| - Perkins Observatory, in Delaware, Ohio, USA. Is an Observatory used to study astonomy and space. It was built in 1923, using money left by mathmatician, Hiram Perkins. Aftwerwards, the Observatory became managed by the Ohio State University. The Observatory became famous among astronomer's who travelled around the world to use the telescope. Philip Keenan worked at the Observatory, during his time there, Keenan developed the MK System of Stellar Classification (The classification used to classify stars). The MK System is the most common form of Stellar Classification used today.
| - Perkins Observatory, in Delaware, Ohio, USA. Is an Observatory used to study astonomy and space. It was built in 1923, using money left by mathmatician, Hiram Perkins. Aftwerwards, the Observatory became managed by the Ohio State University. The Observatory became famous among astronomer's who travelled around the world to use the telescope. Philip Keenan worked at the Observatory, during his time there, Keenan developed the MK System of Stellar Classification (The classification used to classify stars). The MK System is the most common form of Stellar Classification used today. In 1963 the university added a Radio Telescope onto the observatory (A Telescope that could detect radio signals). During its time in operation the Perkins Observatory radio telescope (Sometimes called the 'big ear'). Detected a Signal that matched the signature of the signal that the radio antenna was using, this was seen as proof of life in space and came to be known as the Wow Signal, after on of the scientests wrote 'Wow!' on the paper. The Observatory then ran into some tough times however, Light Pollution and cloudy weather proved problamatic. This meant that the university stopped looking after the Observatory and the telescope was sold to Lowell Observatory in Nebraska, in the nineteen nineties, the Big ear broke. However, Recently the observatory was bought by Astronomer, Tom Burns, Burns re-activated the observatory and expanded it, and also bought it a new telescope. The Observatory is still active today and demostations are shown every friday and saturday night. Perkins Observatory is also believed to be haunted