| - The Anniversary timeline is a variant of the Companion timelines. It is based on material in the KQ6 hintbook (see KQ6 timeline) related to the anniversary of the King Graham's coronation ceremony (and the reference to KQ games take place over the course of 25 years (or 20 years)). The Anniversary timeline is more or less made up of the material from the KQ5 Timeline, KQ6 timeline, and KQ7 timeline. Whereas the Original timeline places events between a range of twenty to twenty five years, the anniversary timeline places KQ6 (and KQ7) closer to twenty years after KQ1, rather than 25 (the period of KQ8 takes place is not clear). Note: Assuming Graham was 19 at the time of KQ1 as its stated in sources by Lorelei Shannon, he would be 42 at the time of KQ3/4. Traditionally a young man would be a page from about age seven to about fourteen. From about fourteen or fifteen to about twenty-one they would be a squire (or apprentice knight), and from twenty-one onwards they would be a fullsworn knight. In the original KQ lore Graham is a knight at age nineteen (as per the KQ6 Hintbook, and KQ7 Hintbook) which would make him a tad younger than most knights. In some of the early releases of King's Quest 1, the box shows him with streaks of white in his hair, and perhaps even lines in his face, which might suggest that he might have been interpreted as being much older perhaps even older than twenty-five at the time of KQ1.