patch. In the mirror universe, the Terran Empire used the traditional styling from the 22nd century. While the Empire's uniforms had several variations that distinguished them from those of the prime universe, they still wore mission patches on their shoulders. By the 23rd century, the mission patch had been replaced with the Imperial insignia. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly", "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II"; TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" ) The seashell-like assignment patch worn by prime universe outpost personnel also appeared again as a decoration of the mirror universe uniform worn by Dr. McCoy in "Mirror, Mirror". In the alternate reality created by Nero's destruction of the USS Kelvin, assignment patches were done away with much sooner than in the prime timeline, with the Kelvin's patch becoming Starfleet's standard by the 2250s. (Star Trek)
- An assignment patch is a badge or emblem worn as part of one's uniform, to distinguish one's mission or posting. Mission patches were first used by NASA's Gemini 5 crew in 1965, and new patches were created for subsequent missions. By the 22nd century, with longer-term interstellar missions, these patches, also known as service patches, came to be identified with a ship, rather than any single mission that ship carried out. Earth's and the Federation's assignment patches were worn on the left sleeve of the standard duty uniform. (ENT episode: "Broken Bow",TOS movie: Star Trek Beyond et al.) By the 23rd century, Federation Starfleet patches became smaller and more stylized, and also were moved to the left breast of the standard uniform tunic. For example, the USS Rickover assignment patch was a stylized representation of interlocking rings, while the USS Monitor patch represented the shape of a comet. (TOS episodes: "The Cage", "Where No Man Has Gone Before"; TOS novels: The Starless World, Prime Directive; et al.) When uniform tunics were not worn, many crew people instead wore standard jumpsuits or other utility clothing. While such identification was sometimes omitted, simpler embroidered patterns were worn on the uniform breast. On smaller ships where the uniform of the day was less formal, such as the USS Sagittarius, a regular assignment patch could be worn on a plain jumpsuit. (TOS episode: "The Cage", et al.; VAN novel: Harbinger) By the 2270s, assignment patches were phased out, in favor of a metallic pin of a single design, formerly used as the assignment patch of the USS Enterprise, now used to represent all of Federation Starfleet. (TOS movie: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, et al.)
- An assignment patch is a patch or badge worn on a uniform indicating the individual's posting. Earth's 22nd century Starfleet uniforms bore the assignment patches on the left sleeve. (ENT: "Broken Bow", et al) The 602 Club on Earth displayed assignment patches from various eras. (ENT: "First Flight") The Federation's 23rd century Starfleet uniforms continued the tradition of assignment patches. On these uniforms, the patches were smaller than their 22nd century Earth counterparts and located over the left breast. (TOS: "The Cage", et al) This lasted until approximately 2278 when the assignment patch was replaced by an emblem, which, by the 24th century, was replaced by a combadge. The emblem used for both was the USS Enterprise's mission patch. (TNG: "Cause and Effect", "Encounter at Farpoint") The assignment patch was still in use by Starfleet in 2271, as evidenced in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, but no longer used by 2278, as seen aboard the USS Bozeman crew in "Cause and Effect".