| - [[Datei:Morassan.png|thumb|Oldar und Okeazar leben rund um Morassan in der Delphinsee. Bild CCBYNC30 Mücke]]The nation of Sea-Elves, the chosen people of the light sea-god Norytton, the wave-rider. With a height of about five feet they ride on the backs of dolphins and large seahorses across the waves of the Dolphin-Sea on Yhllgord, around Morassan, and through the Fulmar-Sea. The can easily spend days underwater, but not months without taking in some fresh over water air. The Oldar were famous for their control of sea-magic - therefore they are considered the only really opponents of the Kuor-Toas, against whom the Tritons (or Okeazar) come empty-handed. A smaller group of Oldar lives near Tronja on Karnicon and in the entourage of Vargas of Tronja, who is said to be the current avatar of
| - [[Datei:Morassan.png|thumb|Oldar und Okeazar leben rund um Morassan in der Delphinsee. Bild CCBYNC30 Mücke]]The nation of Sea-Elves, the chosen people of the light sea-god Norytton, the wave-rider. With a height of about five feet they ride on the backs of dolphins and large seahorses across the waves of the Dolphin-Sea on Yhllgord, around Morassan, and through the Fulmar-Sea. The can easily spend days underwater, but not months without taking in some fresh over water air. The Oldar were famous for their control of sea-magic - therefore they are considered the only really opponents of the Kuor-Toas, against whom the Tritons (or Okeazar) come empty-handed. A smaller group of Oldar lives near Tronja on Karnicon and in the entourage of Vargas of Tronja, who is said to be the current avatar of Norytton. . Das Volk der SeeElfen, das auserwählte Volk des lichten Meeresgottes Norytton. Etwa fünf Fuss gross reiten sie auf Delfinen und großen Seepferden durch die Delphinsee Yhllgords um Morassan und durch das Fulmar-Meer. Sie können Tage, jedoch nicht Monate unter Wasser verbringen ohne an die Luft zu gehen und sind berühmt für ihre Beherrschung aller Meeres-Magie. Damit gelten sie als einzig wirkliche Gegner der Kuor-Toas, denen die Fischköpfe und Tritonen nichts entgegenzusetzen haben. Eine kleinere Gruppe lebt auch bei Tronja auf Karnicon.