| - As the DMC Gunship and the ICT-1600 J cloaked themselves, the passengers inside prepped their weapons. "Ok, Wayne III, are you there?" "Copy, Tarakus. I'm here." "Good. We're closing in on the Anakin Solo. Now, let's try not to set off any alarms on the ship. Remember, we're boarding the Hangar Bay. That is of uttmost importance. Once there, have weapons ready, and your men and women alert. Spread out through the Hangar Bay, and search for that clue. She might have left either a location, or a message on this one. I think it's a message for Tu'verana and I. Got that?" "Copy that, Tarakus. We've got your back, 100 percent!" "Good. Stay sharp, everyone. All Force Users, go invisible." "Got that. Drop out of the Force!" Wayne barked. - - - - - -Slokana, Tristchana "Lord Takanagamo, DMC's Esmerelda Deadmerit reports contact with the Sandman and are currently going rogue, to assist Tarakus on his search, aboard the Anakin Solo." An officer in an orange military uniform said, to Harlan. "Good. Hopefully Wayne III is up to the task. Darth Caedus won't take visitors lightly." "Your Highness, why exactly did you enlist the help of DMC for this job?" "Because Tarakus Deadmerit has a price on his head for something that Tumeric Warbird asked him to take care of years ago. It has to do with Phane Warbird, and the Singularity Device." The officer nodded his head, and let a small, "Ah." out. "Trust me on this, they need it." - - - - - -Anjanik City, Curava Moorshavin was reading a report on his datapad when a message from The Galactic Alliance Guard popped up on his screen. Curious, Moorshavin opened the message, only to find a figure remotely similar to Jacen Solo appearing in front of him. "Who are you?" Moorshavin demanded, looking at the figure carefully. "Lord Warbird, I am Darth Caedus. I hear that you have someone with a large price on their head, on the loose." The figure said, making Moorshavin a little suspicious. "As a matter of fact, we do. How did you know this?" "A scout from your faction approached us, with information that you might find useful." "Oh? Who might that scout be, so I can commend them on their hard work and deducation, and what is the information you have for me?" "The scout is Agent Dulphorine. The information states that Tarakus was last spotted by two Hapan guards at the Rooqu Depot, searching for some important clues to something." "Good. That was certainly useful, thank you Lord Caedus. I'll be arriving at your present location in a matter of moments. Make sure that Agent Dulphorine is present with you, so I can give him his commendation." "Will do, Lord Warbird. Caedus out!" Moorshavin cursed under his breath, as he pulled a small, portable teleporter out from one of his desk drawers. He typed the location of the Anakin Solo in, opening the teleporter. "The things I get myself into. No doubt Tarakus has been there and is on his way to some other location." He muttered to himself as he walked into the teleporter. - - - - - -The Hangar Bay of the Anakin Solo Tarakus stepped out of his cloaked vessel, and looked around. He kept his lightstaff in his hand, as he walked out and onto the hangar bay floor. "Something tells me that this isn't going to be an easy mission." He said quietly to himself. As the others crawled out of the ships, a new presence, extremely familiar to them all, suddenly exploded into existance. "That's not good. Moorshavin's here. Let's hurry this up. No doubt they'll be onto us shortly." Tarakus spoke into a comlink on a private channel. "Copy that, Grand Leader." Tarakus teamed up with Wayne III, and the two walked toward a partly vacant control room, as no one was expected to give them too much trouble. In there, Tarakus spotted a small crystal, just lying on the floor. "Can't be that easy, can it?" Wayne III said, holding his trusty heavy repeating rifle. "With Caedus or Moorshavin, nothing's that easy, is it? Try not to trip any silent alarms." They continued to search around the room. Wayne used a small aerosol spray to reveal a couple laser beams near where Tarakus was. "See them?" He asked Tarakus. "Got it, thanks, Wayne." Tarakus crept under the beams, and grabbed the crystal. As Tarakus got up, several GAG guards rushed into the control room, pointing blasters in every which direction, looking for someone, not able to find Tarakus or Wayne, because of the cloaking devices. A few extra footsteps were heard, as Moorshavin himself appeared among the guards. "They're here. They didn't go far, either. Spread your search throughout the entire Hangar Bay. They haven't left yet!" Moorshavin barked. The guards left the room, and started searching the rest of the Hangar Bay, but Moorshavin stayed behind, and crouched down. "I know you're here, Tarakus. You can't hide yourself forever. Let's get this execution over with, so we can go on with the rest of our lives. I'll do it right here, in front of Wayne and the Terrible 10." Tarakus's eyes flew wide open. How did he know we were here? This can't be good. He thought. He saw Wayne, fiddling with his cloaking device, like it had been deactivated. Fine, Moorshavin, if you are so desparate to kill me, I'll let you have it, but I won't make it easy on you. As Moorshavin turned towards his left, Tarakus started appearing. "You want to play, Moorshavin? Let's play!" Tarakus said, activating his lightstaff, startling Moorshavin. "Fool. I don't think you realize what you got yourself into, do you?" Moorshavin said, as several guards decloaked. "How generous of you, for giving yourself up, Tarakus. But, I lied when I said I'd do the execution here. You'll be going back to Curava with me, as are all of your friends. First, though, I would like to know, what it is you're looking for." "My wife!" "Oh, well, that's understandable. Well, I guess you'll have no choice but to come with me, and face your execution, for killing my Uncle Phane." - - - - - -Slokana, Tristchana "Sir, Tarakus Deadmerit was just captured, by Moorshavin Warbird. You've been invited to his execution." A livid expression crossed Harlan's face. "WHAT!!! How!? I sent Wayne and the Terrible 10." "They were captured as well. They were all on the Anakin Solo. Apparently, they had an agent there that tipped them off, and told them of the location. Moorshavin himself captured Deadmerit." "Dalchaket! When is the execution?" "Tonight. They're going to throw him in the incinerators." "There is nothing you can do about it either." A familiar voice said. Draco Minoris appeared in the doorway. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were permanently exiled from Tristchana?" "Only for twenty years. I served my twenty. I've been asked to escourt you to your friend's execution." "Well, just as long as Tarakus Prime isn't there." "He won't be. He's still in his stone slumber. I dare not wake him up just to witness Tarakus's execution." "You sandscale! I will make sure you pay! You and your Separatist scumbag friends!"