| - Night Jedi Rank: Night Patriarch Position held within the Night Jedi: Co-Patriarch of the Endor Citadel, Shadow Arts Instructor, and teacher of Basic Force Techniques, and Dogfighting. Roleplay Homeworld: Endor Occupation: Force Instructor Appearance: Clothes; Sith Robes, covering in some places pieces of Mandalorian battle armour, laden with hidden weapons and equipment. Ground Transport: FC-20 Speeder, carried by the 'Invisible' Also known to use Night Jedi ground transports, such as BARC speeders and Flash speeders. Accomplishments/Goals: Achieved status of Night Jedi Patriarch, Endor Citadel.
| - Night Jedi Rank: Night Patriarch Position held within the Night Jedi: Co-Patriarch of the Endor Citadel, Shadow Arts Instructor, and teacher of Basic Force Techniques, and Dogfighting. Roleplay Homeworld: Endor Occupation: Force Instructor Appearance: Clothes; Sith Robes, covering in some places pieces of Mandalorian battle armour, laden with hidden weapons and equipment. Spaceship/Fleet: A custom built Sith Infiltrator, the 'Invisible', fully cloakable, and combat ready, with a large array of lasers and launchers hidden behind fast jettisonable hull plates. Carries a large arsenal of hand weapons, probe droids, interrogation droids, and 3 maintenance astromech units. 'Invisible' docks aboard a VSDII for longer range/higher profile transport. Also controls the remains of the old Night Jedi defence force. Weapons: Thaissen crystal Saber, reflects Force alignment of opponent, Nightscythe - a saber-scythe custom made by the Night Jedi of Endor (Main Article: Jobie's Nightscythe), and a lightknife with a Sith power-enhanced crystal, and the Sniper-styled-shotgun (SSS), along with an array of other hidden weaponry. Force Powers: Jobie trained under a Sith as a stealthy . He is therefore well trained in Stealth related force powers; Force Stealth, Force Camouflage etc. Also as a Sith, he has mastered Force Lightning and other standard Sith Force attacks. He also has high proficiency in the core powers ( Telekinesis, Force Empathy, Mind Trick etc) After a almost 20 year sabatical from the Night Jedi, which he spent exploring the universe and studying the Force, he has very strong powers ranging across the Force arts. Ground Transport: FC-20 Speeder, carried by the 'Invisible' Also known to use Night Jedi ground transports, such as BARC speeders and Flash speeders. Accomplishments/Goals: Achieved status of Night Jedi Patriarch, Endor Citadel.