Pictured, left to right:
* Star Paladin Cross: Brotherhood Paladin (Good)
* Butch DeLoria: Tunnel Snake (Neutral)
* Clover: Paradise Falls slave (Evil)
* Sergeant RL-3: Mister Gutsy robot (Neutral)
* Jericho: Retired raider (Evil)
* Fawkes: Super mutant (Good)
* Dogmeat: Dog (no Karma requirement)
* Charon: Ghoul bodyguard (no Karma requirement) The player can have up to two companions in their party, which consists of Dogmeat plus any other companion, barring certain companion exploits.
Pictured, left to right:
* Star Paladin Cross: Brotherhood Paladin (Good)
* Butch DeLoria: Tunnel Snake (Neutral)
* Clover: Paradise Falls slave (Evil)
* Sergeant RL-3: Mister Gutsy robot (Neutral)
* Jericho: Retired raider (Evil)
* Fawkes: Super mutant (Good)
* Dogmeat: Dog (no Karma requirement)
* Charon: Ghoul bodyguard (no Karma requirement) If the player ever tells a companion to wait, but forgets where they did this, they should travel to any add-on location. This will send the companion home. Sometimes this does not seem to work with the add-on Point Lookout. The player can have up to two companions in their party, which consists of Dogmeat plus any other companion, barring certain companion exploits.