| - "Keeper" (守(しゅ)護(ご)者(しゃ) Shugosha) is a series of three monsters. They consist of the Level 5 Synchro Monster "Armades, Keeper of Boundaries" and the Rank 5 Xyz Monsters "Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon" and "Tiras, Keeper of Genesis".
- Keepers are the Defending Enemies in Shadows of Evil, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, and Revelations.
- Keeper may refer to:
* The Keeper, the Talosian magistrate
* Caretaker (Shore Leave Planet), the Amusement planet Keeper See also:
* Housekeeper, a person who cleans a home
* Record keeper, a person who maintains records
* Zookeeper, a person who maintains a zoo
- Keeper is the codename of the Imperial Intelligence overseer of the Operations Division. He has to approve of every action that is taken by Imperial Intelligence, such as assassinations or espionage. If he fails at his job in the eyes of his superiors, he will quickly be dealt with. The current Keeper has been at this post for almost a decade. Little information is known about the Keeper's life pre-intelligence, although Republic counterintelligence says that he was in the Imperial Navy.
- A Keeper is a creature genetically modified by the Shadows to be used by the Drakh to control individuals from other races.
- The Keepers have four pairs of limbs, with the two pairs of hindlimbs having three segments and the two pairs of forelimbs having only two segments. The forelimbs serve as arms and have appendages at each end that seem to be like hands. They stand on their two pairs of hind limbs. They also have a component attached to their back with an antenna sticking out. It is unknown what the use of this component is.
- Keepers were evolved from the Overlords of the Zerg Swarm to help Zzantith Exert control over his Brood.
- Keeper is an alien who entrusted the Energems to the dinosaurs over 65 million years ago and is a mentor of the Dino Charge Rangers. He is in conflict with the bounty hunter Sledge, who seeks the Energems for his own sinister purposes.
- Centauran whose purpose in life is to collect, save, and share memories of those who have died.
- Keeper is one of Bon's subordinates.
- A Keeper is the central focus of a telepathic circle, they are the one who receives the amplified energon flows produced by each member of the circle and braid them into a single flow to be tuned and amplified by their matrix. The Keeper is considered the "head" of the circle and controls what the amplified ernergons are used for. The ability to channel these powerfull energies is a genetic manipulation that is similar to the Hastur gift, for this reason those with that donas made excellent and powerful Keepers.
- Keeper is a crab that is big enough to keep, usually around 5 inches.
- File:Kid eternity pal keeper.gif Write the text of your article here!
- The keepers are believed to have been created by the Protheans to serve as caretakers of the station, and have become essential to the Citadel's operation. Very little is known about them, as they do not communicate with other species, and it is against C-Sec regulations to interfere with keeper activity. __TOC__
- A keeper is a Terris man or woman who uses Feruchemy in the Final Empire and is keeping memories safe for when the Lord Ruler falls. They are scarce and are ruled by the Synod, a group of Keeper elders. The Synod teaches the keepers to wait for the fall of the Lord Ruler, as opposed to actively work to bring it about, as Sazed did with Kelsier's crew.
- Keeper is the leader of a Dalish clan as well as one of the specializations available to the mage class in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
- Keeper is a natural born security guard who has never aspired to be anything different. He is used to standing guard and being alone for very long periods of time. So much so that his social skills are severely lacking. Once he was a Walking-Tank back on Cybertron, he recently underwent an experimental rebuild to take on a 'Monsterbot' altmode, becoming a fearsome horned Guardian Dog. In this monsterous mode, Keeper is capable of breathing extremely hot flames that can melt down a car to a puddle of liquid metal. His large claws can tunnel through mountains and, combined with his horns and massive jaws, can tear up and devour just about anything. Unless needed in a fight, Keeper tends to remain in his relatively less intimidating robot mode.
- The Keepers are creatures that appear in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. They can only be encountered in the Soul Cairn during the quest "Beyond Death."
- The Keeper is a character in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
- The Keeper is the main protagonist, or villain, of the Dungeon Keeper (series). The Keeper is an anonymous entity in which players of the Dungeon Keeper game will take control of in their quest to rule the underworld. He is only seen as an evil-looking hand and possesses the ability to cast a myriad of spells. File:Anim918.gif This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- They will usually appear on their own or in twos, they have high HP and can cause alot of damage.It is best to try and focus on using special skills to finish this battle before they deal too much damage
- "Keeper" is the fourth episode of Season Twelve of Criminal Minds.
- Keeper is a position in the Wizarding sport of Quidditch. There is one Keeper per team, and it is their job to guard the three goal posts attempting to stop the other team's Chasers from scoring. The keeper also wears the most protection than any other position, which includes a helmet, shoulder/chest pads and knee pads. This effectively makes them heavier than most of their other team-mates.
