Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy was created by Danny Antonucci for Cartoon Network. The television series first aired in January 4,1999 to November 8, 2009 for 6 seasons and 161 epsidoes. The show follows the lives of three friends with different versions of the same name. Ed is the slow, dim witted of the three, Edd is the intelligent one, and Eddy is the reckless leader.
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| - Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy was created by Danny Antonucci for Cartoon Network. The television series first aired in January 4,1999 to November 8, 2009 for 6 seasons and 161 epsidoes. The show follows the lives of three friends with different versions of the same name. Ed is the slow, dim witted of the three, Edd is the intelligent one, and Eddy is the reckless leader.
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| - Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy was created by Danny Antonucci for Cartoon Network. The television series first aired in January 4,1999 to November 8, 2009 for 6 seasons and 161 epsidoes. The show follows the lives of three friends with different versions of the same name. Ed is the slow, dim witted of the three, Edd is the intelligent one, and Eddy is the reckless leader.