| - Nathaneiqua Adarak was born on the planet Arkania and served as a Republic general after the Great Sovereign Crusades. Nathaneiqua was an Arkanian outcast, an Arkanian whose genetic makeup was completely unique to any other Arkanian. In Arkanian culture, these offshoots were considered unwanted and inferior, and were the source of most Arkanian prejudice. Nathan(which is what he is called by most) was forced to grow a tough skin if he was to survive on Arkania. Nathan grew up fending for himself, and he developed a great desire to leave his homeworld. Which is why he joined the Galactic Republic. He wanted to get away from the prejudice that plagued him on Arkania. He joined the Republic at the earliest possible age, eighteen, and left his homeworld without a second thought. He served within the Republic's military for many years, touring the galaxy, fighting evil, restoring peace, making it a better place. The idealized duties of a Republic soldier. In reality, he lived in the cramped barracks of the military cannon fodder. Most of the time he ran through drill after mindless drill, until he could perform them in his sleep, and the few times when he saw actual combat, it was nothing like he imagined. The recruiters seemed to conveniently leave out what happens when you step on a hidden mine, or what it's like to see men all around you fall to the ground, dead in midair. Nonetheless, it was better than what he would have received had he stayed on Arkania. And he would admit that all his service did wonders for him. Throughout the years, Nathan grew and developed into a strong, proud man. He became a proud soldier, climbing the ranks to the top through numerous heroic deeds, and outstanding victories. He was measured on his merit and statistics, and he had been marked for outstanding service.