| - Towards Soundwave marches a group of gumbies, all looking the same, grey and orange (rather like Fasttrack, Scorponok's buddy) apart from Guardminder, who is a complete golden colour. He salutes Soundwave. "Sir!" Soundwave clasps his right hand into a fist and raises it across his chest to his left shoulder. "Report." Guardminder looks to his fellows and then back to Soundwave. "Our Lord Galvatron had ordered the presense of myself and my workers to escavate a site in secret. I can report we have found the prize and have begun recovery efforts" Soundwave is silent for a few moments, then lowers his arm. "Autobots reporting observation of site. Recommending reinforcements. Soundwave will supervise operation: Recovery." Speak of the Devil. Galvatron's heavy footfall rings through the hall as he walks down from Argosy Command, flanked by a couple Seekers. "Show me," commands the Overlord. Guardminder slaps the nearest gumby, a guy called 'Blastback' "You FOOL I told you we shoudn't have used the rocket pod!" He turns to Galvatron. "Yes my lord. EMP emissions from the site are very strong, I must warn you!" With that, he walks towards the exit. Yay Tunguska. The middle of a forest clearing, where a horde of grey-orange gumby Decepticons have been diligently unearthing what looks to be a downed spacecraft. A golden Decepticon, Guardminder is overseeing the firing of some flares as he speaks to Galvatron. "As intelligence suggests my Lord, it does indeed seem to have come from the 1908 crash. We have been examining it but thought you would want to see it as soon as it was... safe" Galvatron paces impatiently, clenching and relaxing his fists as the Constructicons and Guardminder's men finish cleaning off the exterior of the alien craft. "All is more or less as predicted. Now if the energies within have the calculated effects... is the power umbilicus connected to the derelict?" Arachnae has arrived as summoned, throwing in her set of hands to help with any clearing needed. Soundwave stands there staring, arms folded across his chest. Fulcrum peers at the battered scanner in his fist, muttering a curse to himself and smacking the side of the device with his palm. "Readings all over the place" he remarks to himself. "Hnn. Not sure if it's the scanner or the artifact. Possible excession rating of 49 percent.. Ech." He gives the scanner one last smack before stowing it in a hatch on his thigh. Guardminder walks towards the hole in the ship as he snatches a pad from a nearby drone that's taking a quick break. "Yes sir, we've been rewiring what we can understand. The stuff is quite complex, but really it SHOULD provide a decent weapon to uh, fry Autobot cortexes based on their IDs. Do you want to see the inside?" He turns to Fulcrum as the mech mutters. "Yeah, something to do with the engines just totally messed up the whole area, makes it a hell to get anything done" "I hate alien radiation" Fulcrum snorts. Arachnae gives a shake of her head, "Understatement of the cycle, Fulcrum." Soundwave resonates his agreement: "Affirmative." "Well" Guardminder adds. "One thing we're CERTAIN of is its not going to turn anyone into..." he stares at his data pad "...World War... Two... vehicles." Galvatron follows Guardminder with an intense expression.