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- Sheik is a man who appeared in "Black Widow".
- Sheik è un personaggio della serie di The Legend of Zelda, apparso solamente in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ed in seguito introdotto come forma alternativa di Zelda a partire da Super Smash Bros. Melee.
- Sheik is Princess Zelda disguised as a Sheikah. As Sheik, Zelda is faster and has blonde hair. In order to turn into Sheik she has to have a Dawn Stone. Zelda used her disguise to hide from Ganondorf (although he knew it was her anyway) but eventually got bored and took off her disguise, which broke Ganondorf's "No using magic in public" law and got her sent to Hyrule Castle's dungeon. The Sheik disguise is now for sale at a charity auction.
- Sheik's physical appearance and frequent usage of Deku Nuts as a means to vanish quickly is decidedly reminiscent of a typical ninja. Possibly owing to this, Sheik has become a popular character in The Legend of Zelda mythos, despite appearing only in one game out of the entire series. Sheik's true gender and the means Princess Zelda uses to change her appearance are heavily disputed among fans; however, according to Bill Trinen of Nintendo of America, Sheik is female.
- Sheik is the alter ego of Zelda. She has appeared in multiple Legend of Zelda games, as well as many Super Smash Bros. games. In this disguise, Zelda takes the form of a Sheikah. Her first appearance was in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
- Sheik (シーク Shīku?) is a character from the The Legend of Zelda universe, specifically a disguise of Princess Zelda. As Sheik, Zelda aided Link in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64, giving him helpful tips and teaching him warp songs on the Ocarina of Time.
- thumb|180px Sheik es el nombre del álter ego de la princesa Zelda.
- Zelda's alter ego. She has not appeared in a "Legend of Zelda" game since "Ocarina of Time", but has since appeared in "Super Smash Bros. Melee" and Brawl.
- Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was commonly known by the moniker "the Blind Sheik." (Trinity)
- Sheik (シーク, Shīku) is the ninja-like alter ego of Zelda in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, aiding Link as he adventures through Hyrule to awaken the seven sages. She is playable character in Super Smash Flash and Super Smash Flash 2.
- thumb|left Sheik est un personnage de la série de jeu vidéo The Legend of Zelda. Il apparait dans The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. C'est un membre de la tribu Sheikah.
- Sheik (シーク Shīku) est un personnage d'Ocarina of Time. Il apparaît également dans la série Super Smash Bros, ainsi que dans Hyrule Warriors.
- Sheik (シーク, Shīku ?, Archivo:Hylian S.gifArchivo:Hylian H.gifArchivo:Hylian E.gifArchivo:Hylian I.gifArchivo:Hylian_K.gif en Hylian) es un personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, aunque a pesar de que sólo ha aparecido una vez en la saga, es uno de los personajes más populares. En realidad se trata del álter ego de la Princesa Zelda, estando ésta disfrazada de uno de los miembros del clan de los Sheikah, una misteriosa raza de guerreros cuidadores de la Familia Real de Hyrule. Este extraño personaje suele aparecer en momentos cruciales del juego y es responsable de muchas acciones imprescindibles para que Link continúe su aventura.
- Sheik is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, who is an alter ego of Zelda. In the game, Zelda passes herself off as a Sheikah known as "Sheik" to hide from Ganondorf. With voice muffled and face concealed, as well as wearing a form-fitting blue suit with the red Sheikah eye in the center, the character is essentially unrecognizable as Zelda.
- Sheik is a character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Sheik transforms from Zelda by using her down special move Transform, and can also transform back into Sheik. The design changes for her Brawl form are rather minimal compared to other characters, the notable changes is that she carries a knife on her back, and a braid similar to Zelda's new design. The playability of Sheik had earlier been hinted by Eiji Aonuma, the director of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, who stated that he sent Twilight Princess-style designs of Sheik and Ganondorf to Sakurai.
- Sheik is a character in Ocarina of Time, and is an alter ego of Zelda. In the game, Zelda passes herself off as a young Sheikah male known as Sheik. With voice muffled and face concealed, as well as wearing a form-fitting blue suit with the red Sheikah eye in the center, the character is essentially unrecognizable as Zelda. Sheik appears in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, in which Zelda can change into Sheik as one of her abilities. According to "Smash DOJO", Sheik's new design in Brawl is based on a model created for consideration in Twilight Princess.
- Categoria:PersonaggiSheik è l'alter ego della Principessa Zelda. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Zelda ricorre a questo espediente per sfuggire a Ganondorf. Link stesso non è in grado di riconoscerla in questo stato. Fingendosi un membro della tribù degli Sheika, con il volto coperto e la voce cammuffata, Zelda si presenta a Link appena egli giunge nel futuro tramite il Santuario del Tempo. Suonando l'arpa gli insegna delle melodie magiche che lo aiuteranno a teletrasportarsi da un luogo all'altro, poi sparisce sempre nel nulla senza lasciare tracce.