| - [[Bestand:Flag of Jihad.svg|thumb|300px|Omstreden vlag van de Jihad]] Jihad (Arabisch: جهاد, djihād) is een begrip uit de islam. Het komt van de Arabische woordstam jhd, dat 'streven' betekent. Jihad betekent letterlijk 'inspanning gericht op het realiseren van een bepaald doel'. Er wordt een onderscheid gemaakt in een innerlijke en een uiterlijke jihad. Er worden zowel in islamitische als niet-islamitische kringen verhitte discussies gevoerd over de precieze betekenis van het begrip.
- Jihad is a technology in Age of Empires. It is researched at the Temple, and increases the abilities of Villagers in combat and movement speed, but at the price of reducing their gathering abilities by 50%.
- Jihad es el quinto escenario de la campaña de Saladino de Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings. Se basa libremente en la conquista de las ciudades cruzadas restantes antes de la Tercera cruzada de Saladino
- Jihad is Arabic for "we are pussy Islamofascists who hate everybody and we're too afraid to speak American and just call our reverse crusade against the rest of mankind a 'war' instead of a 'jihad'". Let's nuke the bastards. Global Jihad is Bin Laden's version of "let's fight them there so that we won't have to fight them here" and uses the Internet to infect Americanized Muslim and turn them against America.
- Jihad English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد ǧihād [dʒiˈhæːd], meaning "struggle" is an obligatory duty of Muslims. A person who does this struggle is called a Mujahid which is a singular of Mujahideen. Different Muslims disagree on the definition of it but they agree on the meaning.
- Jihad, or Onslaught, is a team of super-powered terrorists that call their home in the nation of Qurac.
- Jihad is a supervillain that at some time launched an attack on New York City. He is one the reasons that the DFA exists.
- Un jihad est un terme terrien utilisé pour décrire une "guerre sainte". En 2269, Tchar utilisa ce terme pour décrire les ramifications de ce qui se produirait si son peuple découvrait le vol de l'Esprit d'Alar. (TAS: "The Jihad")
- An extreme racist and religious fanatic. Believes that organics are reincarnated Cybertronians who are being punished for deeds in their past lives. His fervor is deemed psychotic by some of his fellow Decepticons. Loves to watch things burn. Is capable of dispensing verious flammable liquids from his hands. Superior maneuverability due to Cybertronian vehicle mode. Usually bold, but will falter under seemingly supernatural events.
- (That having been said, please avoid placing likenesses of his peacefulness into this article, until Wikia can afford a full time crew of snipers to guard the main facilities in San Fransisco. We appreciate your cooperation with this sensitive issue. -- The Management.) Jihad is the Islamic concept of a holy war or the Muslim equivalent of a Crusade. There is the greater Jihad and the lesser Jihad. The non-Fundamentalist Muslims do not follow the lesser Jihad in extreme ways and believe in doing good.
- Jihad (pronounced /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد [dʒiˈhæːd]), an Islamic term, is a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "struggle." Jihad appears frequently in the Qur'an and common usage as the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of Allah (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)". A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural is mujahideen. A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status. In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.
- Jihad's origins are unknown. Jihad conquered an unnamed city, the premier metropolis of its world, taking over the former palace of its caliph and enslaving its people, breaking their spirits. Jihad sought to obtain four magical items—the All-Seeing Eye, Crystal Casque, Gauntlet of Forever, and Mallet of Destiny—which he could use in a spell to grant himself great magical power so that he could conquer all of reality. He enlisted/coerced countless heroes over an undetermined span of time to obtain these items, but each met with failure.
- Jihad is struggle for justice against oppression, a fight against evil by the masses, even by rebellion or armed resistance. The Harkonnen and the Emperor's Sardaukar are seen as oppressors, and the Fremen (especially the Fedaykin), use armed resistance against them. This is labeled by Frank Herbert as Jihad, and is very close to the real meaning of the concept. It should be remembered also that in Dune, Jihad is not solely associated with Islam, or religion as a whole. As in the case of the Butlerian Jihad the use of the term Jihad was used to describe the plight of humanity as a whole.