| - The Cloak is an original web animation created by the master of random comedy, Jason Steele, at Film Cow Productions. The plot is pretty simple: the Cloak (self described "private investigator and life-long fighter of the international Communist conspiracy") teams up with his sidekick, the disembodied head of film-noir legend Robert Mitchum. Together, they set out to destroy the evil forces of Communism, as well as many innocent bystanders. Click here to watch the video...
* Aborted Arc: We never do find out the fate of Joshua, the Libertarian Lizard.
* Considering the mental state of the two protagonists, it's possible that they just forgot about the whole mission.
* Affably Evil: "Well, we gotta get this body out of the building. Oh, how about seafood for lunch?
* An Axe to Grind
* Ax Crazy: The Cloak, quite literally.
* Black Cloak
* Bloody Hilarious
* Boom! Headshot!
* Cloudcuckoolander: the Cloak, Robert, and possibly the cheery Mormon CEO.
* Everything Fades/This Was His True Form: Spoofed with the CEO of Toy Barn.
* Heroic Sociopath
* Humanoid Abomination: The Cloak- a walking, talking cloak with a hood with an extremely weird vision of reality.
* In the Hood: His head is nothing but hood.
* Metaphorgotten: "My precious childhood is being raped in front of my eyes, and by Eskimos, no less... with their cold, feely hands."
* My God, What Have I Done?: Robert's reaction after microwaving his cat on an impulse.
* Private Detective
* Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies
* Shout-Out: In the Toy Barn, you can see toys from Charlie the Unicorn and Mr. Happy Face, as well a characters from a video that didn't exist at the time, Bino the Elephant.
* Spider Limbs: Robert uses his spine to manipulate objects.
* Spoof Aesop: "Antonio, Communism is a Mistress, which you soon find out is a Mister, and no amount of salt-baths will ever rinse you of the shame."
* Suspiciously Specific Denial: 'I have shrimp for sale, none of which I've licked.'
* Talkative Loon: Robert says some very strange things:
* The Cuckoolander Was Right:
* Trademark Favorite Food: DELICIOUS CRAB MEAT.
* My Chalupas I defend!
* Villain Protagonist: Our heroes: the casual serial killer and the deranged cat-microwaver.
* Well-Intentioned Extremist
* Word Salad Lyrics: "My chalupas I defend! From the king of the great chalupa sea, with his arms of modern steam-powered engines of the future. $6.99 FOR A VALUE MEAL! $6.99 FOR A VALUE MEAL!!!"
* You!
* Your Mom: "Well, you've got an ax in your face!")