Gureryne Selvilo is a Dunmer healer who lives in Chorrol. He can usually be found near The Oak and Crosier, Northern Goods and Trade or in the Chapel of Stendarr.
Gureryne Selvilo ist ein dunmerischer Heiler in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Er lebt in Chorrol.
Gureryne Selvilo is a Dunmer healer who lives in Chorrol. He can usually be found near The Oak and Crosier, Northern Goods and Trade or in the Chapel of Stendarr.
Gureryne Selvilo ist ein dunmerischer Heiler in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Er lebt in Chorrol.
Gureryne Selvilo is a Dunmer healer who lives in Chorrol. He can usually be found near The Oak and Crosier, Northern Goods and Trade or in the Chapel of Stendarr.