- Seeker/Keeper was an entity that was originally a Makuta and later turned into a one-of-a-kind species whose job was to protect the Amulet of Iuo Nui.
- Die Keeper sind eine insektoide Spezies auf der Citadel und kümmern sich um die Station.
- The Keeper is a tremendously ancient Transformer, tasked with guarding the sleeping Primus for all eternity. How he does this with no apparent weaponry or altmode is a mystery. He tells a damn good story, though.
- Als Keeper werden die Pfleger in der Elefantenaufzuchtstation von Daphne Sheldrick - dem Elefantenwaisenhaus bezeichnet. Sie betreuen die Tiere rund um die Uhr. Wenn es die Keeper nicht gäbe, wären viele Elefantenwaisen gestorben, denn sie sind wie der Mutterersatz für die Kälber. Die Keeper schlafen mit den Elefantenwaisen im Stroh, geben ihnen die Spezialmilch, die die Elefanten mehrmals am Tag benötigen und sind immer für die Waisen da. Auch nach der Aufzucht und der Auswilderung kommen viele "Ehemalige" einige Male zu den Keepern zurück, weil sie Verletzungen haben oder weil sie einfach nur Hallo sagen wollen.
- The Keeper is a supervillain that Ares plans on killing after copying Seraphim's 'alter' power and becoming all powerful.
- {| border="1" align="right" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" style="border:1px solid #7a7a7a; float:right; width:275px; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px; border-collapse:collapse; background:;" class="mobile-ibox" |- !height="32" colspan="2" align="center"| Keeper |- | colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" | File:Keeper.jpg |- !colspan="2"|Ship Information |- |height="32" width="25%" valign="top"| Classification |valign="top"| Capital Ship |- |height="32" width="25%" valign="top"| Purpose |valign="top"| |- |height="32" width="25%" valign="top"| Ship Type |valign="top"| Destroyer |- |- |-
- No matter how much SG1 members tried to change those events, the events kept repeating, so they finally refused to try again (which attempt would only make them suffer the pain of loss again). The Keeper tried to implore them to explore other options but they revealed to the spectators that their planet had regenerated itself. Therefore, the Keeper tricked SG-1 into thinking that they've arrived back at Stargate Command and posed as Major General George S. Hammond to order them back into the VR chairs. However, SG-1 escaped and tried to head back through the Stargate to show the spectators their world from SG1's memories. A struggle and chase ensued and General Hammond was revealed as the Keeper. The Keeper then accidentally lead SG1 through the VR exit portal while trying to run away. The
- The Keeper of the Warehouse is the single person chosen in each generation to protect the Warehouse's most closely guarded secrets. The Keeper serves as a living memory for the most vital parts of the Warehouse's history, not only as a fail safe should the Warehouse fall under enemy control or become inaccessible, but also as a "backup" for files and information that have been permanently expunged from all other Warehouse records. For example, when Mrs. Frederic was searching for the reason Paracelsus was bronzed by Warehouse 9, she could find no information in any of the Warehouse records. However, the Keeper of Warehouse 13, Abigail Cho, was able to divulge that Paracelsus had been the Caretaker of Warehouse 9, and that his bronzing was not only a move to contain his dangerous artifact u
- Keeper är en android (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two") som utformade en interaktiv holografisk värld som ett sätt att övervintra i virtuell verklighet pod för människorna av P7J-989. Han ville inte släppa sitt folk när planeten blev beboelig igen, men eftersom han fruktade att de skulle förstöra det igen. Han försökte använda SG-1 för att ge nya upplevelser för människorna i stolarna. Men Teal'cs Jaffa fysiologi och Kapten Samantha Carters modifierade hjärnan från sina erfarenheter som Jolinar av Malkshurs värd gjorde det omöjligt att dra ut någon av sina minnen, så han placerade Teal'c i Överste Jack O'Neills minne av ett försök att gripa tag i en rysk spion i Östtyskland under 1982, där uppdraget misslyckades och Carter i Dr Daniel Jacksons minne av när hans f
- The Keepers are a group of thinkers that are mentioned in Might and Magic: The Dreamwright. They lived in The Wheel, and provided advice to the kings and other leading figures. When the land began to be plagued by natural disasters, the keepers suggested that the Turning Folk had fallen out of step with the Wheel itself, and thus assured its destruction. They provided yards of scrolls that were almost black with their calculations to demonstrate this. To prevent disaster, they proposed that the people of the Wheel should immediately advance a quarter-turn in their ceaseless, eternal migration around the Wheel.